Lot: A16 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Nicholas William Stuyvesant
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Nicholas William Stuyvesant. (GG: 224.) July 20 Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying in the city of New Amsterdam W. of the great public road; bounded on S. by Hendrick Van Dyck and N. by Balta Lasar Stuyvesant; extending along the said public road in br. 7^ Rhinish r. ; in length of both sides, 20 r. ; in the rear on the W. side on the North river, its br. is 7K Rhinish r.*
Document Source(s)
GG: 224
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Nicholas William Stuyvesant. (GG: 224.) July 20
Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying in the city
of New Amsterdam W. of the great public road; bounded
on S. by Hendrick Van Dyck and N. by Balta Lasar
Stuyvesant; extending along the said public road in br.
7^ Rhinish r. ; in length of both sides, 20 r. ; in the rear
on the W. side on the North river, its br. is 7K Rhinish r.*

•This plot W.1S re-grantcd by Director-General and Council to the
Burgomasters, May Q, 1656. Nicholas William Stuyvesant was b.
1648 and was therefore not more than a year old at the date of
the grant.


Deed. Oloff Stevenson Van Cortlandt, Burgomaster, Aug. 25
to Allard Anthony. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 68.)
Recites deed Director-General Stuyvesant May 9, 1656,
to the Burgomasters. Desc: Lot W. of the Great
Highway, bounded S. side by ho. and lot of Hendrick
Van Dyck, 20 r.; N. side by F. de Koninck, 20>^ r.; E.
in front on street, 3 rods, 2 ft.; W. in rear on North river,
3 r., ■},% ft. Being p. o. above recited gr-br.

Conf. Governor Nichols to Allard Anthony. (Pats. Dec. 6
Alb., II: 145.) Confirms s. a. instrument foregoing and
"an additional piece, in br. before described towards the
Strand of the North river in like manner as was hereto-
fore granted by the Dutch Governor unto Hendrick
Van Dyck and Paulus Leenderts for their lots adjoining."

Deed. Allard Anthony and Oloff Stevensen Van Aug. 25
Cortlandt, Burgomasters, to Frederickus De Kooninck.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 65.) Recites deed by Director-
General Stuyvesant to the Burgomasters, May 9, 1656.
Desc: Lot W. of Great Highway, bounded E. side by the
street, 3 r., 2 ft.; S. side by A. Anthony's lot, zoj/i r.;
W. side by the North river, 3 r., 31/s ft-; N. side by lot of
Warnaer Wessells. Being remaining portion of fore-
going gr-br.

Deed. Frederick de Kooninck to Allard Anthony.
Not found of record, but recited below.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Allard Anthony. (Pats. Dec 6
Alb., II: 144.) Recites deed Aug. 25, 1656, Burgo-
masters to Frederick de Coninck and later deed from De
Coninck to Anthony for valuable consideration.

Deed. Allard Anthony and Oloff Stevenson, as Burgo- Aug. 25
masters to Warnaer Wessels. (Lib. A, Deeds N. Y. Co.:
66.) Recites deed of Director-General to parties of the
first part. May 9, 1656. Desc: Lot W. of the Great
Highway; N. by lot of Stevensen, 21 r., i ft.; S. by lot of
Coninck, 20 r., 8 ft.; E. in front, 3 r., 2 ft.; W., in rear, 3
r., 3 "A ft.


Deed. Warnaer Wessells to Jan De Jongh. (Lib. A, Nov. 14
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: no.) Recites deed Burgomasters to
Wessells, Aug. 25, 1656, conveying same premises, but
reciting P. C. Van der Veen on the N. side.

Deed. Jan Jansen De Jongh to Jacobus Backer. (Lib. May 30
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 231.) Recites deed Nov. 14, 1657
and public sale, Dec. 28, 1660. Desc: Lot W. of Heere
Straet, bounded S. by garden of A. Anthony, 20 r., 8 ft.;
W. by Strand of North river, 3 r., 3 1/5 ft.; N.by garden of
P. P. Schuyler, 21 r., I ft.; S. by street afsd. in front, 3 r.,

2 ft.