Van Nordstrand Family Marker
Spouse | Marriage |
Jannetje Jacobsen (ID: 1609,000,148) | 1609,000,146 - 1609,000,148 van Nordstrand - Jacobsen |
Jacob Jansen van Nordstrand, from the North Frisian island of Nordstrand, came to New Netherland some time after the 1634 flood that destroyed his homeland near the North Sea. His home country, North Friesland was known for building additional land, often protected by dykes until the Burchardi flood of 1634. He settled in Rensselaerwyck, in the south eastern corner of what is now Saratoga County, at a place called "Halve Maen" or Half Moon, as his daughter Jannetje on the marriage record statead that she was born there. He was by trade a brewer.
Jacob Jansz
From Noordstrandt, or Norstrandt (Nordstrand, an island off the coast of Schleswig); appears first in 1642, when supplies furnished to him are charged to Cornelisz Hendricksz van Nes. With others, he took the oath of fealty, Nov 28, 1651 (Note: Other sources date this to May 21, 1652) See: (O’Callaghan’s History of New Netherlands, vol. i., pp. 433, 441)
Jacob Jansz Van Nostrandt took the oath to the Patroon, Killiaen Van Rensselaer.
" I N. N., promise and swear that I shall be true and faithful to the noble Patroon and Co-directors, or those who represent them here, and to the Hon'ble Director, Commissioners and Council, subjecting. myself to the Court of the Colonie ; and I promise to demean myself as a good and faithful inhabitant or Burgher, without exciting any opposition, tumult or noise ; but on the contrary, as a loyal Inhabitant, to maintain and support offensively and defensively, against every one, the Right and Jurisdiction of the Colonie. And with reverence and fear of the Lord, and uplifting of both the first fingers of the right hand, I say—So Truly help me God Almighty."
Munsell’s History 0} Albany, Deacons account book, Dutch Church, Albany.—The book opens with an inventory of the investments of the surplus money in the hands of the consistory
belonging to the poor.
“ Aug. 16, 1651, Jacob Janse Van Norstrant, 72 guilders.
“ Nov. 4, 1654. Jacob Jansen Van Norstrant, 300. guilders.
“ Apl. 29, 1665. Jakop Jans van Norstran, 40. guilders.
1676, Jacob the Brewer was referred to again. Obtained a patent for land in Albany in 1652, as Jacob Janse Van Nostrandt the brewer; had a patent for a lot on the east corner of Beaver and South Pearl Street, 9 rods by 8^. This plot seems to have been divided into three smaller parcels, Nos. 1.2,3.
1680, he conveyed No. 1 to Hendrick Gerritse Vander Meulen. York he appears to have had issue: Jan Jacobse, m. Agniette . Jacob Jacobse, m. Annetje Croesvelt. Aaron Jacobse, m. Aeltje Van Steenwick; m. Geerty fon
Gelder. Jannetje Jacobse, m. Jacob Hoogteeling. Maria Jacobse, m. A. V. Bremen. gniet Jacobse, and possibly Pieter Jacobsen, the miller of Esopus. There was a Peter Van Noortstrandt in Hurley, who took the oath in
1687 as being an inhabitant for 29 years, and the record of this Pieter is being compiled by Mr. N. J. Ostrander of New Dorp, N. Y.
1650, Jannetje Jacobse, (sup.) dau. of Aaron Jacobsen, widower,
who m., Aug. 16, 1685, Elizabeth Valvinck, widow.
A Documentary History, of the Dutch Congregation of Oyster Bay, Queens County, Island of Nassau. (Now Long Island)
1902 Henry Augustus Stoutenburgh Pgs. 601 - 602