Document: Writ of injunction against Alexander D'Hinoyossa not to molest Cornelis van Gezel and ordering him to deliver up all of Jacob Alrich's papers

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Writ of injunction against Alexander D'Hinoyossa, director of the South river, not to molest Cornelis van Gezel, executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Alrichs, and ordering him to deliver up all said Alrich's papers, &c.

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Petrus Stuyvesandt, on behalf of their honorable High Mightinesses the lords States General of the United Netherlands and the lords directors of the Chartered West India Company, chamber of Amsterdam, director general of N. Netherland, Curaao, Bonaire, Aruba and the dependencies thereof, together with the honorable lords councilors, have summoned hereto the sergeant, Jacob vander Veer, greetings.

Let it be known that we have received the petition of Cornelis van Gezel, as executor of the testament of the late Mr. Jacob Alrichs, in his lifetime director in the colony of New Amstel, containing in effect how Alexander dHinojossa, contrary to the letters of benefit of inventory, and after our orders and instructions to him, continues to withhold the books and papers belonging to the estate; moreover, threatening to send him away with a bark if he bothers him with it anymore. Also, that he, dHinojossa, still has in his possession many effects belonging to the estate as well as some pertaining to his own defense, without being willing to hand over to him or the heirs any accounting or inventory; all in contempt of the letters of benefit and specific orders issued by us, so that he still remains disturbed in the peaceable administration of the estate, and powerless to advance matters of the same, tending to great damage and loss of the estate, and also to the defamation of the late Mr. Alrichs (so he says). He requests that he be supported in his administration and preservation of the aforesaid estate, and that he, dHinojossa, be ordered to hand over to him, petitioner, all effects and goods, together with papers, books, accounts, letters and copies of letters related to or concerned with the justification of the aforesaid estate, and that [ ] under proper inventory confirmed by oath [ ] noted.[1]

Therefore, we instruct and order hereby commissioning you thereto, that you address yourself to the person or to the residence of the aforesaid dHinojossa, and on our behalf command and order the same to leave the aforesaid petitioner unmolested in his administration; and furthermore to hand over to him under proper inventory, papers, books, accounts, letters and copies of letters related to the aforesaid estate and might pertain to its settlement; in case of refusal or opposition, summon the defendant to come, or to send a deputy, on a certain, suitable day before us here at Manhattan in Fort Amsterdam, in order to relate the reasons thereof and to hear such demands and rejoinders that the petitioner shall make and effect against him, to respond to everything, and to proceed according to law. [ In addition to ] making copies, you are to relate to us what you encounter.

Done in Fort Amsterdam in N. Netherland under our distinctive seal and the signature of our secretary on the 19th of October 1660.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: The problems between dHinojossa and Van Gezel are related in Willem Beeckmans letters to Petrus Stuyvesant in the NYHM, Delaware Papers, 18:184-89, 198, 237-38,244. See also the appendix for papers related to this case.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 1, Laws and Writs of Appeal, 1647-1663 (Syracuse: 1991).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

To Party 1
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To Party 2 Text Unlinked
Cornelis van Gezel, executor
From Party 1
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