Request|Burgomasters to Director General and Council for a loan to enable work on the city hall and sheet piling to be carried out |
1657-06-26 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_028 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Report|Report and assessment of the arbitrators of the inspection of the house and lot situated between the house and lot of Daniel Litschoo and the city wall: payment ordered |
1657-06-30 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_029 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order|To the treasurer to pay Allard Anthonij for the loss of his lot by the survey |
1657-11-29 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_038 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1657-12-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_039 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1657-12-20 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_040 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-01-04 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_041 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request|Burgomasters to Director General and Council for the proceeds of the weigh house |
1658-01-22 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_043 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter|To former secretary Timotheus de Gabrij: inquiring about a document relating to the house and lot of the children of Jacob Looper |
1658-01-22 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_044 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Authority|For the overseers for the paving of the Brouwersstraat |
1658-01-24 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_042 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document| |
1658-02-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_046 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note|Receipt of a request of Director General Petrus Stuijvesant to grant him a deed and conveyance for the lot on which his house is built and a lot of land south of it |
1658-02-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_047 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Director General Petrus Stuijvesant to grant him a deed and conveyance for the lot on which his house is built and a lot of land south of it |
1658-02-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_048 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Director General Petrus Stuijvesant to grant him a deed and conveyance for the lot on which his house is built and a lot of land south of it |
1658-02-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_049 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-02-21 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_050 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter|Burgomasters to Director General and Council: containing a nomination for orphan masters and church wardens |
1658-02-21 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_051 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-02-28 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_052 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the account of Nicolaas Boot: to be paid |
1658-03-01 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_053 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Instruction|Instructions for the marker of beer barrels: Jan Jansen van Breeste cuiper: oath taken |
1658-03-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_054 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request|Hans Vos as to the illegitimate son of his Wifeand Arent van Hattem: now lodging with Jacob van Corlaar and his wife: testimony as to agreement for lodging: Jacques Corteljou: guardian of the child: to be examined |
1658-03-21 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_055 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document| |
1658-03-22 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_056 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request|Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council for regulation of the estates of Joghim Pieterssen
Kuiter and Pieter Anthonij |
1658-03-22 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_057 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Report|Presiding Burgomaster as to a strip of land: belonging to Hendrick Jansen van der Vin: valuation of arbitrators required |
1658-03-26 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_058 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Salamon La Chair as to the lot beside his: provisionally reserved for the city |
1658-03-28 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_059 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-04-11 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_060 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Pieter Wolfersen van Couwenhoven v. Dirck van Schelluijn: demand for delivery of peas: witness questioned: postponed |
1658-04-11 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_061 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-04-18 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_062 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appearance|Christiaan Barens and Frerick Aarensen: dispute over a contract to build a house: contract transferred to Jacob
Leunissen |
1658-04-18 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_063 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court| Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-04-26 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_064 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request|Hendrick Jansen van der Vin for an addition to the deed of his lot: postponed |
1658-04-26 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_065 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-05-02 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_066 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-05-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_067 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-05-09 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_068 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
leave blank| |
1658-07-11 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_069 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-07-11 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_070 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-07-18 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_071 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-07-25 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_072 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-08-08 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_073 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Proceeding|Bankrupt estate of Hermen Jacobsen Bamboes: discharge of Abraham Staats as curator: letter to Andries van der Sluijs: with request for an inventory: return of goods property of Jan Cloet: and notice to enter claims |
1658-08-08 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_074 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter|To Director General and Council: with the request for a map of the city |
1658-08-09 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_075 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-08-15 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_076 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order|To the treasurer to send out the court messenger to collect the bucket money |
1658-10-01 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_077 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-10-04 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_078 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Instruction|Instructions and articles for the rattle watch: with oath |
1658-10-12 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_079 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document| |
1658-11-15 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_080 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-11-15 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_081 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter|To Director General and Council: containing the nomination for orphan masters |
1658-11-16 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_082 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-11-22 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_083 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document| |
1658-11-29 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_084 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-11-29 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_085 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-12-13 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_086 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-12-20 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_087 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Instruction|Instruction for the gauger of measures and weights: with oath |
1658-12-23 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_088 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1658-12-27 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_089 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appearance|Treasurer: asked about the bucket money and payments for burgher right: treasury empty |
1659-01-04 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_090 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-01-10 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_091 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-01-11 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_092 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-01-31 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_093 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note|Delivery of twenty-five fire buckets by Ariaan van Laer |
1659-01-31 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_094 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-02-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_095 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision|To submit a nomination for the incoming orphan masters |
1659-02-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_096 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extract|From the letter of the Director of the West India Company at Amsterdam to Director General and Council of New Netherland: regarding the request of larger freedom of trade |
1659-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_115 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-02-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_097 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request|Claartje Allerts: Wifeof Hans Stein: for an arrest on monies of Evert de houtsager in the hands of Reindert Jansen van Hoorn to be declared valid: granted |
1659-02-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_098 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-02-28 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_099 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision|To set the rate for certificates of burgher right |
1659-02-28 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_100 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appearance|Onderschout Resolveert Waldron: regarding his supervision over the canal |
1659-03-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_101 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision|To have the ordinance on the cattle market translated into English and sent to magistrates of English villages |
1659-03-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_102 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-03-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_103 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Authority|Incoming orphan masters |
1659-03-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_104 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-03-18 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_106 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-03-28 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_105 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|Of the burgomasters on the request of the bakers to set a higher price of bread: new price of bread set |
1659-04-18 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_107 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision|To promulgate notices that the market for lean cattle will be held beside the church yard |
1659-04-18 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_108 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-04-25 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_109 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-05-13 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_110 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-05-16 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_111 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-06-27 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_112 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-07-04 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_113 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-07-11 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_114 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document| |
1659-07-23 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_117 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Authority|Schout Nicasius de Sille to assist Salomon La Chair: farmer of the burgher excise on beer and wine: during his visitation of cellars |
1659-07-23 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_118 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extract|For the letter of Director General and Council to the Directors of the Amsterdam Chamber of the West India Company: regarding the grant of one fourth of the proceeds of the weigh house to the city |
1659-07-23 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_120 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-08-08 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_119 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-08-30 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_121 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document| |
1659-11-04 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_123 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice|Calling for claims on Cornelis Willemsen timmerman: who has absconded: to be submitted to Cornelis Pluijvier and Josep Waldron as curators |
1659-11-04 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_124 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request|Twenty prominent burghers to the Burgomasters: regarding the low condition of the city and its inhabitants: for the city government to obtain from Director General and Council an amplification of the burgher right |
1659-11-05 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_122 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter|From the presiding burgomaster to Director General and Council: accompanying the request of twenty prominent burghers: regarding the low condition of the city and its inhabitants |
1659-11-05 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_125 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-11-07 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_126 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-11-14 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_127 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-11-21 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_128 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Stoffel Mighielsen: demand for whipping: dismissal: and banishment for slander and calumny of Nicolaas Velthuijsen and his wife: questioned: dismissed from office: other demands postponed |
1659-11-21 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_129 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-11-22 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_130 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note|Isaack Abrahamsen has taken the oath as beer carrier and servant of the weigh house and the warehouse |
1659-11-22 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_131 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-12-12 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_132 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-12-19 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_133 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-12-20 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_134 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1659-12-23 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_135 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Letter|Burgomasters to Jacob Alrix: director of the colony New Amstel on the South River: asking him to send back the bell borrowed to domine Welius |
1659-12-30 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_136 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |
1660-01-02 |
NYC-RNA_AM_V1_137 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Administrative Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1657-1661) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |