Document: Appearance|Arent Jurriaanzen Lantsman: Lodowijck Pos and his wife: and Beletje: wife of Lantsman: written reply to remonstrance required: ordered to summon witnesses

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Appearance|Arent Jurriaanzen Lantsman: Lodowijck Pos and his wife: and Beletje: wife of Lantsman: written reply to remonstrance required: ordered to summon witnesses|Request |Grietje Pieters for an order to Saartje Teunis to provide proof of the accusation of stealing beavers: granted|Request |Nicolaas de Meijer for authentification of an account with Andrees Herpers: granted|Affidavit|Request of Geertje Hendricks: wife of Dirck Gerrisen: for postponement of the suit brought by Mattheus de Vos: substitute of Cristiaen Davidts: attorney of Tomas Hall: granted

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