Document: Assignment by Alexander Boyer to Cornelis Steenwyck of money due to him by the West India Company

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Assignment. Alexander Boyer to Cornelis Jacobsen Steenwyck, of 867 guilders, 8 11 1/3, due him by the W. I. Company at Amsterdam, as assistant commissary at fort Nassau, on the South river. [1655]

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In the year after the birth of our Lord and Savior one thousand six hundred and fifty-five, the 23d of June, before me, Cornelis van Ruyven, appointed secretary in New Netherland in the service of the General Chartered West India Company, residing in Fort Amsterdam, and before the undersigned witnesses, appeared the worthy Alexander Boyer from Leyden, late assistant at Fort Nassau, who declared that for and on account of a certain quantity of goods, the receipt whereof to his full satisfaction before the execution hereof he acknowledges, he has assigned and conveyed, as he does hereby assign and convey, to and for the behoof of the worthy Cornelis Jacobsen Steenwyck, merchant here, the sum of fl. 867:8:11 1/3, due him, the principal, by the honorable directors of the aforesaid Company, being the remainder of his earned wages and monthly pay, as appears by the accompanying account signed P. Stuyvesant and A. Keyser. Which aforesaid account of fl. 867:8:11 1/3 he, Alexander Boyer, declares he assigns and conveys in full and true ownership to the said Steenwyck, to this end hereby desisting for the behoof as above written from all right and claim which he, by virtue of the aforesaid account, could or might have against the said honorable directors or their agent, hereby giving him full power to ask to collect, demand and receive in his name the aforesaid account of fl. 867:8:11 1/3 from the above mentioned honorable directors or their agent, whether here or in the fatherland, as may be most convenient for him. On payment and receipt of which sum he, Cornelis Steenwyck, shall have power to execute a receipt in full, which shall be valid against him, Boyer, who promises to hold and to cause to be held firm, binding, unbreakable and irrevocable this assignment and whatever shall be done and performed in the matter aforesaid by Cornelis Steenwyck, his attorney, or his substitute, as if he, Boyer, had done and performed it himself, binding to that end his person and property, read and personal, present and future, submitting the same to the control of all courts, judges and justices Thus done in the presence of Jan Lubbertsen and Balthasar Beyart, as witnesses hereto invited, in Amsterdam in New Netherland, the day and year above written.

Alexander Boyer
Jan Lubberts
Balthasar Beyardt
Cor: van Ruyven


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 3, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1648-1660 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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