Ship Journey: 1660 - Gilded Beaver (Vergulde Bever)

Ship Name
Gilded Beaver (Vergulde Bever)
Departure Location
Departure Date
Arrival Date
Ship Journey Information

New Netherland 1621-1664
Immigrants to New Netherland

In the Gilded Beaver
(Vergulde Bever)
Sailed from Amsterdam March 29, 1660
Captain Jan Reyersz Van der Beets

    Domine Bloom1, (Bloem)

    Domine Selyns  1

    Annetje Abrahams - maiden
    (Annetien Abrahams)

    Cornelis Niesen's wife - Adelborst, a military rank

    Jonas Bartelsz (Bartesen, Bartelson), and wife and two children ages 3 and 4 years

    Maria Jans - orphan daughter, maiden
    aka Besems

1  Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, B. Fernow, (c)1883, vol XIV, pg 461.

Source: #83, #84, #86