Lot: L7 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Jacob Strycker, a tailor, was elected schepen in 1655, and filled this office until 1663, with the exception of the years 1659-61. — Rec. N. Am., I: 281; II: 59, 265, 325; IV: 28. In 1664, he was made orphan-master. — Register of N. Neth., 67. In company with Cornelis van Ruyven, he bought land here (No. 7), in 1656 {Liber Deeds, K: \6), from Jacob Steendam. Van Ruyven then secured a grant for another parcel, and he and Strycker divided it between them. — Patents, II: 158 (Albany); Liber Deeds, B: 159. As he himself occupied the house of Jan Jansen Schepmoes, on Pearl Street, in 1656, it is probable this house was rented. — Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 39-40.

Strycker, later, went to Midwout (Flatbush), where his brother Jan held the office of sergeant and magistrate. — Laws y Ord., N. Neth., 159-60, 391; Register of N. Neth., 42, 149.