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Displaying 8001 - 8100 of 17101 Entries
17101 Total Entries
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Title Date Document ID Document Finding Aid or Collection Holding Institution
Declaration |Coenraat ten Eijck: Joost Goderus: Stoffel van Laar: and Hendrick Janzen van de Vin as to the molestation and disturbance caused by three soldiers on 19 June 1665 1665-06-22 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_629 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Lodowijck Pos and his wife for a divorce between their daughter and Arent Jurriaansen Lantsman: postponed 1665-06-22 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_630 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Appearance|Several tappers: ordered to take out licence: notification to alert watch in the case of rioting: order to secretary to provide licences 1665-06-24 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_631 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Nicolaas de Meijer v. Nathaniel Britten: demand for payment of debt in sewant according to obligation: disputed: ordered to pay 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_632 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Appearance|Arent Jurriaanzen Lantsman: Lodowijck Pos and his wife: and Beletje: wife of Lantsman: written reply to remonstrance required: ordered to summon witnesses 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_633 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Joannes Nevius for his discharge as secretary: granted 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_634 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_021 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_029 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_037 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_039 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_040 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_043 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_044 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_049 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_087 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_091 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_103 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_108b New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_109a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_109b New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_110 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_112 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_113 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Judgment|Suit between Thomas Tiddeman and Mettie Wessels on a demand for payment of debt: order to Mettie Wessels to pay: costs to be shared NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_151 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Request |Hans Kierstede for the appraisal of arrested goods in the hands of Johannes van Brugh NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_199 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Affidavit|Request of Hans Kierstede for the appraisal of arrested goods in the hands of Johannes van Brugh: granted: appointment made NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_201 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Dirck Gerrits van Trigt v. Cornelis Aerts: demand for delivery of horses according to purchase: surety demanded: surety ordered NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_216 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_001 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_002 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_003 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Mattijs Bastiaensen van der Perck: demand for fine for wounding Elisabeth Cornelissen with a knife and striking Marij Cocx: fined NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_245 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_246 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_247 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Elias Watts v. Marten Hofman: default: ordered to appear NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_270 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Agreement|Agreement with Johannes Verveile as to the ferry at Harlem: with specification of fees NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_331 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Note|Issuing of a warrant for the execution of the judgment of 19 June 1666 against Jacob Vis in his suit with Warnaer Wessels NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_339 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_340 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_341 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_342 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_343 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|John Spiegelaer v. Abram Carpijn: default NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_438 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk4_438a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Note|Election of the magistrates for the following year NYC-RNA_V5_bk4_531 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Decision |Governor Francis Lovelace to ensure arrangements for a new minister for the Dutch church NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_593 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Note|Election of the magistrates for the following year NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_624 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_625 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_626 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_627 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_628 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_629 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Unidentified document|Unidentified document NYC-RNA_V5_bk5_630 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|Francis Douthy v. John Hinxman and Knollum Winslow: referred to jury: judgment for plaintiff 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_001 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Knellum Winslow v. Francis Douty: referred to jury: judgment for plaintiff 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_002 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Francis Douty v. Knellum Winslow: complaint of assault: referred to jury: fine imposed 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_003 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Sheriff Allart Anthony v. John Adely: complaint of assault against Thomas Kox: fine demanded: fined 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_004 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Proposal |Mayor as to fortifying the city: meeting of inhabitants proposed to discuss contribution: communication with 1665-06-27 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_005 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|Meeting of inhabitants to discuss fortifying the city: no categorical answer 1665-06-28 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_006 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|Sheriff Allard Anthonij v. Hendrick spanjaert: demand for fine for breaking arrest: disputed: ordered to settle with the sheriff 1665-07-04 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_007 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Nicolaes Verbraack v. Hendrick spanjaert: demand for payment of debt in sewant according to obligation: acknowledged: but counter-claims: referred to arbitrators 1665-07-04 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_008 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Sheriff Allard Antonij v. Jacob Leenders: default 1665-07-04 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_009 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Egbert Meijnders v. Crijn Jacobs: demand for payment of debt according to account: acknowledged: ordered to pay 1665-07-04 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_010 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Lodewijck Pos v. Arent Juriaens Lantsman: demand for punishment for misconduct of his wife: Beletie Lodowijcx: denied: decision postponed: reconciliation to be attempted 1665-07-04 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_011 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Request|Harmen Wessels for the arrest on goods of Jan Damen in the hands of Servijn Laurens to be declared valid: granted 1665-07-04 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_012 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Authority|Johannes Megapolensis and Samuel Driesius to reconcile Arent Juriaens Lantsman and his wife 1665-07-04 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_013 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|Sheriff Allard Antonij: attorney of Grietie Pieters: v. Josijn Verhagen: accusation of theft of beavers: slander denied: case dismissed 1665-07-11 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_014 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Foppe Barents v. Jan van Bremen: demand for payment of debt in sewant for wages on ship: denied: referred to arbitrators 1665-07-11 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_015 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|William Hallet v. Poulus Leenders and Govert Loockermans: attornies of Jacques Cousseau: declaration exhibited: copy granted 1665-07-11 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_016 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|John Rider: attorney of Nathaniel Britten: v. Albert Alberts: declaration exhibited: copy granted 1665-07-11 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_017 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Jacobus Vis v. Lodewijck Pos: default 1665-07-11 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_018 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Arian Appel v. Pieter Schaefbanck: demand for payment of balance of debt in sewant according to account: acknowledged: ordered to pay 1665-07-11 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_019 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Request|Arent Juriaens Lantsman for an order to his wife to return: after reconciliation by Johannes Megapolensis and Samuel Driesius was blocked by wifes parents: wife questioned: order to parents not to detain their daughter: 1665-07-11 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_020 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|Allard Anthonij v. George Waecker: accusation of carrying away plaintiff s black: declaration in writing ordered 1665-07-18 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_022 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|William Edwards v. Cors Jans: demand for payment of purchased brandy: counter-claim: disputed: ordered to pay 1665-07-18 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_023 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Hendrick Coustrie: Samuel Edsal and Warnaer Wessel v. John Rider: attorney of Thomas Lovis: postponed 1665-07-18 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_024 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Albert Alberts v. Nathaniel Britten: reply submitted: copy ordered 1665-07-18 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_025 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Mettie Wessels v. Pieter Wolpherts van Couwenhoven: default 1665-07-18 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_026 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Tamis Davits v. Barent Harmens: demand for submission of proof of accusation of cattle not being brought in: ordered to pay half of wages 1665-07-18 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_027 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|Allard Anthonij v. George Walker: demand for compensation for carrying off his black called Lowies: witness testimony exhibited: denied: oath offered: referred to jury: judgment for defendant 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_028 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Nathaniel Britten v. Albert Alberts: reply submitted: translation ordered 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_030 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Dirck van Cliff v. Timotheus Gabrie: demand for payment of balance of debt according to obligation: acknowledged: ordered to pay 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_031 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Warnaer Wessels v. Hendrick spanjaert: default 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_032 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Jacob van Couwenhoven v. Sijmon Jans Romeijn: attorney of Johan Withart: and Jacob Vis: demand for settlement of accounts of a brewery in company: ordered to complete accounts and settle 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_033 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Stoffel van Laer v. Adriaen van Laer: demand for acceptance of tobacco as surety for Claes Boot: quality disputed: referred to arbitrators 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_034 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Request|Arent Juriaens Lantsman for an order to Lodewijck Pos not to detain his wife any longer: referred to jury: decision to order Beletie Lodewicx to return to her husband 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_035 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Request|Jacob Vis for the appointment of arbitrators for revision of the earlier decision in his suit with Sijmon Jans Romeijn: attorney of Jan Withart: as to the purchase of black amber: granted 1665-07-25 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_036 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|William Hallet v. Jacques Cousseau: demand for proper account with particulars of various business deals: disputed: referred to jury: judgment for defendant: appeal to Court of Assizes announced 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_038 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Jacques Cousseau v. William Hallet: demand for delivery of obligation: jury judgment for plaintiff 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_041 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Nathaniel Britten v. Albert Alberts: demand for delivery of house and land in New Utrecht according to contract: disputed: referred to jury: judgment for defendant 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_042 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Jacob van Couwenhoven v. Jan Everts Bout: demand for payment of debt according to account and obligation: acknowledged: counter-claims: referred to arbitrators 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_045 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Jan Teunissen van N: Haerlem v. Resolveert Waldron: demand for reparation of honor after slander of theft: disputed: demand dismissed 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_046 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Abel Hardenbroeck v. Denijs Isaacks: accusation of threatening behavior: challenge to duel alleged: referred to Court of Assizes: surety ordered 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_047 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Mette Wessels v. Sergeant Oxton: demand of payment of debt in sewant for rent according to account: copy granted 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_048 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Sijmon Jans Romeijn: curator of the estate of Salamon La Chair: v. Jacob van Couwenhoven: demand for payment of debt in beavers according to obligation: disputed: referred to arbitrators 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_050 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Decision|As to fines for late arrivals of magistrates and jurors at court sessions 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_051 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Egbert Meijnderts v. Crijn Jacobs: demand for payment of debt according to judgment: acknowledged: ordered to pay 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_052 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Sheriff Allard Anthonij v. Thomas Lodewijcx: demand for fine for pleasure-boating on a Sunday: ignorance pleaded: excused 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_053 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Jeremij Wetheral v. John Rider: attorney of Will Carver: demand for payment of debt in tobacco for wages on ship and in Virginia: disputed: partial judgment for plaintiff 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_055 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Case|Will Carver v. Jeremij Wetheral: demand for payment of compensation for damage through dereliction of duty in managing vessel: denied: judgment for defendant 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_056 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Request|Arian Cornelissen bouwman for some abatement of his tappers excise: granted 1665-08-22 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_054 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)
Minutes|Court|To pay Warnaer Wessels for his services in gauging: according to submitted account 1665-09-19 NYC-RNA_V5_bk1_057 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670)