Object: Garden - Herb Garden - Medicinal Garden


Adrian van der Donck's ' Description of New Netherland' lists several plants as part of the standard medicinal garden:

"The herb garden is also tolerably well supplied with rosemary,
lavender, hyssop, thyme, sage, marjoram, balm, holy onions,
{ajuin heyiig,) wormwood, belury, chives, and clary; also,
pimpernel, dragon’s blood, five-finger, tarragon, (or dragons-
wort,) &c. together with laurel, artichokes, and asparagus,
and -various other things on which I have bestowed no
attention."  https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdclccn.01015857/?sp=62&st=text&r=0.059,0…;


Dr. Hans Kierstede and his wife Sara Kierstede would have kept a small garden behind their house, but this would not have been sufficient to supply the medicinal needs of a working doctor in a busy settlement.   They had additional properties in New Netherland, and likely a portion of the DWIC garden was devoted to medicinal plants to assist Hans as the DWIC doctor.       This household included several enslaved people of African and Native American origins, who may have been involved in planting, harvesting, drying, and preparing remedies using these plants.