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Agreement of Pieter Colet regarding the purchase of Adriaen Pietersen's house and plantation on Manhattan Island 1643-09-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_072b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
[Inventory of Vredendael ] 1643-09-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_060a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Surrender by Bout Francen of his lease of said bouwery 1643-09-27 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_060b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Receipt of David Pietersen de Vries for a power of attorney from Jacob Stoffelsen to collect money in Holland in payment of a note 1643-10-03 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_074a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Dirck Cornelissen from Wensveen to Wouter van Twiller to collect money from the West India Company 1643-10-03 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_078 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Certificate of part ownership of Jacob Stoffelsen in the privateer La Garce 1643-10-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_074b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Captain Blauwvelt to Jacob Stoffelsen to recover Negro women who ran away from the ship La Garce 1643-10-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_074c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Jan Laurensen to Teunis Jansen to collect debts due to him and the late Willem Coster 1643-10-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_075 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Indenture of service of Robert Cook to Arent van Curler 1643-10-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_076 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of George Grace regarding a note of Captain Foulke Brent in favor of Dirck Corssen Stam which is said to be in possession of the heirs of Thomas Oldens 1643-10-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_077 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deposition of Richard Aesten and others as to pumpkins stolen on the land of Anthony Jansen from Salee by the crews of the Sevenster and the privateer La Garce 1643-10-13 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_079 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of Thomas Farrel of Bristol to serve Thomas Hall 1643-10-19 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_082 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Abraham Jacobsen to Hendrick Jansen to collect moneys from the orphan masters at Amsterdam 1643-10-20 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_083 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Jan Warrensen and Hans Nelisen, two soldiers, respecting an attack made by Indians on the colony of Achter Col 1643-10-30 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_085a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Jan Vigne for moneys disbursed in wintering cattle 1643-10-31 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_085b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Jan Jansen Damen 1643-10-31 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale between Harck Sybesen and Barent Dircksen of a house and lot near the fort on Manhattan island 1643-11-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_089b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Claes van Elslandt and others that they saw the woman residing on Old Jan's plantation drive the Company's cattle into the swamp 1643-11-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_090a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Agreement of Willem Turck to collect money from Philip Geraerdy from the West India Company 1643-11-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_090b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deposition of Jan van Ditmersen and Cornelis Jacobsen in regard to leather stolen by Roelant Hackwaert from Laurens Duyts 1643-11-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_091a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Cornelis Jansen Coelen to the director and council of New Netherland to remove and take care of the goods remaining in the colony of Achter Col 1643-11-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Receipt of Albert Cornelissen for payment by Hendrick Jansen of money due him by the proprietors of Achter Col 1643-11-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Pieter Cock and Roeloff Jansen that since the destruction of Achter Col by the Indians there has been no chance to inspect the place 1643-11-03 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_087a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Jan de Visser regarding his release from the service of Johannes La Montagne and entrance into the service of the Company 1643-11-03 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_087b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Richard Rely to Jeronimus La Croix to receive moneys from the West India Company 1643-11-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_087c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Will of Pieter Bronck 1643-11-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_088a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
List of provisions furnished to the yacht Real 1643-11-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_088b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Johannes Winckelman to Philip Gerritsen, innkeeper of the city tavern, for board, etc. 1643-11-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_089a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of skipper Ridder Eversen about a cask of merchandise which he was obliged to throw overboard 1643-11-13 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Willem Turck for wheat received from Jan Damen for the use of the ship Swarte Raven 1643-11-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_091b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Maurits Jansen van Broeckhuysen in favor of Jan Jansen Damen 1643-11-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_092a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Philip Gerritsen, tavern keeper, to Willem Turck, to collect moneys from the proprietors of Achter Col 1643-11-24 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_092b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Return by court messenger to a writ of attachment of a power of attorney given by Cornelis Jansen Coelen to the director and council of New Netherland 1643-11-26 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_091c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Dirck Cornelissen for wages earned in Achter Col 1643-11-27 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_092c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Inventory of the estate of 1643-12-18 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Tonis Nyssen to Cornelis Dircksen Hoochlant 1643-12-21 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Evert Cornelissen regarding the ownership of property left him by his brother Laurens Cornelissen 1643-12-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Gerrit Wolphertsen to Andries Hudde to receive his wife's share of the estate of her father, Cornelis Lambertsen Cool, deceased 1643-12-30 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Protests of the director and council against Andries Rouloffsen, chief boatswain, and Tymen Jansen, ship carpenter, for neglect of duty 1644-01-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_097a_97b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Protest by director and council against the fiscal for neglect of duty 1644-01-05 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093e New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Agreement between Aeltje Brackogne and her sons-in-law regarding the settlement of the estate of the late Cornelis Lambertsen Cool 1644-01-05 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093f New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Will of Hans Hendricks 1644-01-18 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093g New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declarations of Michiel Tadens and Jan Jacobsen, witnesses for the prosecution, respecting the wounding of Hans Hendricks by Jacob Hendricks of Dort 1644-01-18 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093h New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Jan Jacobsen respecting the wounding of Han Hendricks 1644-01-18 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_094a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Cornelis Willemsen and Laurens Pietersen, witnesses for the defendant, respecting the wounding of Hans Hendricks by Jacob Hendricks of Dort 1644-01-20 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_094b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration as to the estate left by Pieter Lievesen, deceased 1644-01-25 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_095a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Surgeon Van den Bogaerdt and Willem de Key respecting an assault committed by Black John on Ensign Van Dyck 1644-01-27 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_095b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Pieter van der Linde and Hendrick Pietersen respecting the shooting of a hog in the woods 1644-01-27 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_096a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Remmert Jansen and Rouloff Jansen Haes as to a debt claimed by Benedict Hendricks from Hillegont Joris 1644-01-28 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_096b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of John Forbes in favor of Claes Cartensen for the balance of the purchase money of a plantation on Long Island 1644-01-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_097c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Marten Ael and other soldiers that they had been sent away by Jochem Pietersen from his plantation to Manhattan 1644-02-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_098a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Egbert van Borsum and other skippers, exculpating Tymen Jansen from wilful neglect of duty 1644-02-19 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_098b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Protest of the fiscal of New Netherland against the erection of a fort on Beeren Island and counter protest of Nicolaes Coorn 1644-03-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_100a_100b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Jan Pietersen about slanderous words spoken by Jan Snediger to Marritke Lives 1644-03-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_099a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Discharge of Isbrant Clasen and Harman Arentsen from the service of patroon Kiliaen van Rensselaer 1644-03-06 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_108a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Cornelis Cornelissen and other soldiers regarding the destruction of Jochem Pietersen Kuyter's house by the Indians 1644-03-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_099b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Johannes La Montagne and Philippe de Remier respecting the testamentary disposition of his property made by Jan Manje, lying wounded at Stamfort 1644-03-11 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_101a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Nicolaes Coorn and others respecting a disturbance made at the city tavern by Captain John Underhill and other Englishmen 1644-03-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_101b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
The fiscal's answer to the protest of Pieter Wyncoop 1644-03-17 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_103 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Protest of Pieter Wyncoop, supercargo of the Wapen van Rensselaerwyck, against the fiscal for unloading the vessel 1644-03-18 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_102 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of Carel Staets to serve Hendrick Pietersen alias Kint in Water for one year 1644-03-22 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_104a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Receipt of Pieter Wyncoop for gun powder delivered by Fiscal Van der Hoykens 1644-03-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_104b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Jan Haes in favor of Steven Jongh 1644-03-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_105a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Protest of the fiscal against Govert Loockermans' trading with the Indians at the South River 1644-03-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_105b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bond of Thomas Badgehott to John Evance of New Haven for the repayment of money loaned to him, binding the King's Head tavern in London as security 1644-03-25 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_105c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of Thomas Hall and Thomas Goodman to construct a rain fence for Jan Damen 1644-03-26 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_106 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Release of Peter Caesar Alberto for his wife's share of the estate of her father, Jan Manje 1644-03-31 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_107a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Mortgage of Claes van Elslant's house near Fort Amsterdam to David Provoost to satisfy a judgment 1644-04-04 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_107b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Lease of William Smith of Stamfort of certain cattle and other animals belonging to Hans Hansen and George Rapalje 1644-04-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_108b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Cosyn Gerritsen regarding Sybolt Clasen's offer to pay Cornelis Lambersen Cool for boards 1644-05-13 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_109a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Note of Elbert Elbertsen in favor of Jan Jansen Damen 1644-05-14 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_109b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Indenture of Marritje Hans, daughter of Hans Jansen, to Philip Gerritsen, tavern keeper 1644-05-23 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_111a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Indenture of service of Maria, a young Negro girl, to Nicolaes Coorn 1644-05-25 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_111b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen Schepmoes to Cornelis Antonissen to collect Aeltje Claes' portion of her father's estate 1644-06-14 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_112a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Receipt of Augustin Herrmans and Laurens Cornelissen, agents for Pieter Gabri and sons and Coenraet Coymans, for moneys paid them by Director Kieft 1644-06-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_112b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Cornelis Maessen to Jan Jansen Damen to sell grain 1644-06-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_113a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Arent Corssen that Cornelis Groessen, supercargo of the Maecht van Enckhuysen, had complained to him of ill treatment by the pilot of said vessel 1644-07-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_115b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Marriage of Pieter Linden and Marta Chombaer, widow of Jan Manje 1644-07-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_116 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Director Kieft regarding the payment of a protested bill of exchange 1644-07-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119e New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Testimony in action for damages against Nicolaes Coorn for firing on Loockerman's vessel when passing Beeren island 1644-07-05 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_117a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Arent Corssen and Jacob Egbertsen that they never heard Laurens Cornelissen speak disrespectfully of Director Kieft 1644-07-07 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_117b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Tryntje Jonas that Hillegont Joris first declared that Jan, the pilot, and afterwards that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of the child 1644-07-07 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_118a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Juriaen Blanck and Thomas Willett respecting the purchase of malt from Laurens Cornelissen 1644-07-07 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_118b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declarations of Pieter Jansen and Richard Clouff that Sir Edmund Plowden owns a half interest in the bark 1644-07-07 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119a_119b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Philippe de Remier and other soldiers that Jochem Pietersen Kuyter sent them away from his plantation to Manhattan 1644-07-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Egbert van Borsum to his brother Cornelis van Borsum to collect his share of his father's and mother's estates 1644-07-08 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119d New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Pieterje Jans and Annetje Ruys that Hillegont Joris denied that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of her child 1644-07-09 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_114 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Further evidence to disprove the charge that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of Hillegont Joris' child 1644-07-11 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_115a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Receipt of Gerrit Vastrick for fifty beavers from Marten Kregier to be sold in Holland for his account 1644-07-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119f New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Protest of Director Kieft, as agent of Wouter van Twiller, against Claes van Elslandt for neglect to account for Van Twiller's property in his hands 1644-07-15 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119g New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Govert Loockemans to Willem de Key to sue Nicolaes Coorn for damages 1644-07-16 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_120a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Govert Loockemans to Oloff Stevensen and Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to manage his affairs in his absence 1644-07-16 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_120b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Bill of sale from Oloff Stevensen and Jacob Wolphertsen, agents of Govert Loockemans, to Geerloff Tadicksen and Menrdric Ryff of a half interest in the yacht De Hoop 1644-07-18 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_120c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Mortgage. Jannitje Broen, to Isaac Allerton, of a house on the island of Manhattan, near fort Amsterdam. 1644-07-25 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_121b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Declaration of Cornelis Melyn and his wife that they purchased certain goods from Laurens Cornelissen, skipper of the Maecht van Enckhuysen 1644-07-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_113b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed. Jan Jacobsen to Lambert van Valckenburgh, of house and plantation on the island of Manhattan, together with 25 morgens of land adjoining. 1644-07-29 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_121c New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Deed from Geertje Nannincx to Cornelis Melyn of a house and lot on the East river near Fort Amsterdam 1644-08-02 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_121a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Contract of sale of a house, brewery and garden on Manhattan Island from Hendrick Jansen to Burger Jorissen 1644-09-01 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_124 New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen of Puerssel to Pierre Pia to collect wages earned as a soldier in the service of the West India Company 1644-09-10 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_122a New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)
Will of Pieter Jansen with power of attorney to Jan Jansen Schepmoes to manage his property during his absence 1644-09-12 NYSA_A0270-78_V2_122b New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660)