Lot: C6 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Date Start
Occupancy Date Notes
(Oct 15, 1653-Jan 21, 1656)
Related Ancestors:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Andries Hoppen, the ancestor of the well-known Hopper family of New York and New Jersey, bought this house between October 15, 1653, and January 21, 1656. — Liber HH: 58 (Albany); Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 25. He died in December, 1658, leaving a widow and five children. ['] — Min. of Orph. Court, I: 79, 138. On January 25, 1673, Geertie Hoppen and the trustees for her children conveyed their house to Siourt Olphertsen, a mason. — Original Book of N. Y. Deeds, 1673-1675, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1913, pp. 5-6. In the N. Y. Geneal. i^ Biog. Rec, XXXIX, XL, and XLI, Mr. Hopper Striker Mott has prepared an exhaustive list of the descendants of this settler. For a short sketch of the family and an explanation of Mrs. Hoppen's temporary ownership of Bronck's land, see Riker's Hist, of Harlem, 431, 432.