Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Rev. Samuel Drisius
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Rev. Samuel Drisius. (HH-2: 17.) Desc: A piece of land on the Island of Manhattan, on W. of the common Wagon Road, in the rear of the burying-ground; is in length on E., 12 r., 2 ft.; on W., 12 t., 3^2 ft.; in bt. on N. side, 6 r., 3X ft.; on S. side, 6 r.
Document Source(s)
HH-2: 17
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
July 2 Gr-br. to Rev. Samuel Drisius. (HH-2: 17.) Desc:
A piece of land on the Island of Manhattan, on W. of the
common Wagon Road, in the rear of the burying-ground;
is in length on E., 12 r., 2 ft.; on W., 12 t., 3^2 ft.; in bt.
on N. side, 6 r., 3X ft.; on S. side, 6 r.
May 15 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Do. Drisius. (Pats. Alb.
Ill: 37.) Desc: For lott W. side Broad waggon-way,
behind the Church-yard, cont'g in length on the E. side,
12 r., 2 ft.; on the W. side, 12 r., 3^2 ft.; in br. on S.side,
6 r. and on the N. side, 6 r., 3"^ ft. Recites gr-br. set
forth above
July 2 Gr-br. to Rev. Samuel Drisius. (HH-2: 17.) Desc:
A piece of land on the Island of Manhattan, on W. of the
common Wagon Road, in the rear of the burying-ground;
is in length on E., 12 r., 2 ft.; on W., 12 t., 3^2 ft.; in bt.
on N. side, 6 r., 3X ft.; on S. side, 6 r.
May 15 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Do. Drisius. (Pats. Alb.
Ill: 37.) Desc: For lott W. side Broad waggon-way,
behind the Church-yard, cont'g in length on the E. side,
12 r., 2 ft.; on the W. side, 12 r., 3^2 ft.; in br. on S.side,
6 r. and on the N. side, 6 r., 3"^ ft. Recites gr-br. set
forth above