Jansen of St. Obyn
Alternate Last Name(s)
Jan Wanshaer from St. Obin
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Spouse Marriage
Baertje Kip (ID: 660,078) 1,660,096 - 660,078 Jansen - Kip
Ancestor Notes

"Jan Jansen from St. Obin..." is Jan Wanshaer.

He was the husband of Baertje Kip, daughter of Hendrick Kip and Tryntie Lubberts. Jan and Baertje had twelve children baptized at the New Amsterdam/New York Reformed Dutch Church between 1649 and 1668. His name appears in the records in a variety of styles.

Baptisms as published in the NYG&BR beginning with vol. 5: 5:93 14 Mar 1649 Abraham; parent: Jan Janszen, Van St. Cubis; sponsors: Hendrick en Tryntie Kip, Janneken Molyns 5:97 27 Apr 1651 Johannes; parent: Jan Janszen Van St. Ubus; sponsors: Jsaac, Tryntie Kip 5:150 13 Jul 1653 Jacob; parents: Jan Janszen Van St. obyn, Baertie Kip; sponsors: Jacob Kip, Catalyntie Hendricks 5:154 21 Mar 1655 Hendrick; parent:Jan Janszen Van St. Obyn; sponsors: Hendrick Kip de Oude, Hendrick Kip de Jonge, Maria De la Montagne 5:180 04 Jul 1657 Anthony; parents: Jan Janszen v. St. obyn, Baertie Hendricks; sponsors: Hendrick Kip, en s.h.v., Jillis Pieterszen 6:44 31 Aug 1659 Robbert; parent: Jan Janszen Van St. Obyn; sponsors Hendrick Kip, Abraham Janszen, Baertje Kip 6:94 30 Sep 1661 Johannes; parents: Jan Van Sara, Baertie Kip; sponsors: Hendrick and Tryntie Kip 6:150 17 Sep 1662 Johannes; parents:Jan Wanshaer Van St. Benen, Baertie Hendricks Kip; sponsors: Hendrick and Tryntie Kip 6:155 05 Dec 1663 Jan; parents:Jan Wanhaer, Baertie Hendricks; sponsors: Hendrick Kip, Evert Duycking 7:71 04 Jul 1666 Carel; parents: Jan Manshaer, Beertie Kip (Manshaer certainly a transcription error for Wanshaer); sponsors: Johannes de Lamontagnie, Olof Stephenszen Van Courtland, Annetje Kip 7:75 13 Jul 1667 Jacomyntie; parents: Jan de Caper, Baertie Kip; sponsors: Hendrick and Femmetie Kip 7:128 10 Oct 1668 Metic; parents: Jan Kipshaven, Baertie Jans (an error); sponsor: Lysbeth Jans Descendants are found with the name Wanshaer, Wanser, Wanzer, Wansor and various other spellings. Jan Janszen was a mariner,

I have not found a record of probate or settlement of his estate. William David Wanzer, "History of the Wanzer Family in America..." (Medford, Mass.: Mercury Press, 1920), page 14, states that "Evidently Jan died previous to 1674, as in a tax list published at that date his name does not appear." William D. Wanzer also states that Jan "lived in New Amsterdam on Brouwer Street." Perhaps that can be matched with the taxlot E22 you mention in your query. He was certainly deceased by 12 Dec 1677: Marriages, RDC NA/NY: Banns, 12 Dec 1677: "Jan Dirckszen Meyer, Wedr. Van Tryntje Grevenraet, en Baertje Kip, Wede. Van Jan Wansaert, beyde woonede tot N. Yorke."

He was a seafaring man, a skipper, and a pilot....He was somewhat notorious as the pilot of the slaver "Gideon"....Stokes E22.

He was a seafaring man, a skipper and pilot, who was in the colony at least as early as 1646. — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 34. In 1649, reciting himself as a native of Tiibingen, he married Hendrick Hendricksen Kip's daughter, Baertje (Bertha). — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 15. He was generally called "van" or "from" St. Obin, or St. Abyn, possibly a corruption for St. Aubin.

In 1663, he is quoted as the owner of a "yacht" {Rec. N. Am., IV: 270), and probably pursued the occupation of a coasting trader. He seems to have had an interest in the bark captured by Thos. Baxter, the privateer, and for which Jansen was to be secured by Thomas Moore, of New Haven, and Isaac Allerton, Sr. — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 57.

It does not appear in the records that any deed or transport was made to Jansen for the house on the Brewers Straet, nor had he a ground-brief for the lot; it is, therefore, probable that he had received it as the dower of Baertje Kip.

He was somewhat notorious as the pilot of the slaver "Gideon," and there is an entry of an order to pay him for his services in this behalf, in the Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 268. See Innes's New Amsterdam and its People, 42-3.

Jan Jansen's father's name is said to have been Wanser or Wansaer; and one of his descendants joining in selling the house in question, as late as 1792, was named John Wanshzer.— Liber Deeds, XLVIII: 289.

Stokes and Scholarly Review committee