Document: Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters

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Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |List|Note|Simon Hermsen Cort and Adam Bremen have taken the burgher oath |Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |List|Order|To Hendrick de smitt and Frans Clasen to take down the small houses they have erected |Request|Isaack de Foreest for permission to sell the goods of his former servant girl: ordered to summon her |Appointment|Isaack de Foreest and Jieronimus Ebbing as overseers of the paving of the brouwerstraat |Order|To the treasurer to proceed with the bucket money |Order|To the secretary to write to Hans Vos: to notify the surveyor to make a map: to notify the officer to issue a warning about fencing vacant lots: and to direct the court messenger to go around to inquire as to intentions to build

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