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"In 1655, Grietje, aged 14 and already a married woman, went to court over a matter relating to her “buckwheat fields,” land she had probably received as her dowry at her first marriage the year before.  At her second marriage, to Haring [Jan Pietersen Haring 1,660,142] in 1662, she may also have received land from her father, for he had land to spare."   See article by Dr. Firth Haring Fabend  on Jan Pietersen Haring below.

Jan was 29 when he married Grietje  in 1662 and a wheelwright.  She was a widow and by then would have been about 21.

Grietje and Jan Pietersen Haring had 7 children together from 1664 to 1681.  

1683-12-07 - Jan Pietersen, age 49 died.   

2 years later in 1685.... " Haring’s widow remarried, and she and new husband Daniel De Clarke and their children all settled on the Tappan Patent, where the Haring children and their children and children’s children married into other local families." Dr. Firth Haring Fabend

Daniel De Clarke was about 31 years old in 1685, 13 years younger than Grietje, and he was a widower and he had a son.

The image above is the Haring Farm in 1784.  

Related reading:   A Dutch Family in the Middle Colonies 1660-1800 by Firth Haring Fabend