Lot: F2 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Roelof Jansen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Roelof Jansen (De Haes). (GG: 144.) Desc: A cert, lot lying on the Island of Manhattan, next the lot and building of Pieter Cornelissen. It extends in br. on the S. side i r., 7 ft. and in length next the lot of the afsd. Pieter Cornelissen, 4 r., and 9 ft.; in the rear on the N. side
Document Source(s)
GG: 144
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
May II Gr-br. to Roelof Jansen (De Haes). (GG: 144.)
Desc: A cert, lot lying on the Island of Manhattan, next
the lot and building of Pieter Cornelissen. It extends in
br. on the S. side i r., 7 ft. and in length next the lot of
the afsd. Pieter Cornelissen, 4 r., and 9 ft.; in the rear
on the N. side its br. is one r. and 7 ft. and on the W.
side, 4 r., 9 ft.

Deed. Roeloff Jansen (de Haes) to Burger Jorisscn.
Not found of record. Recited in Pats. Alb., IV: 14.

'^53 .

July 28 Deed. Burger Jorissen to Ariaen Keyser. (HH: 37.)
Desc: A ho. and lot at the water-side, bet. Mr. Hansen,
surgeon, and Pieter Cornelissen.

Gr-br. to Ariaen Keyser. (HH: 38.) Desc: "a
small piece of a lot" adjoining above premises. See

July 28 Deed. Ariaen Keyser to Cornelys von Steenwyck.
(HH: 38.) Desc: s. a. that of HH: 37; and a small
piece of a lot granted by the Director-General Stuy-
vesant, together on the W. side, 8 r., 9 ins. in length; on
the E. side, 8 r., 9 ft.


Sep. 4 Deed. Cornells Steenwyck to Francis de Bruyn. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 137.) Desc: Ho. and lot at the
water; bounded W. by ho. and lot of Mr. H. Kierstede;
N. by Brugh Straet; E. by ho. and lot of Cornells Steen-
wyck; S. by The Water; measured by J. Cortelyou Oct.
3, 1657 is found long 4 r., 8 ft., 3 ins., br. according to
gr-br.; recites deed July 28, 1653 (supra).

Sep. 16 Deed. Francois de Bruyn to Cornells Steenwyck.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 216.) Desc: Ho. and lot N.
oft Waater; bounded W. by ho. and lot of H. Kierstede;
S. by said Water; E. by ho, and lot of S. Drysius; N. by
ho. and lot of C. Steenwyck; br. according to gr-br.;
long 4 r., 8 ft., 3 ins.; according to Bill of Sale, Aug. 7,
1660; deed, Sep. 4, 1658 (supra).

Mch. II Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornells Steenwick. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 14.) Recites gr-br. to Roeloff Jansen; deed to
Burger Jorissen; deed, Jorissen to Keyser and Keyser to
Steenwick (supra). Desc: plot of ground within the
city, having a ho. or tenement thereupon, situate and
being in that roe of houses which lyeth along the Strand
towards the East river bet. the ho. and grounds hereto-
fore belonging to Mr. Hans, the Chiriugion and Pieter
Cornelissen, now in the occupation of Cornells Steenwick.
On the S. side toward the water I r., 7 ft.; to the rear,
N. side, the like; in length to the E. side, to the ho. and
ground of Cornelissen, 4 r., 9 ft.; and on the W. side,
4 r. and 9 ft.