Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 19-26 August 1638

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Court procedings. Rev. Everardus Bogardus vs. Loosrecht, laborer, action for non-fulfillment of contract; judgment for plaintiff. Adam Roelantsen from Dockum vs. Jan Kant, for slander; defendant had reported to the council that plaintiff had declared, he did not care for any one in the country; evidence in the case. Same vs. Jan of Bremen et al., for slander. (cont'd) [1638];Ordinance for the cultivation and inspection of tobacco, and for the drawing up by the provincial secretary, all contracts, obligations, leases, deeds and other legal instruments. [1638] (Page 16).;Court proceedings. Claes Cornelissen Switz vs. Cornelis Lambertsen Cool, for delivery of a horse; plaintiff ordered to prove the validity of the sale. Jan Kant vs. Adam Roelantsen, in an action for slander; defendant declares before the court, that he has nothing to say against the plaintiff, whom he acknowledges to be an honest man. Jan Jansen, gunner, vs. Adam Roelantsen, slander; parties are condemned each to pay 55 stivers to the poor. Thomas Bescher vs. Maryn Adriaensen, slander. Mr. Gerlyn vs. Nicolas Corlar's servant, slander; defendant declares he has nothing to say against the plaintiff. Philip Teyler vs. Nicolas Martens, slander; defendant declares he has nothing to say against the plaintiff. Claes Cornelissen vs. Montagne, for an assault on plaintiff's wife; defendant pleads guilty and is ordered to settle with the fiscal. Joannes La Montagne vs. Claes Cornelissen, assault. Symon Dircksen Pos vs. Philip de Truy, action of debt. [1638] (Page 17).

Document Date
1638-08-19 to 1638-08-26
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Adam Roelantsen from Dockum, plaintiff, vs. [ Jan ] from Bremen, Tomas Walraven, Jan Jansen, gunner, defendants, for slander. Case put over to the next court day and parties ordered to bring proper proof.


Ordinance for the inspection of tobacco and drawing up legal Instruments[1]

Whereas it is deemed necessary by the director and council of New Netherland to frame an order respecting the planting of tobacco, since many tobacco planters seek only to raise a large crop of tobacco without caring whether it be good, well cured or properly made, whereby our tobacco entirely loses the good reputation which it enjoys in other countries; Therefore, in order to prevent this, all persons are hereby notified, warned and commanded to make well conditioned tobacco, to properly remove all superfluous leaves, see that the tobacco is well cured and to use as little water as possible even for that which is spun. Furthermore, all tobacco which is to be shipped or sent out of New Netherland must first be brought to the appointed warehouse, there to be inspected, marked and weighed and payment to be made there also of the Company's duties on all exported goods, to wit, five of every 100 pounds, according to the tenor of the Freedoms granted by the Company; for which purpose we have appointed two sworn inspectors, who shall make the inspection and receive the duties thereon; and whoever shall act contrary hereto shall forfeit all his tobacco and furthermore be arbitrarily punished.

Likewise, henceforward, no instruments, whether contracts, obligations, leases, or bills of sale, or other writings of whatever nature they may be, and concerning which any dispute may arise, shall be held valid by the director and council unless they shall be written by the secretary of this place. Let every one take warning and guard himself against loss.

Thus done and published in Fort Amsterdam, this 19th of August 1638.

On the 26th August, being Thursday

Claes Cornelissen Swits, plaintiff, vs. Cornelis Lambertsen Cool, defendant. Plaintiff demands delivery of the horses which he bought of the defendant. The plaintiff is ordered to bring sufficient proof that the purchase took place in proper form.

Jan Kant, plaintiff, against Adam Roelantsen from Dockum, defendant for slander. Plaintiff demands proof of the slander which the defendant uttered against him, or, in case he has no proof, to restore his honor. The defendant declares in the presence of the court that he had nothing to say against the plaintiff and that he acknowledged and considered him to be an honorable man.

Jan Jansen, gunner, plaintiff, vs. Adam Roelants from Dockum, defendant, for slander. Plaintiff demands vindication of his honor. Parties are condemned to pay each 25 st. to the poor.

Jan from Bremen, defendant, vs. Adam Roelants, plaintiff, for slander. Jan from Bremen is condemned to pay 25 st. to the poor.

Tomas Bescher, plaintiff, vs. Maryn Adriaensen, defendant, for slander. Parties are ordered to bring proper proof on the next court day.

Master Gerlyn, plaintiff, vs. Nicolaes, Corl[ ae ]r's servant, defendant, for slander. Defendant declares that he has nothing to say against the plaintiff.

Master Philip Teyler, plaintiff, vs. Nicolaes Martens, for slander. Defendant declares he has nothing to say against the plaintiff.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 16.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Revised from Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland. pp. 16-17.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

From Party 1
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Rev. Everardus Bogardus
Adam Roelantsen
Jan Kant
Jan of Bremen
Claes Cornelissen Switz
Cornelis Lambertsen Cool
Jan Kant
Adam Roelantsen
Jan Jansen
Adam Roelantsen
Thomas Bescher
Maryn Adriaensen
Mr. Gerlyn
Philip Teyler
Nicolas Martens
Claes Cornelissen vs. Montagne
Joannes La Montagne
Claes Cornelissen
Symon Dircksen Pos
Philip de Truy
A1809 Additional Party
Document Location