Lot: 0-Canal (Taxlots)

Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Grant Lot Document(s)

The canal was empty at low tide,  although Stokes notes that: Heeren gracht had “boats, canoes, and skiffs.” (I: 76).  So they must have been at bottom during low tide.

The NYC Municipal Archives show that there was a bit of a problem with garbage dumping in the canal.  See this document: https://encyclopedia.nahc-mapping.org/document/proclamationburgomasters-and-schepenen-prohibiting-throwing-out-rubbish-public-streets-or 

Additionally, those living near the canal were asked to dig it out regularly: https://encyclopedia.nahc-mapping.org/document/orderto-people-living-heere-graft-dig-out-canal 


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