Augustine Heermans, First Lord of Bohemia Manor, Maryland
Spouse | Marriage |
Janneken Varleth (ID: 660,035) | 1,660,078 - 660,035 Herrman - Varleth |
Heermans, Augustine - Controversy regarding his birth date shows him as being born either in 1605 or 1621. If born in 1621, he would have been 19 years old in 1640 when working for the DWIC in New Amsterdam, and if born in 1605 he would have been 35. The entry below shows 1605, but wikipedia shows 1621.
(1605-1686), surveyor; born Prague, Bohemia, moved to Amsterdam; clerk for the merchants John and Charles Gabry of Amsterdam; sent to New Amsterdam as agent for Gabry and Company; appointed to the Nine Men, 1647, 1649, 1650; married Janneken Varleth, daughter of Caspar Varleth and sister of Nicolaes Varleth [q.v.], Dutch Reformed Church, New Amsterdam, intention, Dec. 10, 1651; sent by Petrus Stuyvesant [q.v.] to Maryland to confer over disputed land title between the two colonies; received patent for 20,000 acres at the head of the Chesapeake Bay from Lord Baltimore, 1660, confirmed, 1662; moved to Maryland and founded Bohemia Manor there; died in Maryland, 1686.
David Voorhees, Jacob Leisler Papers