Lot: B6 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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'House and Lot by the Land Gate' Stokes.

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
"Johannes Nevius's house and lot by the Land Gate," as it was described in the deed to Hendrick Hendricksen, who owned it in 1660. — Liber Deeds, A: 130. It had been left as the corner (of the present Wall Street) by the general survey of 1656. — Laws y Ord., N. Neth., 219. Nevius demanded 400 or 500 guilders for the land taken; his garden having been bounded by the wall. The city thereupon bought the entire plot, and regranted the diminished house-lot to Christian Barentsen (see Key to Map of Dutch Grants), a proceeding frequently followed during the next two centuries when the corporation opened and widened streets. The deed from Hendricksen to Martin Hoffman, in November, 1664, has a diagram annexed to it, the earliest one noted in the records. This house was the subject of acrimonious litigation after it was sold to the noted Capt. John Manning, in 1668. — Rec. N. Am., VI: 190; VII: 18, 131, 132.

Johannes Nevius, of Solen or Zoelen, came to New Netherland about 165 1. He married Ariaentje Bleijck, of Batavia, November 18, 1653. — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 18. He was schepen for the year 1655 {Rec. N. Am., I: 271; II: i); secretary to the city, succeeding Jacobus Kip, from January, 1658, until June 27, 1665 {ibid., VII: 160, 167; V: 265); and ferry-master at Brooklyn from 1670 to 1672. — Exec. Coun. Min., ed. by V. H. Paltsits, I: 131; cf. Rec. N. Am., V: 252; Eccles. Rec, I: 573.