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Spouses | Marriages
Spouse Marriage
Johan Barton (ID: 660,002) 1,660,163 - 660,002 Smith-Barton
Ancestor Notes

Smith, Richard (c.1596-1666) Richard Smith was born in Thornbury, Gloucestershire ca. 1596.   In 1621, he married Johan Barton and they had 5 children:  Johan 1624; Katheryne 1627; James 1629; Richard 1630; and Elizabeth 1632.  About 1635 he moved his family to Taunton in the Plymouth colony, and arrived in New Amsterdam in 1641.  During the 1640's Smith  conducted a flourishing trading business in New Amsterdam.  He owned a sloop, the Welcome, on which he carried European trade goods to his post at Cocumscussoc where he exchanged them for furs.  In 1648, Smith bought out his rival Jan Wilcox and in 1651 he purchased the trading business and adjacent property of Roger Williams.  Smith served as one of the 'Eight Men", and advisory council to the Dutch Director, Kieft.   Smith's daughter, Katheryne married Gysbert OpDyck, and his daughter Johan married Thomas Newton.  The Smith family left New Amsterdam in 1649.   Gysbert and Katheryne remained in New Amsterdam where Katheryne died about 1660.  Richard Smith died at Cosumscussoc in 1666.

Smith's Castle at Cocumscossoc: Four Centuries of Rhode Island History, Neil G. Dunay, Norma LaSalle, R.Darrell McIntire, 2003.