Lot: Isaac Varian Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Isaac Varian Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
THE ISAAC VARIAN FARM Block Check List. 805-831-827-800-805.

The Varian farm was formerly the northerly 25 acres of the John Home farm. Its early history belongs with that farm.

The connection between John Home, who bought the farm in 171 6, and Jacobus Home, the grantor in the next deed, has not been traced. Presumably he was a son of John Home. No marriages, births, or wills found to prove descent.

The 25 acres came into Varian in two parcels. First, the most northerly 15 acres.

Jacob Horne to John de Witt. Deed dated Dec. 20, 175 1. — Liber Deeds, XVI: 77 (Albany).

"All that certain lott of ground and premises situate lying and being in the Outward of the City of New York, bounding N. 65° 30' W. 16 ch. 90 1. by the land of John Horn; thence N. by the land of Johannes Couwenhove [sic], 22° E. lo ch., 68 1.; thence S. by the land of Van Orden, 65° 30' E.

13 ch., 50 1.; thence S. 48°, W. 2 ch., 10 1.; thence S. along the Road, 7°, W. 9 ch., containing in the whole 15 Acres, as may appear by a Map or Chart made thereof by Francis Marschalck, City Surveryor. Together with all and singular the premises thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, etc."

Anne de Witt, widow of John de Witt, deed, (and other heirs of John De Witt) to Isaac Varian. Deed dated Dec. 28, !■]%■]— Ibid., CCXCVI: 626 (New York).

Conveys same premises.

As to the ten acre tract immediately south of the fifteen acres:

Adam Vandenburgh was in possession here as early as 1764. — Recitals in Liber Deeds, XX: 388 (Albany), in the Franklin & Robinson farm. There is no deed of record into Adam Vandenburgh in New York County.

The will of John Horn, dated Feb. 20, i8n;; proved Aug. i, 1815 {Liber Wills, LII: 403, New York), devised ^250 to his sister, Margaret Vandenburgh. It seems probable that she inherited the ten acre farm from John Horne. The record of her marriage to Adam Vandenburgh has not been found.

Vandenburgh sold the ten acres to Isaac Varian eariier than August, 1769. The deed has not been found. It is recited in Liber Deeds, CCLXXXVIII: 163 (New York). Varian mortgaged the land Aug. 2, \-]6ij.— Liber Mtges., II: 374 (New York).

For the Varian homestead, which stood on a6th St. west of Broadway, see L. M. R. K., Ill: 953; and Chronology, 17S7.