Lot: Cornelis Claes Swits - 1645-12-13 (Original Grants and Farms)

Cornelis Claes Swits - 1645-12-13
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Cornelis Claes Swits
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Cornelis Claes Swits (son of Claes Cornelissen). Ground-brief dated Dec. 13, 1645. — Liber Deeds GG: 129 (Albany).

Conveys "a piece of land called the Bouwery No. 5, lying on the north end of Cornelis Jacobsen's land or the Bouwery No. 6; it extends along the said land e.nst a little south 242 r. and further north-by-east 68 r., till to the bouwery named Pannebackers' Bouwery; next and along said bouwery west and west-by-north, 260 r.; further on south-south-west till to the wagon road 60 r.; amounting in all to 25 morgens, 296 r."

Lot Event Type