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Ordinance regulating the assize of bread and the price of wine, brandy, etc. in New Amsterdam 1651-06-05 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0023 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the driving of carts, wagons and sleighs in New Amsterdam 1652-06-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0026a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance against boarding ships arriving at New Amsterdam before the same are entered 1652-06-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0026b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the purchase of lands from the Indians and vacating and annulling several grants 1652-07-01 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0027 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance against firing at partridges or other game within the limits of New Amsterdam 1652-10-09 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0031 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the more general planting of wheat, corn, and other grains 1653-03-20 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0032 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance increasing the excise on wines and strong liquors 1653-03-26 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0036 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the publication of a certain ordinance of last October against the wasteful and unprofitable consumption of grain in Renselaerwyck 1653-03-28 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0033 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance amending the preceding ordinance on the excise of wines and strong liquors 1653-08-18 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0037 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance fixing the rate at which goods are to be sold in New Amsterdam 1653-11-19 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0038 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance annulling banns of marriage published in places where the parties have not been residents during the previous year 1654-01-19 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0040 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance imposing duties on Indian goods, wine, brandy, etc. 1654-01-28 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0041 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance against harboring pirates or vagabonds; for arresting the same, and providing for the public safety 1654-04-08 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0043 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the Ferry at the Manhattans 1654-07-01 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0047 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the duties of the provost marshal of Fort Amsterdam 1654-08-20 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0050 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance imposing a tax on land and cattle 1654-08-24 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0053 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance against furnishing liquors to Indians 1654-08-28 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0055 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance renewing the regulations for the inspection of tobacco enacted 10 February, 1653 1655-03-10 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0057 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance exempting Jews between 16 and 60 years old from military service and obliging them to pay a monthly fine 1655-08-28 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0059 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the preservation of fences 1655-10-09 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0060 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance fixing the price of good New Netherland beer 1655-11-29 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0061 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance against firing guns, planting May poles, beating drums,or selling liquors on New Year's day or May day 1655-12-31 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0062 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering of cattle without a permit 1656-01-18 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0063 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the more effectual collection of duties on exported peltries 1656-01-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0065 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance against conventicles and meetings other than the authorized reformed religion 1656-02-01 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0066 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the better collection of the fees of the weigh house at New Amsterdam 1656-04-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0068 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the fees of the weigh house and the duties of the weigh master 1656-04-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0070 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance establishing the duties to be paid to the farmer of the excise on exported liquors 1656-06-07 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0075 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the payment of tenths 1656-06-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0076 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance requiring all vessels and persons to take out a permit and to pay duties on exported furs and liquors before sailing from New Amsterdam 1656-06-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0077 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the more effectual prevention of smuggling at the port of New Amsterdam 1656-08-11 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0078 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating certain fees payable at the public store in New Amsterdam 1656-09-06 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0082 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance establishing a weekly market at New Amsterdam 1656-09-13 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0084 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the officers and soldiers of the director-general's company 1656-09-20 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0085 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the rate at which beavers are to be received in payment of duties 1656-09-27 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0089 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance amending the laws for the better observance of the Sabbath; against the sale of liquors to the Indians, and regulating the assize of bread and the trade of baking 1656-10-26 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0091 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance renewing sundry ordinances which have fallen into disuse 1657-00-00 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0001 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance obliging tavern keepers to take out a license and pay excise 1657-01-00 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0103 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the currency 1657-01-03 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0098 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the fencing of private lands and authorizing the cutting of firewood and timber on unfenced lands 1657-01-16 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0101 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance declaring who may be admitted to great and small citizenship in New Amsterdam 1657-02-02 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0105 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the better inspection of tobacco 1657-03-30 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0108 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance concerning observance of the Sabbath; selling liquors to Indians; smuggling; the port of New Amsterdam, against fast driving, and the delivery of letters 1657-06-12 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0112 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the surer prevention of smuggling 1657-08-12 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0117 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance against exporting goods without a permit 1657-08-24 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0118 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance further regulating the currency 1657-11-29 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0119 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance annulling all fraudulent sales of mortgaged lands on South river 1657-12-15 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0122 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance concerning thatched roofs, wooden chimneys, hay stacks, fire buckets, hooks and ladders in New Amsterdam 1657-12-15 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0123 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for the more effectual prevention of quarrels and broils in the public streets of New Amsterdam 1657-12-15 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0125 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for appraising and assessing vacant lots in the city of New Amsterdam 1658-01-15 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0126 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance to oblige parties to marry after the proclamation of banns 1658-01-15 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0129 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance regulating the office and fees of notaries, secretaries and town clerks 1658-01-25 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0130 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Ordinance for establishing a new village at the end of Manhattan Island (Harlem) 1658-03-04 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_0135b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Title page 1658-03-04 NYSA_A1875-78_V16_pt1_i New Netherland Council Dutch colonial ordinances (Series A1875 _1647-1658)
Complaint against Hendrick Hendricksen, baker, for selling bread below the regular weight 1656-10-04 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0001 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Account of the fines received and expenses incurred at Fort Orange from 4th October, 1656, to 28th March, 1658 1656-10-04 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0124 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Title pages 1656-10-04 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_i New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sentence of Egbertje Egberts for selling beer to Indians 1656-10-06 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0003 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sentence of William Hoffmeyer for conveying beer up the river and selling it to Indians 1656-10-06 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0005 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sentence of Dirckje Harmens for selling beer to Indians 1656-10-06 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0007 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Minute of the conveyance of a drunken Indian to the fort on a brewer's dray and his confinement there 1656-10-12 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0008 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Examination of a drunken Indian conveyed to the fort 1656-10-13 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0009 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Sundry actions for recovery of debts 1656-10-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0010 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Trial of Juriaen the glazier for assaulting and wounding Cornelis Pietersen Hoogeboom 1656-10-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0012 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; suit against Jellis Fonda's wife; price asked by Carsten Fredricksen for his lot 1656-10-21 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0014 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Ordinance for the sweeping of chimneys 1656-10-24 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0016 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; application of Thomas Jansen MingaI for a building 1656-10-24 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0019 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; information against Barent Pietersen for selling liquor to an Indian 1656-10-31 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0020 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; action of damages against Thomas Chombert 1656-11-07 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0022 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt 1656-11-22 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0023 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt and prosecutions for being found in the tavern after the ringing of the bell 1656-11-28 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0025 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; Andries Herbertsen vs. Hendrick the baker's wife; Arent van Curler vs. Marcellis Jansen 1656-12-05 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0027 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt 1656-12-12 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0031 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions: Lambert van Valkenborch vs. Hendrick Claessen and Gerrit Willemsen; Jacob Jansen Schermerhorn vs. Reyner Albertsen; Foppe Barentsen vs. the sheriff; actions of debt 1657-01-09 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0033 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Application of sheriff of Renselaerswyck for arrest of Jan Joosten; action against Marcellis Jansen for selling liquor on his premises last Sunday during the sermon 1657-01-23 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0038 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Resolution that all public work shall be done in future by contract 1657-02-02 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0039 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; application of the sheriff of Renselaerswyck for the punishment of Lambert van Neck 1657-02-06 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0040 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Appointment of Jan Verbeeck and Evert Wendel to be orphan masters 1657-02-07 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0043 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of Jan van Hoesem against Jochem Wesselsen; actions of debt 1657-02-20 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0044 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt 1657-02-27 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0045 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Appointment of Andries de Vos and Arent Andriessen as curators of the estate of the late Cornelia Vedos 1657-02-27 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0046 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Minute of a proclamation for a day of prayer 1657-02-27 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0047 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions: Abraham Abrahamsen vs. Harmen Bastiaensen; Surgeon de Hince vs. Thomas Powelsen; actions of debt 1657-03-13 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0049 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions: Jochem the baker vs. the secretary of Renselaerswyck; the sheriff vs. Meuwes Hoogenboom, Gysbert Van Loon, and others; the sheriff vs. Claes Ripsen, Arent Vanderberg, and others; rev. Gideon Schaets vs. Cornelis Teunissen Bosch and wife 1657-03-20 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0051 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Interrogatories on which Hans Vos was examined 1657-04-14 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0054 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; Baefje Pietersen vs. Meuwes Hoogenboom and others 1657-04-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0058 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Examination of Paulus Maertensen, Gerrit Slechtenhors, and others, witnesses in the case of the sheriff vs. Peter Bronk 1657-04-17 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0060 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Examination of Gysbert Teunisen, a witness, against Hans Vos 1657-04-24 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0062 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Complaint and sentence of Hans Vos for selling liquor to Indians 1657-04-28 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0063 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of Jan van Hoesem against Gertrude Jeronimus, wife of Jochem the baker 1657-04-28 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0064a New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Minute of swearing in of the newly appointed magistrates and their oath; resolution concerning retiring magistrates and the burgher watch 1657-05-01 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0064b New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Examination of Martin Bierkaker, witness, on a charge against Steven Jansen 1657-05-01 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0066 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions: Jacob Sehermerhoorn vs. Hendrick Andriessen; Jan Labité vs. Gillis Pietersen; Jan van Hoesem vs. Matthews Abrahamsen; Jochem the baker vs. William Hoffmeyr; Peter Bent vs. Peter Bosboom 1657-05-29 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0067 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Judgments against Peter Bronck and Steven Jansen 1657-05-29 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0070 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Resolution permitting the inhabitants to employ Indian brokers in the Indian trade this year 1657-06-06 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0071a New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Trial of Marten, the mason, for wounding Peter Jacobsen Bosboom 1657-06-07 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0071b New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of Andries de Vos against Paulus Lendersen (van der Grist) 1657-06-11 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0073 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Action of the sheriff against Frans Barentsen Pastoor 1657-06-16 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0077a New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Propositions of the three Mohawk castles 1657-06-16 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0077b New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)
Actions of debt; application of Frans Barentsen Pastoor, former magistrate, for payment of two years' salary 1657-06-19 NYSA_A1876-78_V16_pt2_0079 New Netherland Council Fort Orange settlement administrative records (Series A1876 _ 1656-1660)