Ship Journey: 1659 - Gilded Otter - Vergulde Otter

Ship Name
Otter - Gilded Otter - Vergulde Otter
Departure Location
Departure Date
Arrival Date
Ancestors Who Arrived On This Ship Journey
Ship Journey Information

v_192 New Netherland Voyages 1.0

Skipper:  Cornelis Reyersz van der Beets

Passengers recorded:  Carel Bevois from Leyden, wife, and three children; Marten Warnarts Stoltin; Cornelis Jansz van der Veer, famer; Jan Luycas, shoemaker, from Oldenzeel, wife, and child; Roeloff Dircxsz from Sweden; Sweris Dircxsz from Sweden; Domine Hermanus Bloem

Jacob Barsimson, Jewish merchant

Cargo: munitions; gunpowder; clothing for soldiers

Source Notes: Venema, Correspondence, 1659–1660, [13:1, 21, 57]; CJR, 133–136, 154–155, 166; WIC "Account Book" (NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0083); SHC-NNI, 262-06 or SAA NA, inv. 2487 (January 8, 1660)

Van den Hout, Julie. "Voyages of New Netherland."


New Netherland 1621-1664
Immigrants to New Netherland

In the Otter
Sailed from Amsterdam February 17, 1659
Captain Cornelis Reyers Van der Beets
Arrived at New Amsterdam May, 1659

    Carel Bevois (Bevvis), from Leyden - and wife and three children ages 3, 6 and 8 years

    Cornelis Jansen Vander Veer, (Van der Veer), farmer

    Jan Luycas from Oldenzaal, shoemaker - and wife and young child

    Marten Warnarts Stolten (Stoltin), from Zwoll (Swoll)

    Roelof Dircksen from Sweden
    (Roeloff Dircxsz)
    [See Source #77, page 308]

    Sweris Dirxsz from Sweden
    [See Source #77, page 309]

    Domine Harmanus Bloem  1

1Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, B. Fernow, (c)1881, Vol XII, pg 155

Source: #77, #83, #86