Agreement of Pieter Colet regarding the purchase of Adriaen Pietersen's house and plantation on Manhattan Island |
1643-09-02 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_072b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
[Inventory of Vredendael ] |
1643-09-22 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_060a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Surrender by Bout Francen of his lease of said bouwery |
1643-09-27 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_060b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Receipt of David Pietersen de Vries for a power of attorney from Jacob Stoffelsen to collect money in Holland in payment of a note |
1643-10-03 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_074a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Dirck Cornelissen from Wensveen to Wouter van Twiller to collect money from the West India Company |
1643-10-03 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_078 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Certificate of part ownership of Jacob Stoffelsen in the privateer La Garce |
1643-10-08 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_074b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Captain Blauwvelt to Jacob Stoffelsen to recover Negro women who ran away from the ship La Garce |
1643-10-08 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_074c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Jan Laurensen to Teunis Jansen to collect debts due to him and the late Willem Coster |
1643-10-08 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_075 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Indenture of service of Robert Cook to Arent van Curler |
1643-10-09 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_076 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of George Grace regarding a note of Captain Foulke Brent in favor of Dirck Corssen Stam which is said to be in possession of the heirs of Thomas Oldens |
1643-10-12 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_077 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Deposition of Richard Aesten and others as to pumpkins stolen on the land of Anthony Jansen from Salee by the crews of the Sevenster and the privateer La Garce |
1643-10-13 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_079 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Contract of Thomas Farrel of Bristol to serve Thomas Hall |
1643-10-19 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_082 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Abraham Jacobsen to Hendrick Jansen to collect moneys from the orphan masters at Amsterdam |
1643-10-20 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_083 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Jan Warrensen and Hans Nelisen, two soldiers, respecting an attack made by Indians on the colony of Achter Col |
1643-10-30 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_085a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Bond of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Jan Vigne for moneys disbursed in wintering cattle |
1643-10-31 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_085b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Bond of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Jan Jansen Damen |
1643-10-31 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Contract of sale between Harck Sybesen and Barent Dircksen of a house and lot near the fort on Manhattan island |
1643-11-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_089b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Claes van Elslandt and others that they saw the woman residing on Old Jan's plantation drive the Company's cattle into the swamp |
1643-11-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_090a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Agreement of Willem Turck to collect money from Philip Geraerdy from the West India Company |
1643-11-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_090b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Deposition of Jan van Ditmersen and Cornelis Jacobsen in regard to leather stolen by Roelant Hackwaert from Laurens Duyts |
1643-11-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_091a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Cornelis Jansen Coelen to the director and council of New Netherland to remove and take care of the goods remaining in the colony of Achter Col |
1643-11-02 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Receipt of Albert Cornelissen for payment by Hendrick Jansen of money due him by the proprietors of Achter Col |
1643-11-02 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Pieter Cock and Roeloff Jansen that since the destruction of Achter Col by the Indians there has been no chance to inspect the place |
1643-11-03 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_087a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Jan de Visser regarding his release from the service of Johannes La Montagne and entrance into the service of the Company |
1643-11-03 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_087b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Richard Rely to Jeronimus La Croix to receive moneys from the West India Company |
1643-11-04 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_087c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Will of Pieter Bronck |
1643-11-04 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_088a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
List of provisions furnished to the yacht Real |
1643-11-04 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_088b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Note of Johannes Winckelman to Philip Gerritsen, innkeeper of the city tavern, for board, etc. |
1643-11-12 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_089a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of skipper Ridder Eversen about a cask of merchandise which he was obliged to throw overboard |
1643-11-13 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_086d |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Note of Willem Turck for wheat received from Jan Damen for the use of the ship Swarte Raven |
1643-11-22 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_091b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Note of Maurits Jansen van Broeckhuysen in favor of Jan Jansen Damen |
1643-11-23 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_092a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Philip Gerritsen, tavern keeper, to Willem Turck, to collect moneys from the proprietors of Achter Col |
1643-11-24 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_092b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Return by court messenger to a writ of attachment of a power of attorney given by Cornelis Jansen Coelen to the director and council of New Netherland |
1643-11-26 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_091c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Note of Johannes Winckelman in favor of Dirck Cornelissen for wages earned in Achter Col |
1643-11-27 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_092c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Inventory of the estate of |
1643-12-18 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Note of Tonis Nyssen to Cornelis Dircksen Hoochlant |
1643-12-21 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Evert Cornelissen regarding the ownership of property left him by his brother Laurens Cornelissen |
1643-12-22 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Gerrit Wolphertsen to Andries Hudde to receive his wife's share of the estate of her father, Cornelis Lambertsen Cool, deceased |
1643-12-30 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093d |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Protests of the director and council against Andries Rouloffsen, chief boatswain, and Tymen Jansen, ship carpenter, for neglect of duty |
1644-01-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_097a_97b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Protest by director and council against the fiscal for neglect of duty |
1644-01-05 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093e |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Agreement between Aeltje Brackogne and her sons-in-law regarding the settlement of the estate of the late Cornelis Lambertsen Cool |
1644-01-05 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093f |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Will of Hans Hendricks |
1644-01-18 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093g |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declarations of Michiel Tadens and Jan Jacobsen, witnesses for the prosecution, respecting the wounding of Hans Hendricks by Jacob Hendricks of Dort |
1644-01-18 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_093h |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Jan Jacobsen respecting the wounding of Han Hendricks |
1644-01-18 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_094a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Cornelis Willemsen and Laurens Pietersen, witnesses for the defendant, respecting the wounding of Hans Hendricks by Jacob Hendricks of Dort |
1644-01-20 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_094b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration as to the estate left by Pieter Lievesen, deceased |
1644-01-25 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_095a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Surgeon Van den Bogaerdt and Willem de Key respecting an assault committed by Black John on Ensign Van Dyck |
1644-01-27 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_095b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Pieter van der Linde and Hendrick Pietersen respecting the shooting of a hog in the woods |
1644-01-27 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_096a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Remmert Jansen and Rouloff Jansen Haes as to a debt claimed by Benedict Hendricks from Hillegont Joris |
1644-01-28 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_096b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Bond of John Forbes in favor of Claes Cartensen for the balance of the purchase money of a plantation on Long Island |
1644-01-29 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_097c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Marten Ael and other soldiers that they had been sent away by Jochem Pietersen from his plantation to Manhattan |
1644-02-12 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_098a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Egbert van Borsum and other skippers, exculpating Tymen Jansen from wilful neglect of duty |
1644-02-19 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_098b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Protest of the fiscal of New Netherland against the erection of a fort on Beeren Island and counter protest of Nicolaes Coorn |
1644-03-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_100a_100b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Jan Pietersen about slanderous words spoken by Jan Snediger to Marritke Lives |
1644-03-02 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_099a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Discharge of Isbrant Clasen and Harman Arentsen from the service of patroon Kiliaen van Rensselaer |
1644-03-06 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_108a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Cornelis Cornelissen and other soldiers regarding the destruction of Jochem Pietersen Kuyter's house by the Indians |
1644-03-09 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_099b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Johannes La Montagne and Philippe de Remier respecting the testamentary disposition of his property made by Jan Manje, lying wounded at Stamfort |
1644-03-11 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_101a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Nicolaes Coorn and others respecting a disturbance made at the city tavern by Captain John Underhill and other Englishmen |
1644-03-17 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_101b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
The fiscal's answer to the protest of Pieter Wyncoop |
1644-03-17 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_103 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Protest of Pieter Wyncoop, supercargo of the Wapen van Rensselaerwyck, against the fiscal for unloading the vessel |
1644-03-18 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_102 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Contract of Carel Staets to serve Hendrick Pietersen alias Kint in Water for one year |
1644-03-22 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_104a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Receipt of Pieter Wyncoop for gun powder delivered by Fiscal Van der Hoykens |
1644-03-23 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_104b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Note of Jan Haes in favor of Steven Jongh |
1644-03-23 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_105a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Protest of the fiscal against Govert Loockermans' trading with the Indians at the South River |
1644-03-23 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_105b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Bond of Thomas Badgehott to John Evance of New Haven for the repayment of money loaned to him, binding the King's Head tavern in London as security |
1644-03-25 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_105c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Contract of Thomas Hall and Thomas Goodman to construct a rain fence for Jan Damen |
1644-03-26 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_106 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Release of Peter Caesar Alberto for his wife's share of the estate of her father, Jan Manje |
1644-03-31 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_107a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Mortgage of Claes van Elslant's house near Fort Amsterdam to David Provoost to satisfy a judgment |
1644-04-04 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_107b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Lease of William Smith of Stamfort of certain cattle and other animals belonging to Hans Hansen and George Rapalje |
1644-04-23 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_108b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Cosyn Gerritsen regarding Sybolt Clasen's offer to pay Cornelis Lambersen Cool for boards |
1644-05-13 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_109a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Note of Elbert Elbertsen in favor of Jan Jansen Damen |
1644-05-14 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_109b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Indenture of Marritje Hans, daughter of Hans Jansen, to Philip Gerritsen, tavern keeper |
1644-05-23 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_111a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Indenture of service of Maria, a young Negro girl, to Nicolaes Coorn |
1644-05-25 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_111b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen Schepmoes to Cornelis Antonissen to collect Aeltje Claes' portion of her father's estate |
1644-06-14 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_112a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Receipt of Augustin Herrmans and Laurens Cornelissen, agents for Pieter Gabri and sons and Coenraet Coymans, for moneys paid them by Director Kieft |
1644-06-29 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_112b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Cornelis Maessen to Jan Jansen Damen to sell grain |
1644-06-29 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_113a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Arent Corssen that Cornelis Groessen, supercargo of the Maecht van Enckhuysen, had complained to him of ill treatment by the pilot of said vessel |
1644-07-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_115b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Marriage of Pieter Linden and Marta Chombaer, widow of Jan Manje |
1644-07-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_116 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Director Kieft regarding the payment of a protested bill of exchange |
1644-07-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119e |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Testimony in action for damages against Nicolaes Coorn for firing on Loockerman's vessel when passing Beeren island |
1644-07-05 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_117a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Arent Corssen and Jacob Egbertsen that they never heard Laurens Cornelissen speak disrespectfully of Director Kieft |
1644-07-07 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_117b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Tryntje Jonas that Hillegont Joris first declared that Jan, the pilot, and afterwards that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of the child |
1644-07-07 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_118a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Juriaen Blanck and Thomas Willett respecting the purchase of malt from Laurens Cornelissen |
1644-07-07 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_118b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declarations of Pieter Jansen and Richard Clouff that Sir Edmund Plowden owns a half interest in the bark |
1644-07-07 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119a_119b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Philippe de Remier and other soldiers that Jochem Pietersen Kuyter sent them away from his plantation to Manhattan |
1644-07-08 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Egbert van Borsum to his brother Cornelis van Borsum to collect his share of his father's and mother's estates |
1644-07-08 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119d |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Pieterje Jans and Annetje Ruys that Hillegont Joris denied that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of her child |
1644-07-09 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_114 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Further evidence to disprove the charge that Laurens Cornelissen was the father of Hillegont Joris' child |
1644-07-11 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_115a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Receipt of Gerrit Vastrick for fifty beavers from Marten Kregier to be sold in Holland for his account |
1644-07-15 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119f |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Protest of Director Kieft, as agent of Wouter van Twiller, against Claes van Elslandt for neglect to account for Van Twiller's property in his hands |
1644-07-15 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_119g |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Govert Loockemans to Willem de Key to sue Nicolaes Coorn for damages |
1644-07-16 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_120a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Govert Loockemans to Oloff Stevensen and Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven to manage his affairs in his absence |
1644-07-16 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_120b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Bill of sale from Oloff Stevensen and Jacob Wolphertsen, agents of Govert Loockemans, to Geerloff Tadicksen and Menrdric Ryff of a half interest in the yacht De Hoop |
1644-07-18 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_120c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Mortgage. Jannitje Broen, to Isaac Allerton, of a house on the island of Manhattan, near fort Amsterdam. |
1644-07-25 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_121b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Declaration of Cornelis Melyn and his wife that they purchased certain goods from Laurens Cornelissen, skipper of the Maecht van Enckhuysen |
1644-07-29 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_113b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Deed. Jan Jacobsen to Lambert van Valckenburgh, of house and plantation on the island of Manhattan, together with 25 morgens of land adjoining. |
1644-07-29 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_121c |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Deed from Geertje Nannincx to Cornelis Melyn of a house and lot on the East river near Fort Amsterdam |
1644-08-02 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_121a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Contract of sale of a house, brewery and garden on Manhattan Island from Hendrick Jansen to Burger Jorissen |
1644-09-01 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_124 |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen of Puerssel to Pierre Pia to collect wages earned as a soldier in the service of the West India Company |
1644-09-10 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_122a |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |
Will of Pieter Jansen with power of attorney to Jan Jansen Schepmoes to manage his property during his absence |
1644-09-12 |
NYSA_A0270-78_V2_122b |
New Netherland Provincial Secretary register of the Provincial Secretary (Series A0270 _ 1642-1660) |
New York State Archives |