Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 10-27 September 1646

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Order. To Jan de Vries to embark on board the Jaeger for Holland. [1646] (page 270);Order to the rev. Everardus Bogardus to deliver to the council a bill of exchange drawn by the Swedish governor at the South river (Delaware), in favor of Jacob Everson Sandelyn, skipper of the Scotch Dutchman, for goods sold said governor. [1646] (page 270);Return of the fiscal to the service of the above order on rev. Mr. Bogardus, with the latter's answer. [1646] (page 271);Examination of Laurens Laurensen respecting the sending of the above bill by Jacob Sandelyn to rev. Mr. Bogardus; Laurensen admits having delivered a package of letters from Sandelyn to Bogardus, to be sent to Holland, amongst which were some from the Swedish governor. [1646] (page 271);Manumission of Jan Francisco, junr., a slave, in return for his long and faithful services. [1646] (page 271)

Document Date
1646-09-10 to 1646-09-27
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10th of September 1646

Whereas the sentence and the account of Jan de Fries are sent to his house and the ship De Jager lies at present ready to sail for the fatherland, you, Jan de Pries, are hereby commanded to repair this week on board said ship in order to proceed in her to Holland. Done in council, the day and year aforesaid.

On the 13th of September

Jan Jansen from Hoorm, plaintiff, vs. Claes Pietersen from Purmerent, defendant. Plaintiff lost some shirts on the voyage from Holland hither and as the defendant has sold here some shirts like them, plaintiff wants to know where the defendant got them. Defendant answers that he bought the shirts at Amsterdam, without being able to say in what street. The director and council, having heard the plaintiff, find not a particle of guilt in the defendant, wherefore the plaintiff is ordered to keep silent on condition that the defendant, when he goes to Holland and shall have arrived at Amsterdam, is bound to point out the shop where he bought the shirts.

Sybolt Classen, plaintiff, vs. Rouloff Jansen, defendant, as surety for Jan Haes. The plaintiff demands payment from the surety. Defendant answers that he paid Jan Haes. Ordered that parties shall prove their assertions.

Whereas the honorable director general and council of New Netherland have been reliably informed that Jacob Eversen Sandelyn, skipper of the ship Den Schotsen Duytsman,[1] without order or commission from the Chartered West India Company, chamber of Amsterdam, has come into the South river of New Netherland with the aforesaid ship and there sold a quantity of duffel cloth and other goods to the Swedish governor, for which he received from the aforesaid governor a bill of exchange amounting to the sum of 2,050 gl., which bill of exchange and letter of advice have been handed by Laurens Laurensen from Vleckeren to Everardus Bogardus, minister here, to be transmitted to Holland; and whereas this tends to the great prejudice of the Company and the serious detriment of this country; therefore, we hereby order said Bogardus to deliver immediately into our hands the above mentioned bill handed him by Laurens Laurensen, or to declare into whose hands he has delivered it. In default thereof, the aforesaid Bogardus shall be responsible for all damage and loss which the honorable Company shall suffer thereby and be considered an accessory of those who endeavor to rob the honorable Company of its revenue and seek to ruin the country. Thus done in council in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 21st of September anno l646.

We, the undersigned, declare that by order of the court in New Netherland we have this day read the aforesaid order to Domine Bogardus, who gave the honorable fiscal for answer that it was not enough for the sheriff or fiscal to make some assertions, but that he must prove his above written complaint.

The fiscal asked Bogardus, "Did you not have the bill of Sandelyn?", whereupon the minister answered, "I did not say that." All of which we declare took place in our presence at the house of Bogardus, the 21st of September 1646, in New Amsterdam.

The original was signed, Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, Evert Duykingh. Below was written; Acknowledged before me, and was signed, Cornelis van Tienhoven, secretary.

In council in Fort Amsterdam, at the request of the honorable fiscal, Laurens Laurensen from Vleckeren was asked this day whether he had received any letters from Jacob Sandelyn to be delivered to Everardus Bogardus, with request from said Sandelyn that Bogardus should forward the letters to Holland, and whether there was not a bill of exchange among them from the Swedish governor. Laurens Laurensen says that he received a package of letters from the aforesaid Sandelyn, among which letters there were also some from the Swedish governor, and delivered them here to Everardus Bogardus. Done the 21st of September anno 1646. Was signed by Willem Kieft, director, and Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal. Below was written: Acknowledged before me, Corneils van Tienhoven, secretary.

The 27th of September

At the request of the Reverend and very learned Domine Johannes Megapolensis, minister in the colony of Renselaerswyck, and in accordance with the promise heretofore made by our predecessors to Jan Francisco, junior, a Negro, in view of the long and faithful service rendered by him, the same is hereby manumitted and given his freedom, provided that during the remainder of his life he shall pay yearly as an acknowledgment for his freedom 10 schepels of wheat or the value thereof.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 270-271.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: The Scotch Dutchman.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Ship Mentioned (Unlinked)
Scotch Dutchman
To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Manumission of Jan Francisco, junr. a slave, in return for his long and faithful service 1646
To Party 1 Entity
From Party 1
From Party 2
A1809 Additional Party
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