Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Balta-Lazar Stuyvesant
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Balta-Lazar Stuyvesant. (GG: 223.) Desc: A lot for a ho. and garden, lying in the City of New Amsterdam, W. of the great public road, bounded on the S. by Nicolas William Stuyvesant, extending in front on the public road from N. of the garden of the noble Com- pany; its br. is JjA Rhinish r., and on each side the length is 20 r.; in the rear on the North river the b. is jyi r.*
Document Source(s)
GG: 223
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
July 20 Gr-br. to Balta-Lazar Stuyvesant. (GG: 223.) Desc:
A lot for a ho. and garden, lying in the City of New
Amsterdam, W. of the great public road, bounded on the
S. by Nicolas William Stuyvesant, extending in front on
the public road from N. of the garden of the noble Com-
pany; its br. is JjA Rhinish r., and on each side the length
is 20 r.; in the rear on the North river the b. is jyi r.*
•This plot was re-granted by Director-General and Council to the
Burgomasters, May 9, 1656. Balthazar Stuyvesant was born 1647
and was therefore an infant of about two years at the date of
the grant.
Aug. 25 Deed. AUard Anthony, Burgomaster, to Oloff Steven-
sen Van Cortlandt. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 69.)
Recites P. Stuyvesant to Burgomasters, May 9, 1656.
Desc: Lot W. of Great Highway, bet. lots of Warner
Wessels on S. and P. C. Van der Veen on N.; E. in front,
3 r., 2 ft.; W., in rear, 3 r., 3 1/3 ft.; S. by Wessels, 21 r.,
I ft.; N. by Van der Veen, 2lj^ r.
Mch. 28 Deed. Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt to Pieter Cor-
nelissen Van der Veen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 85.)
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Aug. 25 Deed. AUard Anthony and Oloff Stevensen Van
Cortlandt, Burgomasters, to Pieter Cornelissen Van der
Veen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 67.) Desc: W. of the
Great Highway; N. by Company's Garden, 21 r., 8 ft.;
S. by lot of Oloff Stevensen, 2i>i r.; E. by Street, in front,
3 r., 2 ft.; W. in rear by North river, 3 r., 3'/s ft-
. '659
May I Deed. Pieter Cornelissen Van der Veen to Philip
Pietersen (Schuyler). (Lib. A, Deeds,_N. Y. Co.: 158.)
Desc: lot W. of Heere Straet; S. by lot'of J. J. De Jongh,
^2]/i r., I ft.; W. by Strand of North river, 6 r., 62/5 ft,;
N. by Garden of West India Company, 42^ r., 8 ft.; E.
by street afsd., 6 r., 4 ft.*
*In this instrument, as two lots were conveyed the length as well
as the breadth was doubled by mistake of the conveyancer, and
therefore "42M rods" should read "21 'i' rods."
Apl. 24 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Philip Pietersen Schuyler.
(Pats. Alb., II: 19.) Conf. s. a. above.
The Garden of The West India Company
The Company's Garden, which originally included the
two Stuyvesant grants (Lots 16 and 17), is first men-
tioned in a lease from Governor Kieft to Jan Jansen
Damen, April 19, 1638, set forth in history of Lot 18,
May 22 Patent. Governor Colve to William Van Vredenbergh
(Hist. MSS., XXIII: 433-24.) Desc: A cert, lot marked
No. I, situated within this City W. of Broadway in the
Garden of the West India Company, bet. the lots of
Gerrit Janse Roos and the garden of Stephanus van
Cortlandt; br. in front on the St., 2 r. ; also in the rear on
the W. side, 2 r., i ft., timber measure; long on each side
12 r., I in., like timber measure.
May 22 Patent. Governor Colve to Gerrit Janse Roos. (Hist.
MSS., XXIII: 433-23.) Desc: A cert, lot marked No. 2
situate within this City, W. of the Broadway, in the
Garden of the West India Company, bet. the lots of
William Van Vredenbergh and Peter Stoutenbergh, in
front on the St., 2 r., i timber ft., 7 ins.; also, in the rear,
on the W. side, 2 r., 3 ft., 7 ins., timber measure; long on
each side, t . . . r., i in., like measure.
Patent. Governor Colve to Peter Stoutenbergh. May 22
(Htst. MSS., XXIII: 433-22.) Desc: A cert, lot
marked No. 3 situate in this City, W. of the Broadway
in the Garden heretofore belonging to the West India
Company, bet. the lots of Gerrit Janse Roos and George
Cobbet; br. in front on the St., 2 r., 3 ft.; also in the rear,
at the W. side . . . three ... 8 ins., timber measure;
long on each side, 12 r., i in., like measure.
Patent. Governor Colve to George Cobbet. (Hist. May 22
;1/SS.,XXni: 433-25.) Desc: A cert. Irjt marked No. 4
in this City, W. of Broadway in the Garden of the West
India Company bet. the lot of Peter Stoutenbergh and
the Lutheran Congregation, br. in front on the St., 2 r.;
also in the rear, on the W. side, 2 r., i ft., timber measure;
long on both sides, 12 r., i in., like measure.
Patent. Governor Colve to the Lutheran Congrega- May 22
tion. (//w/. A/SS., XXIII: 433-26.) Desc: A cert, lot
marked No. 5 in this City, W. of the Broadway in the
Garden of the West India Company, bet, the lot of
George Cobbet and the Cingel or City Wall; br, in front,
on the st,, as well as on the W. side, 4 r., timber measure;
long on each side, 4 r., like
July 20 Gr-br. to Balta-Lazar Stuyvesant. (GG: 223.) Desc:
A lot for a ho. and garden, lying in the City of New
Amsterdam, W. of the great public road, bounded on the
S. by Nicolas William Stuyvesant, extending in front on
the public road from N. of the garden of the noble Com-
pany; its br. is JjA Rhinish r., and on each side the length
is 20 r.; in the rear on the North river the b. is jyi r.*
•This plot was re-granted by Director-General and Council to the
Burgomasters, May 9, 1656. Balthazar Stuyvesant was born 1647
and was therefore an infant of about two years at the date of
the grant.
Aug. 25 Deed. AUard Anthony, Burgomaster, to Oloff Steven-
sen Van Cortlandt. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 69.)
Recites P. Stuyvesant to Burgomasters, May 9, 1656.
Desc: Lot W. of Great Highway, bet. lots of Warner
Wessels on S. and P. C. Van der Veen on N.; E. in front,
3 r., 2 ft.; W., in rear, 3 r., 3 1/3 ft.; S. by Wessels, 21 r.,
I ft.; N. by Van der Veen, 2lj^ r.
Mch. 28 Deed. Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt to Pieter Cor-
nelissen Van der Veen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 85.)
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Aug. 25 Deed. AUard Anthony and Oloff Stevensen Van
Cortlandt, Burgomasters, to Pieter Cornelissen Van der
Veen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 67.) Desc: W. of the
Great Highway; N. by Company's Garden, 21 r., 8 ft.;
S. by lot of Oloff Stevensen, 2i>i r.; E. by Street, in front,
3 r., 2 ft.; W. in rear by North river, 3 r., 3'/s ft-
. '659
May I Deed. Pieter Cornelissen Van der Veen to Philip
Pietersen (Schuyler). (Lib. A, Deeds,_N. Y. Co.: 158.)
Desc: lot W. of Heere Straet; S. by lot'of J. J. De Jongh,
^2]/i r., I ft.; W. by Strand of North river, 6 r., 62/5 ft,;
N. by Garden of West India Company, 42^ r., 8 ft.; E.
by street afsd., 6 r., 4 ft.*
*In this instrument, as two lots were conveyed the length as well
as the breadth was doubled by mistake of the conveyancer, and
therefore "42M rods" should read "21 'i' rods."
Apl. 24 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Philip Pietersen Schuyler.
(Pats. Alb., II: 19.) Conf. s. a. above.
The Garden of The West India Company
The Company's Garden, which originally included the
two Stuyvesant grants (Lots 16 and 17), is first men-
tioned in a lease from Governor Kieft to Jan Jansen
Damen, April 19, 1638, set forth in history of Lot 18,
May 22 Patent. Governor Colve to William Van Vredenbergh
(Hist. MSS., XXIII: 433-24.) Desc: A cert, lot marked
No. I, situated within this City W. of Broadway in the
Garden of the West India Company, bet. the lots of
Gerrit Janse Roos and the garden of Stephanus van
Cortlandt; br. in front on the St., 2 r. ; also in the rear on
the W. side, 2 r., i ft., timber measure; long on each side
12 r., I in., like timber measure.
May 22 Patent. Governor Colve to Gerrit Janse Roos. (Hist.
MSS., XXIII: 433-23.) Desc: A cert, lot marked No. 2
situate within this City, W. of the Broadway, in the
Garden of the West India Company, bet. the lots of
William Van Vredenbergh and Peter Stoutenbergh, in
front on the St., 2 r., i timber ft., 7 ins.; also, in the rear,
on the W. side, 2 r., 3 ft., 7 ins., timber measure; long on
each side, t . . . r., i in., like measure.
Patent. Governor Colve to Peter Stoutenbergh. May 22
(Htst. MSS., XXIII: 433-22.) Desc: A cert, lot
marked No. 3 situate in this City, W. of the Broadway
in the Garden heretofore belonging to the West India
Company, bet. the lots of Gerrit Janse Roos and George
Cobbet; br. in front on the St., 2 r., 3 ft.; also in the rear,
at the W. side . . . three ... 8 ins., timber measure;
long on each side, 12 r., i in., like measure.
Patent. Governor Colve to George Cobbet. (Hist. May 22
;1/SS.,XXni: 433-25.) Desc: A cert. Irjt marked No. 4
in this City, W. of Broadway in the Garden of the West
India Company bet. the lot of Peter Stoutenbergh and
the Lutheran Congregation, br. in front on the St., 2 r.;
also in the rear, on the W. side, 2 r., i ft., timber measure;
long on both sides, 12 r., i in., like measure.
Patent. Governor Colve to the Lutheran Congrega- May 22
tion. (//w/. A/SS., XXIII: 433-26.) Desc: A cert, lot
marked No. 5 in this City, W. of the Broadway in the
Garden of the West India Company, bet, the lot of
George Cobbet and the Cingel or City Wall; br, in front,
on the st,, as well as on the W. side, 4 r., timber measure;
long on each side, 4 r., like