Hyssopus officinalis, Flora Batava 1800-1934, National Library of the Netherlands, https://www.kb.nl/ public domain
Adrian van der Donck's ' Description of New Netherland' lists several plants as part of the standard medicinal garden:
"The herb garden is also tolerably well supplied with rosemary,
lavender, hyssop, thyme, sage, marjoram, balm, holy onions,
{ajuin heyiig,) wormwood, belury, chives, and clary; also,
pimpernel, dragon’s blood, five-finger, tarragon, (or dragons-
wort,) &c. together with laurel, artichokes, and asparagus,
and -various other things on which I have bestowed no
attention." https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdclccn.01015857/?sp=62&st=text&r=0.059,0…;
Hyssop leaves can be used as a flavoring in stews, soups and sauces.