Gysbert Teunissen
van Barnevelt
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Ancestor Notes

Gysbert Teunissen van Barnevelt,  Married Magdalena Waele (Madelena Wale) 1659-03-01, she was the widow of Jochim Calder and had 5 children when she married Gysbert.  Gysbert already had 4 children at the time, so they must have had a busy household.  See Stokes Vol II, N5 for more info.  TD

MYSTERY - When did Gysbert come to New Amsterdam?  See this info on someone with the same name at about the same time.  Is this the same man?  He did have a previous marriage that ended by 1659 although 3 rather than 4 children are listed, and he died in Long Island. See the listing below to help us solve this mystery.  TD:
Ancestors of Willemtje Gysberts

Willemtje GYSBERTS (Comegys) was born about AUG 1642 in Barnevelt, Holland. She was baptized on AUG 28 1642 in Willempie d' van Gysber Toenisse. She died before 1679 in Chester, Kent County, Md.

Gysbert TEUNISSEN was born about 1623 in Garderen (Gederland), HOL.. He died about 1682 in Bushwick, L.I.. He was married to Aeltgen Wouters VERSCHUER on SEP 12 1641.

Aeltgen Wouters VERSCHUER was born about 1620 in Stoutenburg, HOL.. She died before 1659.

Gysbert TEUNISSEN and Aeltgen Wouters VERSCHUER had the following children:

i. Willemtje GYSBERTS .

ii. Wouter GYSBERTSEN was born about 1644 in Barneveld, HOL.. He was baptized on FEB 18 1644 in Wouter soone van Gysber Toenisse. He died in Bushwick, L.I..

iii. Jacob GYSBERTSEN was born about 1647 in Barneveld, HOL.. He died in Bushwick, L.I..


Stokes Vol II, N5

wid Magdalena Waele m. Mar 1659, to Gysbert Teunissen, (van Barnevelt); Vacant lot to Adriaen van Laer  Apr 5, 1660