Document: Lease from the agents of Anna Jans Bogardus to Evert Pels of a farm on the North river

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Lease. Agents of Annetje Jans, widow of the rev. Everardus Bogardus, deceased, to Evert Pels, of a farm on the North river. [1651]

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On this day, date underwritten, before me, Cornelis van Tienhoven, secretary of New Netherland, appeared Govert Loockmans, Hans Kirsteede and Piter Hartgers, acting as agents for Anna Bogardus, widow of Everardus Bogardus, deceased, of the first part, and Evert Pels, of the second part, who acknowledged that in all love and friendship they had made and concluded the following lease, in the manner hereinafter written. The said Govert Loockmans, Hans Kirsteede and Piter Hartgers, all relatives by marriage of the aforesaid widow and in their capacity of agents of the said Anna Bogardus, declare that deliberately and for her account they have leased to Evert Pels the farm situated on the North river, heretofore used by Egbert Woutersz, as large and as small as the land cultivated by him may be. It is expressly stipulated that the term of the lease shall begin on the first of May anno 1652 and end on the first of May anno 1654. The lessors are bound to deliver with the farm two mares, one filly, a one-year old stallion, two milch cows, and one heifer with calf, all sound and able, which animals, having been delivered, shall be at the common risk of the lessors and the lessee, so that the lessee at the expiration of the term of the lease shall be bound to restore the number of animals received, both as to quantity and quality, to the lessors, and the increase which by God's blessing shall then be found to have been bred from the animals the parties shall divide half and half, it being understood that the number of animals first delivered by the lessors shall first be deducted and received by them. Furthermore, if it should happen, which God prevent, that during the term of the lease one or more horses or cows came to die and the increase were not sufficient to restore the number of cattle received complete as to quantity and quality, the lessee and the lessors shall each bear half the loss of the cattle that died and the lessee not be obliged to make compensation for more than the half thereof Furthermore, there shall be delivered with the farm two plowshares For rent of the said farm house and dwelling house and the land that heretofore has been used in connection with it. Evert Pels shall yearly on the first day of May anno 1653 pay the sum of two hundred and twenty-five guilders and thirty pounds of butter for hire of the cows annually

The lessee shall have the choice to build a house on the aforesaid land, which house and everything pertaining to it shall be at the expense, upkeep and risk of the lessee, and at the expiration of the lease the lessors shall be bound to take over the house and pay the lessee according to appraisal by impartial persons and both parties shall be content therewith. It is also stipulated that the lessee is bound to put at his expense a new roof on the present house and to keep this roof-tight, for which he may deduct the first year's rent, except the 30 pounds of butter, which the lessee shall pay the first year without anything more and without being bound afterwards to pay the rent of the year 1652; and for his trouble and the disbursement of money needed for the new house, the lessee shall, when he undertakes to do that, yearly be entitled to deduct from his promised rent one hundred and twenty-five guilders, which at the expiration of the lease shall avail the lessors in payment for the dwelling house which Pels shall have built, so that in such case the lessee remains bound to pay one hundred guilders and the 30 pounds of butter during the remaining five years.

The lessee promises and agrees at his expense to fence in and keep tight the land in the way that is best and most profitable to him and at the expiration of the lease, which will be on the first May anno 1658, the deliver up the land tightly and substantially fenced off for cattle.

The lessee shall be held properly to seed the land with good grain and in the year 1658 to deliver the same seeded to the lessors, provided that the lessee shall be paid therefor by the lessors as much as impartial persons shall appraise the grain which shall stand in the field. The lessee shall during the term of the lease also have the use of the valey near Dominee's hoeck, to cut hay

Which contract we on both sides hereby confirm by these our signatures in the presence of Johanes Chrisman and Adriaen van Tienhoven, as witnesses hereto invited, this day, the first of November anno 1651, at New Amsterdam in New Netherland.

Govert Loockermans
Pieter Hertgers
Hans Kiersteede
Evert Pels
Andreas Johannis Christman
Cornelis van Tienhoven


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 3, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1648-1660 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
North River
Property Type
Property Type
To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Evert Pels
From Party 1
From Party 1 Text Unlinked
Anna Jans Bogardus
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Johanes Chrisman
Adriaen van Tienhoven
Document Location