New Netherland 1621-1664
Immigrants to New Netherland
Groute Christoffel
Sailed November 23, 1654
Arrived in New Amsterdam, 1655
Jan Paulo Jaquet,1 with his family
" he does not know any one there and intends to engage in farming, we could not upon his request refuse him a letter of recommendation, the more so as he has served the Company in Brasil for many years. We desire you therefore to assist him as much as possible without prejudice to the Company and after selecting a convenient place to give him as much land under the usual condition, as he shall be able to cultivate".
Brian Newton,2 lieutenant;
"The good report which you have given us, has induced us to re-appoint him on his petition made to our board to his former charge of Lieutenant".
"Brian Newton who was discharged there from the service on the last of June 1659 and subsequently arrived here [in Holland], in the ship "Coninck Salomon" where he received his final settlement and pay, has again sailed from here for New Netherland in the St. Cristoffel on the 2d of December following.
Soldiers and their families,
carpenter, gunner and boatswain
"The muster roll of the soldiers coming over, we have made great endeavors to obtain a larger number, but could not succeed on account of the recruiting by the East India Company. You will take care and direct, that the accounts of such as come with their wives and children are duly debited with the passage money of their families, besides their arms and two months' pay paid in advance, for the Company, as you know, has to pay the passage for these women and children here. Besides a master carpenter, a gunner and a boatswain, we send you also in the said ship a quantity of tools as per invoice."3
1Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, B. Fernow, (c)1883, vol XIV, pg 304
2ibid, pg 303, 322, 461
3ibid, pg 305.