Document: Return of Abraham van Nas to a summons

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Return of Abraham van Nas to a summons which he served on Francis Cregier Cornelis Martensen, William Cornelissen Ryckevryer, Hendrick Kip and Fop Jansen Outhout, of New Amstel, who refused to appear and testify before vice-director Beeckman.

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Today, 6 June 1662, upon the instructions and orders of Mr. Wilhem Beeckman, vice-director, on behalf of the Chartered West India Company on the South River in New Netherland, I unconditionally summoned the following persons: Francois Cregier, Cornelis Martensen Factor, Willem Cornelisse Ryckevryer, merchants, together with Mr. Hendrick Kip, brewer, and Fop Jansen Outhout, innkeeper, to bear witness to the truth of matters known to them. They all replied that they would not bear witness against their superior because it might prove dangerous. However, they did say that they would come to Mr. Beeckman's. Done at Altena in the absence of the court messenger, dated as above.

(Was signed)Abraham van Nas, notary public

Dated as above. By order of the vice-director, Willem Beeckman, at Fort Altena were summoned Mr. Francois Cregier, Cornelis Martense Factor, Willem Cornelisse Ryckevryer, merchants, together with Mr. Hendrick Kip, brewer (the former schepen and commissary) and Fop Jansen Outhout, innkeeper, all residing in and inhabitants of the colony of N. Amstel. They were informed that the reason for their summons was to bear witness to the truth, and that their board would be provided at Mr. Beeckman's house. Done at Altena in the absence of the court messenger.

(Was signed)Abraham van Nas, notary public

They replied that they preferred not to give any manner of testimony against their superior. Done at Altena, dated as above.

(Was signed)Abraham van Nas, notary public

Today, 7 June 1662, appeared before me, Abraham van Nas, appointed notary public by the director-general and high council of New Netherland and residing here in Altena, the following witnesses: Cornelis Martensen Factor, merchant residing in the colony of New Amstel, about 36 years old, summoned by order of the vice-director, Wilhem Beeckman, to bear witness to the truth. Therefore he has declared and testified in good faith upon request for evidence, as he hereby does, how it is true that he, the deponent, on 15 May of this year in the colony of New Amstel found himself in the inner room of the house of Fop Jansen Outhout in the company of the director, Alesander d'Hinojossa, and the schout, Gerret van Sweringen. Also present were Hendrick Kip, Fop Jansen Outhout, Willem de Ryckevryer and many others too numerous to name. In their company and before all those present, the director, d'Hinojossa, spoke the following words in a loud voice to Hendrick Huygen, saying in particular that the people of Manhattan withheld from him and property, naming specifically the director-general, and that the people of Manhattan etc. were therefore all considered his enemies, indeed his archenemies. Also that he splashed a little wine from his glass saying, "If I could poison them with so much wine, I wouldn't use just a spoonful." He told Hendrick Huygen that he should tell this to the people of Manhattan. Also, that the aforesaid d'Hinojossa said further, that if the City did not sufficiently maintain him, he would do just as Minnewit, the uncle of Hendrick Huygen, had done, who had been treated badly by the Company and had as a result brought the Swedes[1] here. He said, "Then I shall go and bring the Englishman or the Portuguese, the Swede or the Dane, What the devil do I care whom I serve?" He then repeated, "Tell them freely; conceal nothing!" Also, "I shall get my revenge!" With nothing further to testify, he, Factor, declared that he has, with complete knowledge and memory, heard, seen and clearly understood all the aforesaid from the director's own mouth, together with similar expressions too long to relate here; therefore, he offers to confirm the aforesaid with a solemn oath, if required. Done at Fort Altena in the presence of the aforesaid Hendrick Kip, Willem de Ryckevryer, Fop Jansen Outhout, together with Francois Cregier and Dominicus Sybrants as trustworthy witnesses, who were hereto summoned and who have signed the original document below me, the notary, together with the deponent on the day, month and year aforesaid.

Agrees with the original,8 June 1662

Quod Attestor (was signed)Abraham van Nas, notary public

On the above-mentioned date the aforesaid Hendrick Kip about 28 years old, brewer, fromer schepen and commissary in the colony of New Amstel, appeared, gave evidence, testified and declared, upon summons, that he, the deponent, was at Fop Jansen Outhout's house on 15 May with the director, d'Hinojossa, Gerret van Sweringen and others too many to relate here; and that the aforesaid director said to Hendrick Huygen and others present these following words: first, that the director-general and people at Manhattan withheld from him life and property, and declared them to be enemies, indeed, his archenemies; if the City did not support or satisfy him, he would do as Minnewit, Hendrick Huygen's uncle, had done: when the Company treated him badly he brought the Swedes in here; saying, "Then I shall go and bring in the Englishman or Portuguese, the Swede or Dane, what the devil do I care whom I serve! I shall get my revenge!" Also, after splashing a little wine from his glass, he said, "If I could poison or drown them with this much wine I wouldn't use just a spoonful!" He further told Hendrick Huygen to tell it freely to the people at Manhattan, repeating several times, "Tell it freely, conceal nothing!" He said this together with many other remarks. Having nothing else in particular to testify about, he, Hendrick Kip, declared that he has, with complete knowledge and memory, heard, seen and clearly understood all the aforesaid from the director's own mouth; therefore, he offers to confirm all the aforesaid with a solemn oath; if required. As an affirmation of its truth, he has signed this with his own hand in the presence of and together with Cornelis Martense Factor, Fob Jansen Outhout, Willem de Ryckevryer; and Francois Cregier and Dominicus Sybrants as trustworthy witnesses hereto summoned on the day, month and year aforesaid.

(was signed)Abraham van Nas, notary public

Agrees with the original, 8 June 1662.

Upon summons, the aforesaid Willem Cornelisse Ryckevryer appeared, gave evidence, testified and declared that on 15 May of this year he was present in the aforesaid company, and that from Director d'Hinojossa's mouth he heard, saw and clearly understood the following remarks: in particular, that those of Manhattan, naming the director-general among them, were withholding his life and property and that he therefore considered them his enemies, indeed, his archenemies; secondly, if the City did not support and satisfy him, he would do as Minnewiek, Hendrick Huygen's uncle, had done who brought in the Swedes here because he was treated badly by the Company; saying, "Then I'll go and bring in the Englishman or the Portuguese, the Swede or Dane. What the devil do I care whom I serve! I shall get my revenge!" Thirdly, that he splashed a little wine from his glass, saying, "If I could poison or drown the people at Manhattan with this much wine, I wouldn't use just a spoonful!" He then told Hendrick Huygen, "Tell it to the people at Manhattan," repeating several times "Tell it to them freely, conceal nothing!" Having no further testimony, he declared to have clearly heard and seen all the aforesaid from Director d'Hinojossa's mouth; therefore, he offers to stand by his word at any time, if required. As an attestation of the truth, he has signed this with his own hand in the presence of and together with Cornelis Martense Factor, Hendrick Kip, Fop Jansen Outhout; with Francois Cregier and Domenicus Sybrants as trustworthy witnesses hereto especially summoned on the day, month and year written above.

Quod Attestor (was signed)Abraham van Nas, notary public

Agrees with the original,8 June 1662

Upon summons on the aforesaid date. Fop Jansen Outhout, innkeeper residing in the colony of New [ Amstel ] and 31 years old, appeared, gave evidence, testified and declared that he, the deponent, was in the aforesaid company in the inner room of his own house on 15 May, when the director, Alesander d'Hinojossa, made these following remarks to Hendrick Huygen and all present, including the schout, Gerret van Sweringen: first, that he named the director-general and the people at Manhattan as those who were withholding life and property; secondly, that he considered them his enemies, indeed, his archenemies; thirdly, if the City did not support and satisfy him, he would do as Minnewiet, Hendrick Huygen's uncle, had done, who brought the Swedes in here because he was not satisfied by the Company; saying, "Then I'll go and bring in the English or Portuguese, the Swede or the Dane," adding, "What the devil do I care whom I serve! I shall get my revenge"; fourthly, that he splashed a little wine from his glass, saying, "If I could poison or drown the people at Manhattan with so much wine, I wouldn't use just a spoonful!" He said further to Hendrick Huygen, "Tell it freely to them at Manhattan," repeating, "Tell them freely, conceal nothing!" Having no further testimony, he, the deponent, declared that he has clearly heard and seen all the aforesaid from the director's mouth; offering, therefore, to confirm all the aforesaid at any time with a solemn oath, if required. As an affirmation of the truth, he has signed this with his own hand in the presence of and together with Cornelis Martense Factor, Hendrick Kip, Willem Cornelisse Ryckevryer; and Frans Cregier and Domenicus Sybrants as trustworthy witnesses hereto especially summoned to Altena. They all have signed the original documents on 7 June 1662.

Quod Attestor,Abraham van Nas,notary public

Agrees with the original.8 June 1662.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Reference to Pieter Minuit, former director of New Netherland who was dismissed by the WIC and became the first director of New Sweden.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. 18-19, Delaware Papers: Dutch Period, 1648-1664 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1981).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Modern Location
Locations (Unlinked)
New Amstel|South River in New Netherland|Altena |Manhattan|New Sweden
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Abraham van Nas|Francis Cregier|Cornelis Martensen|William Cornelissen Ryckevryer|Hendrick Kip|Fop Jansen Outhout|Wilhem Beeckman|Hendrick Huygen|Alesander d'Hinojossa|Gerret van Sweringen|English|Portuguese|Swede|Dane|Dominicus Sybrants|Pieter Minuit
Document Location