Lot: H3 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Sergeant Huybertsen, as the ground-brief names him {Liber GG: 221, Albany), was an Englishman, whose correct name was James Hubbard. He was one of the original patentees of the town of Gravesend, Long Island. With Lady Deborah Moody, and her husband, Sir Henry Moody, and George Baxter, he received a charter for that town from DirectorGeneral Kieft, December 19, 1645. — Lazvs ^ Ord., N. Neth., 53. All his interests were on Long Island. Before 1672, Andries Meyer had become the owner of Huybertsen's property. — Recitals in Liber Mortgages, A: ill. On the confiscation, he was credited with 860 florins and granted a lot behind the Five Houses in Bridge Street. — N. Y. Col. Docs., II: 631-7.