Document: Van-Laer_Manuscripts_Vol-04_0219_Page-208-1


[180] Ordinance framed by the honorable director and council according to which all the Company's servants and freemen shall have to regulate themselves while on duty in the Burger guard 1. If any one on duty in the Burger Guard take the name of God in vain, he shall forfeit for the first offense 10 stivers, for the second offense 20 stivers, and for the third time 30 stivers. 2. Whoever on the Burger guard speaks ill of a comrade shall forfeit 30 stivers. 3. Whoever comes fuddled or intoxicated on guard shall for each offense forfeit 20 stivers. Whoever is absent from his watch, without lawful reason, shall forfeit 50 stivers. 4-. After the watch is duly performed and daylight is come and the reveille beaten, whoever discharges his gun or musket without orders of his corporal, shall forfeit one guilder. The 16th of November 164-3. On the 19th of November Manuel of Gerrit de Reus and big Manuel declare in court at the request of the fiscal that Jan Sells cut the cow of little Manuel with a chopping knife, producing a large wound, and that old Jan drove many cows and horses into the swamp; which they have confirmed by oath in court. On the 26th of November The fiscal, plaintiff, vs. old Jan Sells, for having chased and wounded cattle, especially little Manuel's cow. Jan Sells Is condemned to pay the owner for the damage which was done to Revised from Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, p. 35.

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