Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
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Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Isaac De Foreest
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Isaac De Foreest. (GG: 155.) Desc: A Aug. 22 cert, lot lying on the E. side of Ft. Amsterdam, over against the five stone houses, bet. the lots of Sybolt Classen and Do. Bogardus; its br. on the E. side is 2 r.; on the W. side, i r., 9 ft., 2 ins., 6 gr.; its length on the N. side is 5 r., 5 ft.; its length on the S. side is 5 r., 5 ft. Amtg. in all to ic r., 7 ft., 7 ins.
Document Source(s)
GG: 155
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Isaac De Foreest. (GG: 155.) Desc: A Aug. 22
cert, lot lying on the E. side of Ft. Amsterdam, over
against the five stone houses, bet. the lots of Sybolt
Classen and Do. Bogardus; its br. on the E. side is 2 r.;
on the W. side, i r., 9 ft., 2 ins., 6 gr.; its length on the
N. side is 5 r., 5 ft.; its length on the S. side is 5 r., 5 ft.
Amtg. in all to ic r., 7 ft., 7 ins.
Deed. Isaac De Foreest to Hendrick Gerritsen. (HH: Sep. 9
44.) Desc: A ho. and lot bet. the lots of Joost Teunissen
and Annetie Bogardus, in the rear over against Fort
Amsterdam, in br. l}4 r., i ft.; in length on the N.
side, I r., 2^ ft.; on the S. side, i r., 2j4 ft.
Note: Hendrick Gerritsen built on above-described
plot by Mch., 1653. (Rec. N. Am., I: 57, et seq.) By
1654, he had removed to Midwout (Flatbush). (Rec.N.
Am., I: 182, et seq.) As will appear by deeds set forth
below, Maximilian Van Geele comes into possession of the
other parcel of De Foreest's gr-br.; but himself sells out
to the Marckveldt, while adhering nominally to the
dimensions of De Foreest's deed to him.
Deed. Isaac De Foreest to Maximilian Van Geele. Sep. 9
(HH: 45.) Desc: A ho. and lot opposite to the Honor-
able Company's buildings, bet. Joost Teunissen and
Annetie Bogardus.
Deed. Abraham Clocq, empowered by Maximilian Feb. 6
Van Geel, to Warnaer Wessels. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 121.) Maximilian Van Geel's ho. and lot, &c.,
bounded E. by the Winckel Straat, 2 r.; S. by ho. and
lot of Warnaer Wessels, 4 r., 2 ft., 5 ins.; W. by 't Marck-
velt, I r., 9 ft., 2 ins.; N. by ho. and lot of Hendrick the
Baker, 4 r., 2 ft., 5 ins., with passage-way of 4 ft., 2 ins.
on W. side, as measured by J. Cortelyou. Recites public
sale; gr-br.; power of atty. No dates given.
Deed. Warnaer Wessels to Frerick Gysbersen. (Lib. Feb. 14
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 186.) Desc: Ho. and lot W. of
Winckel Straet, bounded E. by Winckel St., 2 r.; S. by
ho. and lot of Warnaer Wessels, 4 r., 2 ft., 5 ins.; W. by
Marckvelt, i r., 9 ft., 2 ins.; N. by ho. and lot of H. Wil-
lemsen, 4 r., 2 ft., ; ins. With passage-way of 4 ft.,
2 ins., on W. side. Deed recited of Feb. 2 (sic), 1658.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Frederick Gisbert. (Pats. Nov. 30
Alb., II: 135.) Recites gr-br. to de Foreest, Aug. 22,
1646. Transport to Wessells, Feb. 6, 1658; Wessels to
Gisbert, Feb. 14, 1660. Desc: E. of Fort over against
the Five Houses, bet. Sybolt Claesen and Bogardus.
Gr-br. to Isaac De Foreest. (GG: 155.) Desc: A Aug. 22
cert, lot lying on the E. side of Ft. Amsterdam, over
against the five stone houses, bet. the lots of Sybolt
Classen and Do. Bogardus; its br. on the E. side is 2 r.;
on the W. side, i r., 9 ft., 2 ins., 6 gr.; its length on the
N. side is 5 r., 5 ft.; its length on the S. side is 5 r., 5 ft.
Amtg. in all to ic r., 7 ft., 7 ins.
Deed. Isaac De Foreest to Hendrick Gerritsen. (HH: Sep. 9
44.) Desc: A ho. and lot bet. the lots of Joost Teunissen
and Annetie Bogardus, in the rear over against Fort
Amsterdam, in br. l}4 r., i ft.; in length on the N.
side, I r., 2^ ft.; on the S. side, i r., 2j4 ft.
Note: Hendrick Gerritsen built on above-described
plot by Mch., 1653. (Rec. N. Am., I: 57, et seq.) By
1654, he had removed to Midwout (Flatbush). (Rec.N.
Am., I: 182, et seq.) As will appear by deeds set forth
below, Maximilian Van Geele comes into possession of the
other parcel of De Foreest's gr-br.; but himself sells out
to the Marckveldt, while adhering nominally to the
dimensions of De Foreest's deed to him.
Deed. Isaac De Foreest to Maximilian Van Geele. Sep. 9
(HH: 45.) Desc: A ho. and lot opposite to the Honor-
able Company's buildings, bet. Joost Teunissen and
Annetie Bogardus.
Deed. Abraham Clocq, empowered by Maximilian Feb. 6
Van Geel, to Warnaer Wessels. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 121.) Maximilian Van Geel's ho. and lot, &c.,
bounded E. by the Winckel Straat, 2 r.; S. by ho. and
lot of Warnaer Wessels, 4 r., 2 ft., 5 ins.; W. by 't Marck-
velt, I r., 9 ft., 2 ins.; N. by ho. and lot of Hendrick the
Baker, 4 r., 2 ft., 5 ins., with passage-way of 4 ft., 2 ins.
on W. side, as measured by J. Cortelyou. Recites public
sale; gr-br.; power of atty. No dates given.
Deed. Warnaer Wessels to Frerick Gysbersen. (Lib. Feb. 14
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 186.) Desc: Ho. and lot W. of
Winckel Straet, bounded E. by Winckel St., 2 r.; S. by
ho. and lot of Warnaer Wessels, 4 r., 2 ft., 5 ins.; W. by
Marckvelt, i r., 9 ft., 2 ins.; N. by ho. and lot of H. Wil-
lemsen, 4 r., 2 ft., ; ins. With passage-way of 4 ft.,
2 ins., on W. side. Deed recited of Feb. 2 (sic), 1658.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Frederick Gisbert. (Pats. Nov. 30
Alb., II: 135.) Recites gr-br. to de Foreest, Aug. 22,
1646. Transport to Wessells, Feb. 6, 1658; Wessels to
Gisbert, Feb. 14, 1660. Desc: E. of Fort over against
the Five Houses, bet. Sybolt Claesen and Bogardus.