Lot: Manuel Sanders - 1662-12-31 (Original Grants and Farms)

Manuel Sanders - 1662-12-31
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Manuel Sanders
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
B. Stuyvesant to Manuel Sanders

Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Manuel Sanders. Ground-brief dated , 1662. Not found of record;

recited in confirmation set forth below.

Conveys same as confirmation.

Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Manuel Sanders. Confirmation dated Oct. 16, 1667. — Liber Patents, II: 125 (Albany).

Confirms "a corner or hook stretching northward behind that of Pieter de Sweet, containing in breadth to the fence of Bastiaen de Ramacker, where there is a way to go out, 49^^ r.; in length to the fence of Cossin (Cosyn) Gerrits, swamp, 81 r."

Sanders was affluent enough to employ his medical adviser by the year. In 1673, Gerritt Huygen (who had married the widow of Harmen Wesselsen, a surgeon) sued the negro for the yearly salary of his predecessor and recovered the amount with costs. — Rec.N.Am.,Wl: 11.

Mary van Angola, wid. of Manuel Sanders, to Bastian Ellisse. Deed dated April 15, 1684. Not recorded; recited in instrument following.

Conveys same as confirmation to Manuel Sanders.

Note; April 16, 167 i. Marriage banns: "Manuel Sanders, widower of Mary Sanders, deed, with Maria Angola, widow of Christofl^el Santomme." — Rec. N. Am., VI: 335.

The ground-briefs for parcels A and B, if strictly measured, would not have reached as far as "the road along Jan van Rotterdams to the strand," our present Christopher St. Evidently the negroes were in possession of the land between the road and the cripple-bush.

Lot Event Type