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Displaying 1101 - 1200 of 17021 Entries
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Power of attorney from Daniel Michielsen to David Provoost to appear for him in a suit with Cornelis Melyn 1651-07-10 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_087f New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Inventory of the personal estate of Jan Jansen Damen 1651-07-11 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_087d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Inventory 1651-07-11 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_087g New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Leunis Jorissen van der Veere to Gysbert Arentsen and Lowies Papeljou of a plantation on Long Island 1651-07-11 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_087h New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Lowies Papeljou to Joris Stevensen of his half-interest in the plantation described in the preceding deed 1651-07-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_087i New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Cornelis Cornelissen to Hendrick Jansen van de Ven and Pieter Antony to settle his affairs in New Netherland 1651-07-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_088a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
List of goods in Calebuys’ chest 1651-07-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_088b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Jan Dircksen van Bremen and Pieter Teunissen to David Provoost to manage their affairs in their absence 1651-07-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_089a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Pieter Cecer to Samuel Menjer for land on Long Island 1651-07-31 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_090a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Adriaen van Tienhoven for the payment of 108 guilders 1651-08-16 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_090b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Claes van Elslant for any claim the West India Company may have on goods shipped in the Gelderse Blom 1651-08-16 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_090c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Richard Smith, junior, to Gillis Pietersen of a house and lot on Manhattan Island 1651-08-26 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_090d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Lease from Remmert Jansen to Barent Jansen Bal of a farm on Long Island 1651-08-28 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_093 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Hendrick Egbertsen to Dirck Lambertsen Santlooper to settle the estate of his deceased wife at Haerlem 1651-08-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_091a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Femmetje Albers to David Provoost to sue for a debt due her by Harmen Smeman 1651-08-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_091b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Harry Breser to Cornelis de Potter of land and cattle on Long Island on the East river 1651-08-31 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_092a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Hendrick Kip to Albert Andriessen of a house and lot on Manhattan Island 1651-09-06 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_092b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Pieter Stoutenburch to Jan Hendricksen Steelman of a lot on Manhattan Island 1651-09-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_094a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Assignment by Charles Morgan to Hans Broebergen of a claim on the West India Company 1651-09-13 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_095c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Draft of Gysbert Cornelissen on the Amsterdam Chamber of the West India Company in favor of Tryntje Scherenbergh 1651-09-14 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_094b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Mortgage by Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt of the house and lot of Roelof Jansen de Haes to Jan Jansen from Gottenborgh 1651-09-18 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_095a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck Holgersen to Roelof Teunissen of a house and lot in the Smith's valley on Manhattan Island 1651-09-19 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_095d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from the executors of the will of Jan Jansen Damen to Jan Vigne of a lot on Manhattan Island 1651-09-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_095b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Juriaen Andriessen to Cornelis Coenraetsen to receive money due him by the West India Company 1651-10-10 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_096a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Jochem Pietersen Kuyter to Director Stuyvesant, Luycas Rodenborch and Cornelis de Potter of three fourths of his land called Zegendael on Manhattan Island 1651-11-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_096b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Doeke Nessels to Albert Cornelissen Wantenaer to receive prize money coming to him from the Tobasco 1651-11-06 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_096c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Lease from the agents of Anna Jans Bogardus to Evert Pels of a farm on the North river 1651-12-25 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_097 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from the curators of the estate of Pieter Anthony, deceased, to Frans Barentsen to dispose of Pieter Anthony's property at Fort Orange 1652-01-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_098a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Hermanus Hartogh to Adriaen Keyser to collect certain debts of Pieter Anthony and Jan Schnediger 1652-01-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_098b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Cornelis Dircksen Hoochlandt to Cornelis de Potter of a parcel of land on Long Island and a house and lot in Breuckelen 1652-01-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_099b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Cornelis Dircksen Hoochlandt to Cornelis de Potter of a lot, house and barn on Long Island near the ferry 1652-01-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_099a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Jan Haes to de Pottere of a parcel of land on the west hook of Rechkewick on the East river 1652-01-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_100a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Pieter Linde to Barent Jansen of twenty morgens of land on the shore of Long Island 1652-02-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_100b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Abraham Rycken to Jochum Beeckman of a lot on the Heeregraft on Manhattan Island 1652-03-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_101 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Jacobus van Curler to Wilhelm Beeckman of Corlaers Hoeck on Manhattan Island 1652-03-05 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_102a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Jochim Pietersen Kuyter to Pieter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven of a lot on Manhattan Island 1652-03-06 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_102b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Joris Scholte to Bartholomeus Lantsiel to receive money due him from the West India Company 1652-03-07 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_103a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Jan Schryver of a lot on Manhattan Island 1652-04-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_105b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Willem Clock to Harmen Hendricksen to receive money due to him from the West India Company 1652-04-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_103b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Cornelis Jacobsen van Steenwyck and Pieter Stoutenburgh, administrators of the estate of Pieter Anthony, to [] to settle the affairs of his estate 1652-04-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_106a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Patent to François Soleil and François Grion of land on Mespath kil, L.I. 1652-04-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_106b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney of Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Claes Hendricksen of a lot on Manhattan Island 1652-04-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_106c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Isaac Grevenraet of a lot on Manhattan Island 1652-04-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_106d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Hendryck Gerritsen, of a lot on Manhattan Island 1652-04-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_107a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Jacob Leendersen, as attorney for Frederick Lubbertsen, to Jan Hendricksen Stelman of a parcel of land on the East river 1652-04-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_105a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Dirck van Schelluyne, of a lot on Manhattan Island 1652-06-03 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_108a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Hendrick Gerritsen to Aucke Jansen of a house and lot on the West side of the Great Highway on Manhattan 1652-06-20 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_108b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Frederick Lubbertsen to Albert Cornelissen of a lot in the Smith's valley at New Amsterdam 1652-06-20 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_109a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Jan Laurensen Appel to Johannes Hardenbergh of a house, lot and garden on Manhattan Island 1652-07-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_109b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne, attorney for Lubbert van Dincklagen, to Jacob Schwart, of a lot on Manhattan Island 1653-01-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_107b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Will of Egbert Woutersen and Engeltje Jans, his wife 1653-05-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_109c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Marten Barten to the wife of Jeuriaen Andriesen 1653-05-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_109d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Andries Jonckbloet respecting a calf found by him in the woods 1653-12-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_115a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Agreement between Allard Anthony and Augustyn Herrman and the representative of his creditors to abide by the valuation to be placed by arbitrators on a house and lot belonging to said Herrman 1654-04-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_110 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Dirck van Schelluyne to Jan Pietersen Verbrugge of a lot on Manhattan Island 1654-06-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_112 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Appraisal by arbitrators of the house and lot of Augustyn Herrman 1654-06-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_111 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Thomas Adams and Isaack Allerton to Director Stuyvesant for the delivery of 3000 pounds of tobacco or 1000 Carolus guilders 1654-06-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_113a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Last part of the lease of the ferry to Egbert van Borsum 1654-06-16 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_113b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Thomas Adams and Edward Bushell to Isaac Allerton 1654-06-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_114 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from George Rapalje to Hendrick Hendricksen of a house and lot in New Amsterdam 1654-07-28 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_115b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Jacobus van Curler and his wife to Mattheus de Vos to convey to Eduard van Dompseler and his wife their one-sixth interest in an estate in the province of Gelderland 1654-07-30 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_116a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Director Stuyvesant to Willem van Lith to collect yearly two months of his pay from the West India Company 1654-08-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_116b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Thomas More and Isaac Allerton to restore to Jan Jansen from St. Obyn a bark stolen by Thomas Baxter 1654-08-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_116c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Thomas Hall and Carel van Brugge to Fiscal van Tienhoven for the payment of the fine due by Jan Fry (John Gray) 1654-09-10 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_116d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Marriage contract of Gerrit Jansen van Steenwyck and Pietertje Heertjes 1654-09-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_117a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Adriaen Keyser to Dirck van Schelluyne to manage his affairs during his absence 1654-10-06 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_117b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Rev. Samuel Drisius to Eduard Man to receive salary due him from the West India Company 1654-10-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_118 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Arent van Curler to Dirck van Schelluyne to collect the rent of a farm from Thomas Spicer 1654-10-13 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_119 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Daniel de Sille to Nicasius de Sille to manage his affairs in New Netherland 1654-10-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_121 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bequest from Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Sr, to Hilgont Jans, eldest daughter of Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Jr. 1654-10-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_122 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Mortgage by Herry Breser of his house, lot and garden to Thomas Spicer 1654-10-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_123a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Johannes van Tweller to satisfy the judgment which Thomas Spicer may obtain against Arent van Curler 1654-10-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_123b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Thomas Hall to satisfy the judgment which Arent van Curler may obtain against Thomas Spicer 1654-11-16 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_124a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Rev. Johannes T. Polhemus to his wife to receive moneys due him from the West India Company 1654-11-24 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_124b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Certificate by Nicasius de Sille and others that Johanna de Laet is in good health 1654-12-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_125 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Conditions on which Warnaer Wessels farmed the excise on wine and beer retailed in New Amsterdam 1654-12-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_126b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Dirck Jansen to Cornelis van Ruyven of a house, barn and 50 acres of land in Flatbush, L. I. 1654-12-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_126a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Conditions on which Warnaer Wessels farmed the excise on wine and beer retailed in the villages of Breuckelen, Midwout and Amersfoort on Long Island 1654-12-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_126c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Certificate of Johannes de La Montagne and Cornelis van Tienhoven as to the good health of Nicasius de Sille 1654-12-21 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_126d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Charter-party of the ship Peereboom for a voyage from New Amsterdam to the West Indies and back 1654-12-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_127a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Pieter Lucassen to his brother to manage his affairs during his absence 1655-02-14 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_127b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Promise of Hans Pietersen to satisfy the contract made with Paulus van der Beeck to serve him for one year 1655-03-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_127d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deposition of Douwe Huydes that Marynus Luccassen sold a quantity of merchandise to skipper Low 1655-03-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_127c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Cornelis Teunissen to Cornelis Wils to collect a legacy in Holland 1655-03-27 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_128 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Machtelt Willems to Jan Claessen of Coedyck to collect her share of her mother's estate 1655-04-03 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_129 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of Hendrick Jansen Grever to serve Ensign Dirck Smith for one year 1655-04-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_130a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Cornelis Groesens to Joseph and Resolved Waldron of a house and lot in New Amsterdam 1655-04-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_130b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Lease from Harmen Douwesen and Pietertje Jans to David Ferera of a house on Pearl street, New Amsterdam 1655-05-05 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_130c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Jan Cornelissen Damen of a house and parcel of land in the village of Breuckelen on Long Island 1655-05-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_130d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Certificate that Margareta Gillis, wife of David Provoost, is alive 1655-05-11 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_130e New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Mortgage by James Hubbard of his house and farm at Gravesend as security for his remaining in detention until released or punished 1655-05-21 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_131a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Hendrick Barentsen Smith to his brother Dirck Smith to collect money from the West India Company 1655-05-21 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_131b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Egbert van Borsum to Capt. Jacob to collect money from Humphrey Booth or Charles Crowne of Boston 1655-05-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_132a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract between Elbert Eldertsen and Pieter Ebel for the sale of lot No. 27 in the village of Gravesend, L. I., in exchange for a house and lot in New Amsterdam 1655-06-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_132b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Jan de Jongh and Jan Hendricksen van Gunst of 25 acres of land on the west side of the village of Midwout, L. I. 1655-06-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_132c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Receipt by skipper Jan Jansen Bosgaert for money to be paid in Holland 1655-06-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_132d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale from Claes van Elslant, senior, to Pierre Tarragon of 25 acres of land at Mespath kill, L. I. 1655-07-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_132e New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Assignment by Alexander Boyer to Cornelis Steenwyck of money due to him by the West India Company 1655-07-10 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_133a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Lease by Pieter Jansen Kom to Arent Isaacksen of the front room and half the garret in his house 1655-07-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_133b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of Pieter Claessen to take charge of the farm of Director Stuyvesant at Amersfoort, L. I. 1655-07-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V3_134a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)