Lot: A4 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Jacob de Lang, merchant, of Bemster, in Holland, bought this house and lot, afterward No . 5 Broadway, March 17, 1655, through his attorney in New Amsterdam, Jacob Hendricksen Backer.—Rec. N. Am., I: 75 ; Liber Deeds, A : 10.

The deed recites that a certified copy was made, confirmed with the city seal—evidently with the purpose of transmission to the purchaser, who appears never to have visited New Netherland. Backer delivered the deed to his patron, September 15, 1659.—Ibid., A : 177.

The house was built by Jan Hendricksen Steelman, alias Coopall, or Buy All, whose various activities had landed him deeply in debt to Jacob Jansen de Lang.—Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 65-7.

De Lang's widow, Maria Verveelen, sold the property in 1664 to Francis Boon {Liber Deeds, B : 47), who, in turn, conveyed it to Gerrit van Tright in 1665.—Ibid., B : 8

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Jacob de Lang, merchant, of Bemster, in Holland, bought this house and lot, afterward No. S Broadway, March 17, 1655, through his attorney in New Amsterdam, Jacob Hendricksen Backer. — Rec. N. Am., I: 75; Liber Deeds, A: 10. The deed recites that a certified copy was made, confirmed with the city seal — evidently with the purpose of transmission to the purchaser, who appears never to have visited New Netherland. Backer delivered the deed to his patron, September 15, 1659. — Ibid., A: 177.

The house was built by Jan Hendricksen Steelman, alias Coopall, or Buy All, whose various activities had landed him deeply in debt to Jacob Jansen de Lang. — Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 65-7. De Lang's widow, Maria Verveelen, sold the property in 1664 to Francis Boon {Liber Deeds, B: 47), who, in turn, conveyed it to Gerrit van Tright in 1665. — Ibid., B: 86.