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Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
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To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Jan Jansen Damen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Jan Jansen Damen. (GG: 91.) Desc: Land lying on both sides of the public road on the Island of Manhattan. North of the Fort. The piece that lies bet. the river and the afsd. road extending 75 r. N. E., and on the northern side till to the beach, 61 r.; on the S. side, till to the beach, 38 r. in a regular line 68 r,; by the beach there is a projecting point; on the N. [read E.] side it extends along the public road 5or.; on the S.side next to the Company's land, E. a little E'ly, 72 r., 9 ft., 5 ins. : to the land of Tymen Jansen, 52 r. and 2/3 r. next to the said land of Tymen Jansen, till by the beach E-by- S. and E. S. E., 37 r., 3 ft.; along by the afsd. land to the lot of Maryn, 17 r., 8 ft. and extends further from the N. end on the E. side of Maryn's land next to the road, running betwixt the land of Secretary Cornells van Tien- hoven and the said land of Jan Damen, throughout till to the starting point at the Common Highway
Document Source(s)
GG: 91
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Apl. 25 Gr-br. to Jan Jansen Damen. (GG: 91.) Desc:
Land lying on both sides of the public road on the Island
of Manhattan. North of the Fort. The piece that lies
bet. the river and the afsd. road extending 75 r. N. E.,
and on the northern side till to the beach, 61 r.; on the
S. side, till to the beach, 38 r. in a regular line 68 r,;
by the beach there is a projecting point; on the N. [read
E.] side it extends along the public road 5or.; on the S.side
next to the Company's land, E. a little E'ly, 72 r., 9 ft.,
5 ins. : to the land of Tymen Jansen, 52 r. and 2/3 r. next
to the said land of Tymen Jansen, till by the beach E-by-
S. and E. S. E., 37 r., 3 ft.; along by the afsd. land to the
lot of Maryn, 17 r., 8 ft. and extends further from the N.
end on the E. side of Maryn's land next to the road,
running betwixt the land of Secretary Cornells van Tien-
hoven and the said land of Jan Damen, throughout till
to the starting point at the Common Highway.
Apl. 13 Certificate of Survey. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 22.)
Surveyed and measured a piece of land on Island Man-
hattans extending from late Jan Damen's land on East
river. By order and command of Abm. I. Planck and
also in his presence measured for Jacob Plodder also pres-
ent; it is long along the wall of City New Amsterdam
22 r. and 4 ft.; thence along the Sheep Pasture (Schape-
weytge) S. W. in br. 19 r., 8K ft.; further along G.
Loockermans's land 24 r., ^^ r. further to first place of
departure, along the fence of D. Lytscho in br. 7 r., 6 ft.;
this 13th of April, 1654. (Signed) Claes Van Elslandt.
Secretary Kip is requested from this bill of survey to
make out a deed for Sander Leendertsen with stipulation
in said deed that heirs of A. Caveye (jiV) wid. of J.
Damen have sold and delivered said land and received
pay therefor from Sander Leendertsen, 1654.
Jan. 22 Deed. Cornells Van Tienhoven, Abram Verplanck,
Jan Vinjc, heirs of Ariaentie Cuvilje, wid. of Jan Damen
to Sander Leendertsen, agent of Jacob Flodder. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 47.) Desc: Lot along the City's
walls, about the Sheep Pasture in rear of G. Loocker-
mans and next adjoining lots; br. from lot of D. Litschal
(Litschoe), W'ward up along City Wall, 22 r., 4 ft.,
further from hook S. W. to the line, 19 r., Syi ft. and
thence along the land of G. Loockermans, 24 J^ r.; thence
to corner (hook) of D. Litchal long 7 r., 8 ft.; recites
gr-br. of Jan Damen.
June 24 Deed. Sander Leendersen agent of Jacob Flodder to
Jacob Jansen Moesman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 48.)
Desc: Lot W. of City Wall abutting on E. to the st.
and wall, and on S. side Pieter Van Veen; br. in front on
St. or E. side, 30 ft.; rear, 30 ft.; long on N. side, 15 r.,
6 ft.; S. side, near P. Prins, 14 r., 3 ft.; also hook or neck
at most N. side of said lot, br. in rear or W. side, 3 r..
I ft.; in front on E. side, 13 ft. more and runs generally June 24
along the passage-way of Jacob Varrevanger's lot; being
his, the appearer's, outermost bounds. Recites deed
heirs of A. Cuvilje to Leendersen, June 22 inst.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Jans Moosman Apl. II
(Moesman). (Pats. Alb., II: 4.) Recites transport
Saunders Leenders to above Moesman, "he being em-
powered so to do" as atty. for Jacob Flodder, dated June
24, 1656. Desc: W. of the States Wall, abutting to
the E. on the St.; on the S. to ground heretofore belonging
to Pieter Cornelissen van der Veen. Cont'g in br. before
to the St. on the E. side, 30 ft. and behind the like; in
length on N. side, 15 r., 6 ft. and on the S. next to Pieter
Prins, 14 r., 3 ft. Together with a slip of land lying on
the N. side of said lot, being in br. behind on the W.
side 3 r. and 4 ft.; and before on the E. side, 13 ft. from
whence it's to strike along the passage by Mr. Jacob
Varrevanger's to the utmost end of the fence belonging
to Jacob Flodder.
Deed. Sander Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder, June 24
to Pieter Cornells Van Veen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 49.) W. of City Wall, abutting on N. side lot of
J. Moesman and on S. side lot of G. Loockermans. Br.
in front on St. or E. side, together, 60 ft. Rear on W.
side, like br.; long on N. side, 14 r. and 3 ft.; together
with the lot next adjoining to said Govert Loockermans,
br. both in front and rear 30 ft. and long on N. side,
12 r., less I ft. and on S. side by Lambert Huyberts Mol,
lot., 6ft. Recites auction and also deed Cuvilje to
Plodder, June 22, inst.
Deed. Pieter Cornelissen Van der Veen to Reindert July 23
Jansen Hoorn. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 224.) Lot
W. of Cingel, bounded N. by lot of Jacob Jansen Moes-
man; W. by lot of G. Loockermans; S, by lot of Van der
Veen; E. by Cingel; according to auction sale Mch. 29,
1659; br. in front, 28 ft., in rear, 30 ft.; long on both sides,
according to deed dated June 22, 1656, in possession of
P. C. Veen, W. side, 14 r.
Deed. Reindert Jansen Hoorn to Arien Dircksen. (Lib. July 23
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 22;.) Desc: s. a. preceding deed.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Ariaen Diricks. (Pats. May 18
Alb., II: 31.) Recites transport Reindert Jans Hoorne,
July 23, 1660, unto above Diricks. Desc: s. a. preceding
Deed. Pieter Cornelissen Van der Veen to Abraham Oct. 6
delaNoy. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 196.) Desc: Lot
S. of the Cingel; bounded E. by lots of G. Loockermans,
12 r., 4 ins.; S. by lot of G. Loockermans, 29 ft.; W. by
ho. and lot of A. Dircksen, 13 r., 3 ft., 3 ins. N. by the
Cingel, 28 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou. Recites deed
June 24, 1656.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Abraham de la Noy. Nov. 27
(Pats. Alb., II: 136.) Desc: Recites transport, Pieter
Cornelys Van der Vin to above de la Noy, Oct. 6, i66o.
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Pieter Cornelissen van der Vin to Govert
Loockermans. Not found of record, but recited in conf.
set forth below.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Govert Loockermans. Apl. J
(Pats. Alb., IV: 41.) Recites transport made by Pieter
Cornelissen vander Vin unto Govert Loockermans, on
the . . . day of ... for : Desc: A Lot bet.
the ground of Frederick Gisberts and Jacob Jansen Moes-
man; cont'g in length towards the Trench on the W. side,
156 ft.; on the E., 142 ft.; in br. on the N. side, 31 ft.,
6 ins.; and on the S. side the like.
June 24 Deed. Sanders Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder
to Lambert Huybertsen Mol. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 50.) Desc: 2 Lots W. of City Wall, abutting on
N. side the lot of G. Loockermans or P. Prins; S.,
R. Rycken; is br. in front on St. or E. side, 60 ft.; rear
on W. side, like 60; long, N. side, 10 r., 6 ft.; S., 8 r.,
I ft. Recites according to sale at auction; deed Cuvilje
to Flodder, June 22, inst.
Apl. 29 Deed. Lambert Huybersen Mol to Jacob Jansen
Moesman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 260.) Desc:
Lot W. of Cingel; bounded S. by T. Tempelier, 9 r.,
3 ft.; W., lot of G. Loockermans, 30 ft.; N. lot of Wid.
of A. de la Noy, 10 r., 6 ft.; E. Cingel, 30 ft. Recites
bill of sale. May 8, 1658; deed, June 24, 1656.
Apl. 4 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Jans Moesman.
(Pats. Alb., IV: 39.) Recites transport by Lambert
Huybert Mol to above Moesman, Apl. 29, 1662. Desc:
s. a. preceding instrument.
Apl. 29 Deed. Lambert Huybertsen Mol to Teunis Tempelier.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 259.) Desc: Lot W. of
Cingel, bounded S. by lot of R. Rycken, 8 r., i ft.; W.
by lot of G. Loockermans, 30 ft.; N. by lot of Jacob
Jansen Moesman, 9 r., 3 ft.; E. by Cingel, 30 ft. Recites
deed June 24, 1656.
May 31 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Teunis Templier. (Pats.
Alb., II: 39.) Recites transport by Lambert Huyberts
to above, dated Apl. 29, 1662. Desc: s.a. preceding
June 24 Deed. Sander Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder,
to Rynier Rycken. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 51.)
Desc: Lot W. of City Wall, abutting on N. side lands
of L. Huyberts Mol, on S. side by lot of Litschoe; br. in
front on st. or E. side, 30 ft.; rear on W. side, 30 ft.;
long, N. side, 8 r., i ft.; S. side, 7 r., less 5 ins.,
according to sale at auction. Recites Cuvilje to Flodder,
June 22 inst.
Sep. 16 Deed. Reynier Rycken to Pieter Jacobsen Buys.
Not found of record but recited in deed set forth below.
Apl. 22 Deed. Symon Jansen Romeyn, atty. for Creditors of
Pieter Jacobsen Buys, deed, to Tomas Lambersen.
(Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 33.) Desc: Lot W. of City
Wall or Cingel; bounded N. by lot of T. Tempelier;
S. by lot of wid. of D. Litscho; br. in front on E. side
and rear on W. side, 30 ft.; long on N. side, 8 r., i ft.;
S. side, 7 r., less J ins. Recites deed Sep. 16, 1658.
Feb. 14 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Thomas Lamberts. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 7.) Desc: On the western part of the walls
of this city near the Strand Gate; on the N. side abutting
on land lately of Teunis Templier; on the S. side to
that which belongs to the wid. Anna Litscho, having
in br. on the E. and W. sides, 35 ft.; in length on the N.
side, S}/2 r. and on S. side, 7 r., wanting 5 ins. Recites
transport by Symon Jansen Romeyn as atty. for Pieter
Jacob Buys, heretofore proprietor, dated the 22d Apl.,
1664, to Lambert.
June 24 Deed. Sander Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder,
to Daniel Litchoe. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 52.)
Desc: 2 lots on W. side City Wall, abutting on N. side,
Rynier Rycken's lot; S. side lot of Daniel Litschoe; br.
in front on St. or E. side, 60 ft.; rear on W. side, 60 ft.;
long, N. side, 7 r., less 5 ins.; S. side, 4 r., 4^^ ft. Accord-
ing to sale at auction and deed by heirs of Cuvilje to
Flodder, June 22 inst.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Anne Litscho. (Pats, Alb., May 4
III: 16.) Recites transport Abm. Verplanck to Daniel
Litscho, Apl. 26, 1652; before that time in the possession
of Adam Roelantsen; near the water-port; and whereas
Sander Leenderts, as atty. of J. J. Flodder did, June 24,
1656, also transport to Litscho two adjoining lots, etc
Apl. 25 Gr-br. to Jan Jansen Damen. (GG: 91.) Desc:
Land lying on both sides of the public road on the Island
of Manhattan. North of the Fort. The piece that lies
bet. the river and the afsd. road extending 75 r. N. E.,
and on the northern side till to the beach, 61 r.; on the
S. side, till to the beach, 38 r. in a regular line 68 r,;
by the beach there is a projecting point; on the N. [read
E.] side it extends along the public road 5or.; on the S.side
next to the Company's land, E. a little E'ly, 72 r., 9 ft.,
5 ins. : to the land of Tymen Jansen, 52 r. and 2/3 r. next
to the said land of Tymen Jansen, till by the beach E-by-
S. and E. S. E., 37 r., 3 ft.; along by the afsd. land to the
lot of Maryn, 17 r., 8 ft. and extends further from the N.
end on the E. side of Maryn's land next to the road,
running betwixt the land of Secretary Cornells van Tien-
hoven and the said land of Jan Damen, throughout till
to the starting point at the Common Highway.
Apl. 13 Certificate of Survey. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 22.)
Surveyed and measured a piece of land on Island Man-
hattans extending from late Jan Damen's land on East
river. By order and command of Abm. I. Planck and
also in his presence measured for Jacob Plodder also pres-
ent; it is long along the wall of City New Amsterdam
22 r. and 4 ft.; thence along the Sheep Pasture (Schape-
weytge) S. W. in br. 19 r., 8K ft.; further along G.
Loockermans's land 24 r., ^^ r. further to first place of
departure, along the fence of D. Lytscho in br. 7 r., 6 ft.;
this 13th of April, 1654. (Signed) Claes Van Elslandt.
Secretary Kip is requested from this bill of survey to
make out a deed for Sander Leendertsen with stipulation
in said deed that heirs of A. Caveye (jiV) wid. of J.
Damen have sold and delivered said land and received
pay therefor from Sander Leendertsen, 1654.
Jan. 22 Deed. Cornells Van Tienhoven, Abram Verplanck,
Jan Vinjc, heirs of Ariaentie Cuvilje, wid. of Jan Damen
to Sander Leendertsen, agent of Jacob Flodder. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 47.) Desc: Lot along the City's
walls, about the Sheep Pasture in rear of G. Loocker-
mans and next adjoining lots; br. from lot of D. Litschal
(Litschoe), W'ward up along City Wall, 22 r., 4 ft.,
further from hook S. W. to the line, 19 r., Syi ft. and
thence along the land of G. Loockermans, 24 J^ r.; thence
to corner (hook) of D. Litchal long 7 r., 8 ft.; recites
gr-br. of Jan Damen.
June 24 Deed. Sander Leendersen agent of Jacob Flodder to
Jacob Jansen Moesman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 48.)
Desc: Lot W. of City Wall abutting on E. to the st.
and wall, and on S. side Pieter Van Veen; br. in front on
St. or E. side, 30 ft.; rear, 30 ft.; long on N. side, 15 r.,
6 ft.; S. side, near P. Prins, 14 r., 3 ft.; also hook or neck
at most N. side of said lot, br. in rear or W. side, 3 r..
I ft.; in front on E. side, 13 ft. more and runs generally June 24
along the passage-way of Jacob Varrevanger's lot; being
his, the appearer's, outermost bounds. Recites deed
heirs of A. Cuvilje to Leendersen, June 22 inst.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Jans Moosman Apl. II
(Moesman). (Pats. Alb., II: 4.) Recites transport
Saunders Leenders to above Moesman, "he being em-
powered so to do" as atty. for Jacob Flodder, dated June
24, 1656. Desc: W. of the States Wall, abutting to
the E. on the St.; on the S. to ground heretofore belonging
to Pieter Cornelissen van der Veen. Cont'g in br. before
to the St. on the E. side, 30 ft. and behind the like; in
length on N. side, 15 r., 6 ft. and on the S. next to Pieter
Prins, 14 r., 3 ft. Together with a slip of land lying on
the N. side of said lot, being in br. behind on the W.
side 3 r. and 4 ft.; and before on the E. side, 13 ft. from
whence it's to strike along the passage by Mr. Jacob
Varrevanger's to the utmost end of the fence belonging
to Jacob Flodder.
Deed. Sander Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder, June 24
to Pieter Cornells Van Veen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 49.) W. of City Wall, abutting on N. side lot of
J. Moesman and on S. side lot of G. Loockermans. Br.
in front on St. or E. side, together, 60 ft. Rear on W.
side, like br.; long on N. side, 14 r. and 3 ft.; together
with the lot next adjoining to said Govert Loockermans,
br. both in front and rear 30 ft. and long on N. side,
12 r., less I ft. and on S. side by Lambert Huyberts Mol,
lot., 6ft. Recites auction and also deed Cuvilje to
Plodder, June 22, inst.
Deed. Pieter Cornelissen Van der Veen to Reindert July 23
Jansen Hoorn. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 224.) Lot
W. of Cingel, bounded N. by lot of Jacob Jansen Moes-
man; W. by lot of G. Loockermans; S, by lot of Van der
Veen; E. by Cingel; according to auction sale Mch. 29,
1659; br. in front, 28 ft., in rear, 30 ft.; long on both sides,
according to deed dated June 22, 1656, in possession of
P. C. Veen, W. side, 14 r.
Deed. Reindert Jansen Hoorn to Arien Dircksen. (Lib. July 23
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 22;.) Desc: s. a. preceding deed.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Ariaen Diricks. (Pats. May 18
Alb., II: 31.) Recites transport Reindert Jans Hoorne,
July 23, 1660, unto above Diricks. Desc: s. a. preceding
Deed. Pieter Cornelissen Van der Veen to Abraham Oct. 6
delaNoy. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 196.) Desc: Lot
S. of the Cingel; bounded E. by lots of G. Loockermans,
12 r., 4 ins.; S. by lot of G. Loockermans, 29 ft.; W. by
ho. and lot of A. Dircksen, 13 r., 3 ft., 3 ins. N. by the
Cingel, 28 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou. Recites deed
June 24, 1656.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Abraham de la Noy. Nov. 27
(Pats. Alb., II: 136.) Desc: Recites transport, Pieter
Cornelys Van der Vin to above de la Noy, Oct. 6, i66o.
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Pieter Cornelissen van der Vin to Govert
Loockermans. Not found of record, but recited in conf.
set forth below.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Govert Loockermans. Apl. J
(Pats. Alb., IV: 41.) Recites transport made by Pieter
Cornelissen vander Vin unto Govert Loockermans, on
the . . . day of ... for : Desc: A Lot bet.
the ground of Frederick Gisberts and Jacob Jansen Moes-
man; cont'g in length towards the Trench on the W. side,
156 ft.; on the E., 142 ft.; in br. on the N. side, 31 ft.,
6 ins.; and on the S. side the like.
June 24 Deed. Sanders Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder
to Lambert Huybertsen Mol. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 50.) Desc: 2 Lots W. of City Wall, abutting on
N. side the lot of G. Loockermans or P. Prins; S.,
R. Rycken; is br. in front on St. or E. side, 60 ft.; rear
on W. side, like 60; long, N. side, 10 r., 6 ft.; S., 8 r.,
I ft. Recites according to sale at auction; deed Cuvilje
to Flodder, June 22, inst.
Apl. 29 Deed. Lambert Huybersen Mol to Jacob Jansen
Moesman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 260.) Desc:
Lot W. of Cingel; bounded S. by T. Tempelier, 9 r.,
3 ft.; W., lot of G. Loockermans, 30 ft.; N. lot of Wid.
of A. de la Noy, 10 r., 6 ft.; E. Cingel, 30 ft. Recites
bill of sale. May 8, 1658; deed, June 24, 1656.
Apl. 4 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Jans Moesman.
(Pats. Alb., IV: 39.) Recites transport by Lambert
Huybert Mol to above Moesman, Apl. 29, 1662. Desc:
s. a. preceding instrument.
Apl. 29 Deed. Lambert Huybertsen Mol to Teunis Tempelier.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 259.) Desc: Lot W. of
Cingel, bounded S. by lot of R. Rycken, 8 r., i ft.; W.
by lot of G. Loockermans, 30 ft.; N. by lot of Jacob
Jansen Moesman, 9 r., 3 ft.; E. by Cingel, 30 ft. Recites
deed June 24, 1656.
May 31 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Teunis Templier. (Pats.
Alb., II: 39.) Recites transport by Lambert Huyberts
to above, dated Apl. 29, 1662. Desc: s.a. preceding
June 24 Deed. Sander Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder,
to Rynier Rycken. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 51.)
Desc: Lot W. of City Wall, abutting on N. side lands
of L. Huyberts Mol, on S. side by lot of Litschoe; br. in
front on st. or E. side, 30 ft.; rear on W. side, 30 ft.;
long, N. side, 8 r., i ft.; S. side, 7 r., less 5 ins.,
according to sale at auction. Recites Cuvilje to Flodder,
June 22 inst.
Sep. 16 Deed. Reynier Rycken to Pieter Jacobsen Buys.
Not found of record but recited in deed set forth below.
Apl. 22 Deed. Symon Jansen Romeyn, atty. for Creditors of
Pieter Jacobsen Buys, deed, to Tomas Lambersen.
(Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 33.) Desc: Lot W. of City
Wall or Cingel; bounded N. by lot of T. Tempelier;
S. by lot of wid. of D. Litscho; br. in front on E. side
and rear on W. side, 30 ft.; long on N. side, 8 r., i ft.;
S. side, 7 r., less J ins. Recites deed Sep. 16, 1658.
Feb. 14 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Thomas Lamberts. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 7.) Desc: On the western part of the walls
of this city near the Strand Gate; on the N. side abutting
on land lately of Teunis Templier; on the S. side to
that which belongs to the wid. Anna Litscho, having
in br. on the E. and W. sides, 35 ft.; in length on the N.
side, S}/2 r. and on S. side, 7 r., wanting 5 ins. Recites
transport by Symon Jansen Romeyn as atty. for Pieter
Jacob Buys, heretofore proprietor, dated the 22d Apl.,
1664, to Lambert.
June 24 Deed. Sander Leendersen, agent of Jacob Flodder,
to Daniel Litchoe. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 52.)
Desc: 2 lots on W. side City Wall, abutting on N. side,
Rynier Rycken's lot; S. side lot of Daniel Litschoe; br.
in front on St. or E. side, 60 ft.; rear on W. side, 60 ft.;
long, N. side, 7 r., less 5 ins.; S. side, 4 r., 4^^ ft. Accord-
ing to sale at auction and deed by heirs of Cuvilje to
Flodder, June 22 inst.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Anne Litscho. (Pats, Alb., May 4
III: 16.) Recites transport Abm. Verplanck to Daniel
Litscho, Apl. 26, 1652; before that time in the possession
of Adam Roelantsen; near the water-port; and whereas
Sander Leenderts, as atty. of J. J. Flodder did, June 24,
1656, also transport to Litscho two adjoining lots, etc