Document: Letter from John James to Petrus Stuyvesant

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Hempstead. Letter. John James, town clerk, to director Stuyvesant, transmitting for his approval the names of persons for magistrates. [1658]

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Ever honored Sir.

After the remembrance of our submission and humble respects; it hath pleased God after A Sickly and sad Summer to give vs A seasonable and comfortable Autumne, wherewith we haue beene (thorow mercy) refreshed ourselues and haue gained strength of God, soe that we have beene necessarily Imployed in getting winter foode for our Cattell and thereby haue something prolonged our wonted time of chasing Magistrates, for the which wee hope your honor will hold vs Excused: And now according to our Accustomed manner: we haue voted and putt vpon denomination our former Magistrate Mr. Richard Gildersleue, and with him William Schadden, Robert Forman and Henry Persall. They are all of them knowing-men, of honest life and good integrity, therefore we desire your honnor to choose & appoint twoe of them to be our Magistrates And we shall willingly accept of them, And allways according to our duty & obedience, wee shall pray vnto the Most high God, to bless and presearue your honor with much health wth happines And prosperity in all your Noble designe Where with wee humbly take our leave.

Hemstead this 27th Nov. 1658Stilo Nouo.


To the Rt. honorable Peter Steuensant Gouemor and Capt. Generall of the Newnetherlands resident att Mannatans.


Hempsteed to Go. Stuyvesant Nov. 1658


1658, 9 December.Were selected: Mr. Gildersleve; Mr. Forman.

John James Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source:New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial administrative correspondence, 1646-1664. Series A1810-78. Volume 12, document 97, page 1, side 1.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translated in: Correspondence, 1647-1653, trans. and ed. Charles T. Gehring ("New Netherland Documents Series") (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
Nassau County|New Amsterdam|Hempstead
To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Petrus Stuyvesant
To Party 1 Entity
From Party 1
From Party 1 Text Unlinked
John James, town clerk
Document Location