Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant |
1663-09-09 |
NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0085 |
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) |
New York State Archives |
Oath of office taken by Gerrit Cock |
1663-09-13 |
NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0086 |
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from directors of the Amsterdam chamber of the W. I. Company to vice-director Beeckman |
1663-11-15 |
NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0087 |
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant |
1663-12-05 |
NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0088 |
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant |
1663-12-06 |
NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0089 |
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant |
1663-12-28 |
NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0090 |
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant |
1664-01-12 |
NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0091 |
New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664) |
New York State Archives |
Meeting:Burgomasters and Schepenen with Director General Stuyvesant |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_407 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Blank page |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_456 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-09-07 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_267 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Arent van Hattem v. Andries Pieterse; default |
1654-09-07 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_268 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-09-10 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_269 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-09-14 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_270 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request:Mr. Coo of note being taken of the altercation between him and Tomas Wandel |
1654-09-14 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_271 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extraordinary court session: |
1654-09-16 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_272 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extraordinary court session: |
1654-09-22 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_273 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Resolution:To send a letter to the West India Company Directors |
1654-09-22 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_274 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-10-05 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_275 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Govert Loockermans v. Hendrick Pietersen kint int water; demand for enclosing land according to contract; promise to do so |
1654-10-05 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_276 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Hendrick Jansen v. Ritchert Bullock; default; demand for return of a canoe; arrest of monies in the hands of Jacob van Couwenhoven valid |
1654-10-05 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_277 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-10-12 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_278 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Jacob Bakker; attorney of Adriaen Blommaert; v. Michiel Tadens; demand for payment of debt for freight; acknowledged; ordered to pay |
1654-10-12 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_279 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-10-19 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_280 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Salamon Piers; attorney of Rycke Nounes; v. Assar Leeven; demand for payment of debt for freight and passage money; goods sold at auction; unable to pay; ordered to pay |
1654-10-19 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_281 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Ritchert Bridnel v. Willem Harck; default |
1654-10-19 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_282 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-10-26 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_283 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Luycas Elderssen v. Pieter Jacobsen; captain lieutenant; demand for payment of transferred debt; acknowledged; Jacob Haey to be summoned |
1654-10-26 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_284 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Willem Beeckman v. Antony Fernando; demand for payment of debt for land rent; eviction disputed; agreement reached |
1654-10-26 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_285 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-11-02 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_286 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Mr. Luycas Eldersen v. Jacob Haey; default; demand for payment of transferred debt; Jacob Haey to be summoned again |
1654-11-02 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_287 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-11-09 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_288 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Jan Jansen van Broutangie v. Jan Jansen van Groeteboecken; demand for compensation for assault on him and his wife; theft of brandy; disputed; oath offered |
1654-11-09 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_289 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Borger Jorisen v. Poulus Heymans; default |
1654-11-09 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_290 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Proclamation:Institution of a rattle watch; those interested to come to meeting on 16 November |
1654-11-10 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_291 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Roelof Janssen v. Jacob Backer; default; demand for payment of debt for wages for building a cellar; according to judgment; execution granted |
1654-11-23 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_292 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision:To submit a petition to Director General and Council |
1654-11-23 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_293 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-11-30 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_294 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Engeltie Mans v. Tryntie; the wife of Poulus Heymans; demand for payment of balance of debt for delivered beer; disputed; ordered to pay |
1654-11-30 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_295 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-12-07 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_296 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Reply:Johannes Nefius to Govert Loockermans; attorney of Pieter Cornelissen van der Veen; as to his share in fitting out the ship Nieuwe Liefde; delay granted |
1654-12-07 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_297 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1654-12-14 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_298 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Laurens Cornelisen van der Wel v. Michiel Paulisen; default |
1654-12-14 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_299 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extraordinary court session: |
1654-12-18 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_300 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extraordinary court session: |
1655-01-05 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_347 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-01-18 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_301 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Jan Janssen van Broutange; kleermaker; v. Cornelis Hendricksen van Dort; demand for payment of debt for woollen cloak and coat; referred to arbitrators |
1655-01-18 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_302 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Johannes de Peyster and Johannes Nefius; as deacons; v. Hendrick Hendricksen kleermaker; repayment of a loan; acknowledged; delay requested; ordered to pay |
1655-01-18 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_303 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-01-25 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_304 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Election:Election of Burgomasters and Schepenen |
1655-01-31 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_307 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-02-01 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_305 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Apostil:On the request of Allard Antonij as to a deposited sum of money in his suit with Pieter Cornelisen van der Veen; return ordered |
1655-02-01 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_306 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appointment:Dirck van Schelluijne as bailiff |
1655-02-06 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_308 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Instruction:Instruction for Dirck van Schelluijne as bailiff |
1655-02-06 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_309 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session : |
1655-02-08 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_311 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice:Notice by schout Cornelis van Tienhoven of some people intending to ride the goose; decided that the fiscael will forbid it |
1655-02-08 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_312 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session : |
1655-02-22 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_313 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Apostil:On the request of Sybout Clasen timmerman as to the construction of sheet piling before City Hall; ordered to continue |
1655-02-22 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_314 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-03-01 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_315 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Gerrit van Neut v. Jan Sybrantsen; demand for return of a borrowed gun; delivery promised |
1655-03-01 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_316 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice :Notice of Allard Antonij as to the proceeds of the lottery of bibles and the appointment of supervisors |
1655-03-01 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_317 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session : |
1655-03-08 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_318 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Borger Jorisen v. Marijn Luyckesen; default |
1655-03-08 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_319 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Nicolaes Terhaer v. Arent Janssen; provost; default |
1655-03-08 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_320 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-03-15 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_321 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Cornelia Schellinger v. Lubbert van Dincklagen; demand for payment of debt according to obligation; authority of husband required |
1655-03-15 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_322 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Skipper Sijmon Clasen v. Tomas Hall; demand for payment of debt in tobacco for hops; counter-claim; referred to arbitrators |
1655-03-15 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_323 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Gysbert van Imbroecke v. Nataniel Hasart; default; parents to be summoned |
1655-03-15 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_324 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Petition:Neighbors living on the street of the canal; requesting paving |
1655-03-15 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_325 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice:Notice of Allard Antonij; as attorney of Jacob Janssen Huys; that he appeals the judgment in his suit with Pieter Rudolphus |
1655-03-22 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_326 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extraordinary court session: |
1655-03-24 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_327 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-04-12 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_328 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order:Cornelis Schudt to remove his store of salt from the City Hall; final warning |
1655-04-12 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_329 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-04-16 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_330 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Ordinance:Stipulating the starting times of court sessions; with fines for being late or absent |
1655-04-16 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_331 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-04-19 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_332 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Pieter Taelman v. Ritchert Latten; acceptance of deduction for transferred debt on obligation; denied; proof of payment required |
1655-04-19 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_333 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Apostil:On the request of Nicolaes Langevelthuysen for permission to tap; permission of Council required; further apostil: granted |
1655-04-19 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_334 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Sentence:Sentence of Aryaen Janssen van Spreclicxhoorn for drawing a knife and wounding his skipper; to ask forgiveness and fined |
1655-04-19 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_335 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-04-26 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_336 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Apostil:On the request of Jan Janssen Langedyck for execution in his suit against Nicolaes van Holstijn; as arbitrators have decided in his favor; granted |
1655-04-26 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_337 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Tomas Stevensen v. Tomas Hall; attorney of Jan Robins; demand for payment of debt for freight according to judgment; inadmissability alleged; referred to Council |
1655-04-26 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_338 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extraordinary court session: |
1655-05-05 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_340 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request:Arent Janssen; provost; for use of the side room in the City Hall; granted |
1655-05-05 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_341 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Opinions:Opinions on the request of the court martial of the burgher guard as to the acquisition of two drums |
1655-05-15 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_342 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Apostil:On the sentence in the suit between Hendrick van Dyck v. Claes Janssen Ruyter and Harmen Douwesen; execution ordered |
1655-05-24 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_343 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-05-31 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_344 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Judick Verleth v. Willem Beeckman; demand for payment of debt according to assignment on Jacob van Corlaer; arrest on monies in the hands of Dirck de pottebacker; disputed; arrest invalid; conveyance required |
1655-05-31 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_345 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Jan Hendricksen Coopal v. Isaack de Foreest; demand for delivery of gun barrels and locks; non-delivery disputed; proof required |
1655-05-31 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_346 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-06-07 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_348 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Jacob Willemssen v. Frerick de backer’s servant; default |
1655-06-07 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_349 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Apostil:Apostil in the suit between Allart Antonij and Abram Verplancke; copy granted |
1655-06-07 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_350 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-06-14 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_351 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Marretie Jorissen v. Andries de Haes; complaint about slander and insult; denied; proof required |
1655-06-14 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_352 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-06-21 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_353 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Arent Pieterssen v. Adriaen van der Donck; default; demand for payment of debt for wages; reply ordered |
1655-06-21 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_354 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Extraordinary court session: |
1655-06-25 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_355 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-06-28 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_356 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Case:Andries Hoppen v. Cosyn Gerritsen; default |
1655-06-28 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_357 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision:To propose fees for gauging measurements to Director General and Council |
1655-06-28 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_358 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Court Session: |
1655-07-05 |
NYC-RNA_V1_bk3_359 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V1_1653-1656) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |