Husband | Marriage |
Roelof Jans (ID: 1609,000,256) | 1,609,000,256 - 660,017 Jans - Webber |
Everardus Bogardus (ID: 28) | 28 - 660,017 Bogardus-Jans |
Annetje's first husband was Roelof Janszon who she married at the age of 19 in Amsterdam. They had 3 daughters in Amsterdam. After living in Rensselaerswijck, the family moved to New Amsterdamin 1634, where Roelof became foreman of one of the farms belonging to the DWIC. He died in 1637. She is sometimes called Annetje Webber Jans, but modern scholarship suggest that she was not indeed a Webber.
In 1638 she married Everardus Bogardus. She had 4 sons with Bogardus, and was eventually widowed again when he died in a shipwreck.
Govert Loockermans was her brother-in-law.
Her mother, Tryntje Jonas was the company midwife/nurse, a position of great importance to the success of the settlement. Annetje would likely have assisted her mother and learned a great deal about the birthing process. We don't yet have evidence if she was also a midwife, but this was very common in families at the time.
Her daughter Sara Kierstede married a doctor, and became famous within the settlement for her facility with Indigenous languages, and became an interpreter for the DWIC's many land treaties with the Indians.
Everardus Bogardus (28) (b. 1607, d. 1647) was the 2nd domine in the province of New Netherlands. He arrived in 1633. In 1638 he married Anneke Jans (660,017), a widow with 4 children and a 162-acre farm on the Hudson River. He had many quarrels with the leaders of New Amsterdam, and was himself charged with drunkeness, meddling, and foul language. In September 1647, leaving his family behind, Bogardus sailed on the Princess bound for Holland to defend himself in court. The Princess was wrecked in a storm, and Bogardus drowned.
Firth Haring Fabend, The Quarreling Domine from her article, Compassionate Calvinism published in de Halve Maen.
From this article we learn that Annetje Jans was widowed at least twice. Her will includes detailed gifts to many of the women she knew and cared about.
Will of Anneke Jans Bogardus
In the name of the Lord, Amen. Know all men by these presents, that this day, the 29th of January 1663, in the afternoon, about four o'clock, appeared before me, Derrick Van Schelluyne, notary public, in the presence of the witnesses hereafter mentioned, Anneke Janse, widow of Roeloff Janse, of Master Land, and now lastly widow of Reverend Everhardus Bogardus, residing in the village of Beverwyck, and well known to us, notary and witnesses;
The said Anneke Janse lying on her bed in a state of sickness, but perfectly sensible and in full possession of her mental powers, and capable to testate, to which sound state of mind we can fully testify.
The said Anneke Janse considering the shortness of life and certainty of death and uncertainty of the hour or time, she, the said Anneke Janse, declared after due consideration, without any persuasion, compulsion, or retraction, this present document to be her last will and testament, in manner following;
First of all recommending her immortal soul to the Almighty God, her Creator and Redeemer, and cosigning her body to Christian burial, and herewith revoking and annulling all prior testamentary dispositions of any kind whatsoever, and now proceeding anew, she declared to nominate and institute as her sole and universal heirs her children,
Sarah Roellofson, wife of Hans Kierstede;
Catrina Roeloffsen, wife of Johannes Van Brugh;
Jannetje and Rachel Hartgers, the children of her deceased daughter Fytje Roeloffsen, during her life the wife of Peter Hartgers, representing together their mother's place;
Also her son Jan Roeloffsen, and finally William, Cornelius, Jonas and Peter Bogardus, and to them to bequeath all her real estate, chattels, money, gold and silver, coined and uncoined, jewels, clothes, linen, woolen, household furniture, and all property whatsoever, without reserve or restriction of any kind, to be disposed of after her decease and divided by them in equal shares, to do with the same at their own will and pleasure without any hindrance whatsoever; provided never the less with this express condition and restriction that her first four children shall divide between them out of their father's property the sum of one thousand guilders, to be paid to them out of the proceeds of a certain farm, situate on Manhattan Island, bounded on the North River, and that before any other dividend takes place; and as three of these children at the time of their marriage received certain donations, and as Jan Roeloffsen is yet unmarried, he is to receive a bed and mulch cow;
And to Jonas and Peter Bogardus she gives a house and lot situated to the westward of the house of the testatrix in the village of Beverwyck, going in length until the end of a bleaching spot, and in breadth up to the room of her, the testatrix, house, besides a bed for both of them and a mulch cow to each of them, the above to be an equivalent of what the married children have received.
Finally, she, the testatrix, gives to Roeloff Kierstede, the child of her daughter Sara, a silver mug;
To Annetje Van Brugh, the child of her daughter Catrina, also a silver mug;
And to Jannetje and Rachel Hartgers, the children of her daughter Fytje, a silver mug each;
And to the child of William Bogardus named Sytje also a silver mug;
All the above donations to be provided for out of the first moneys received, and afterwards the remainder of the property to be divided and shared aforesaid.
The testatrix declares this document to be her only true last will and testament, and desiring that after her decease it may be supersede all other testaments, codicils, donations, or any other instruments whatsoever; and in case any formalities may have been omitted, it is her will and desire the same benefits may occur as if they actually had been observed;
And she requests me, notary public, to make one or more lawful instruments in the usual form of this, her, testatrix, last will and desire.
Signed, sealed, and delivered at the house of the testatrix in the village of Beverwyck, in New Netherland, in the presence of Ruth Jacobuse Van Schoonderwurt and Evert Wendell, witnesses.
This is the X mark of Anneke Janse with her own hand.
Rutger Jacobus
Evert Jacobus Wendell
D. V. Schelluyne, Notary Public, 1663