Lot: Paulo de Angola - 1645-07-14 (Original Grants and Farms)

Paulo de Angola - 1645-07-14
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Paulo de Angola
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
E. The Grant to Paulo de Angola WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Paulo Dangola. Groundbrief dated July 14, 1645. Not found of record.

Conveys a certain parcel of land on the east side of the Kolck of the Fresh Water.

Paulo de Angola and Clara Crioli, negroes, to Symon Joosten. Deed dated March 8, 1651. Not found of record.

Conveys same land.

Symon Joosten to Augustyn Hermans. Deed dated March 31, 1651. Not found of record.

Conveys same land.

The transaction before the Provincial Secretary (Records N. Nelh., Ill: 75 Albany), reciting this history is in Chronology, March 8, 1651.

No confirmation to Aug. Hermans found of record.

Dominick Lynch purchased the tract, probably from the heirs of Nicholas Bayard. It still belonged to that estate July 1, 1769, when the Bancker survey was made.

In the N. Y. Hist. Soc, there is a map of this land copied by Gerard Bancker, June 8, 1788.

Endorsed — "Copyed from Mr. Lynch's Map made by Mr. Goerck M<;Comb & Bancker."

The Map of the Sixth Ward made by Stephen Ludlam, Feb. 10, 1814, shows the outline perfectly.

.\ copy of this map is in the files of the Title Guarantee and Trust Co.

Lot Event Type