Document: Ante-mortem declaration of Harmen Hendricksen

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Ante-mortem declaration of Harmen Hendricksen from Deventer, a soldier, as to the circumstances under which he had been shot by sheriff Van Sweringen, in New Amstel.

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Today, 20 June, appeared the honorable Willem Beeckman, vice-director on the South River, at the house of Fop Jansz Outhoudt, who found one of his soldiers lying there mortally wounded by the name of Harmen Hendricksz van Deventer, cadet. He asked him immediately on his deathbed, in the presence of the witnesses written below, how he had been so severely wounded. He answered that last evening he went out in the company of Hendrick Dyck, soldier and Elias Routs, cadet, for a little walk. When they came to or passed near the house of the schout, Gerrit van Sweeringe, they were all singing. The schout, who was leaning out his door, asked them why they were singing so late on the street. They answered that they were on a public street, and why were they not allowed to sing. To this the schout replied that if they didn't stop, he would give them a beating. To this they responded, "Be a brave guy and come outside!" With the words, "Hope it hits!" the schout fired a shot and the aforesaid Harmen Hendricksz was hit in the lower part of the stomach with birdshot, wounding him fatally. All of which he, Harmen Hendricksz, declares to be true and truthful, and as true as God will allow him to be on his deathbed. Done in the colony of New Amstel on the South River of New Nether land. Was signed: The mark of Harmen Hendricksz X made himself. Below as witnesses: Coornelis Marssen Factoor; Hendrick Jansz van Jeveren, Jacob de Commer, surgeon; Wolfert Webbe, the younger; Hendrick Kip, junior; Willem Coornelisz Ryckevryer; [ left blank ];[1] Foppe Jansz Outhoudt.

The above copy has been compared to the original and found to agree. Altena, 21 June 1662.

A. Hudde, secretary

At the request of Mr. Beeckman the following witnesses, namely, Hendrick Jansz van Jeveren, Jacob de Commer, surgeon, Hendrick Kip, Willem Cornelisz Rykevryer and Fop Jansz Outhout appeared before Messrs. Jan Willems and Pieter Pietersz Harder, councillors of the colony of New Amstel, to reaffirm the above deposition. They signed the same once again with their own hands offering to swear an oath that it all happened as stated above. We, the witnesses, declare that it is true and truthful, and offer to confirm it by oath at any time. Thus done in the colony of New Amstel, 1 August 1662.

Jacob de Commer, surgeonHendrick Janssen van JeverHendrick Kip, juniorWillem Cornelisen Ryckenvryer

Witnesses:Jan WillemsPieter Pietersz

C.J. Verbraak, by authority of the director and council of New Amstel.

Appeared before Messrs. Jan Willems and Pieter Pietersz, councillors of this colony of New Amstel, the honorable Mattys de Brul, about 50 years old, who, at the request of Mr. Beeckman, vice-director on the South River, testified, declared and attested, as he hereby testifies and declares, that in the evening of 19 July he heard two or three soldiers singing before the schout's door. He, the deponent, also heard some words exchanged with the schout. Upon opening his door, he, the deponent, saw them on the other side of the street and heard a shot shortly thereafter which wounded one of them, who was dragged away by the others. He, the deponent, also declares that he neither heard nor saw any swords. All of the aforesaid he, the deponent, declares to have seen and heard, and is prepared to confirm it at any time by oath. Thus done in the colony of New Amstel, 1 August 1662.

Mathieu Dubreuil

Done before us as witnesses:Jean WillemsPieter Pietersz

C.J. Verbraak, by authority of the director and council of this colony of New Amstel.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Andries Hudde was apparently unable to decipher the signature of Pyeter Arnssen Tesselt, cf. the original in 19:37.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. 18-19, Delaware Papers: Dutch Period, 1648-1664 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1981).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
Deventer|New Amstel|South River|Altena
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Harmen Hendricksen|Gerrit van Sweringen|Willem Beeckman|Fop Jansz Outhoudt|Hendrick Dyck|Elias Routs|Hendrick Jansz van Jeveren|Jacob de Commer|Wolfert Webbe|Hendrick Kip|Willem Coornelisz Ryckevryer|Jan Willems|Mattys de Brul|Andries Hudde
Document Location