Document: Declarations of soldiers respecting the shooting of Harmen Hendricksen

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Declarations of sundry soldiers respecting the shooting of Harmen Hendricksen aforesaid.

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Today, 21 June 1662, appeared before me, Abraham van Nas, appointed notary public by the honorable director-general and council of New Netherland, the undersigned witnesses: Casper Luter, soldier, about 30 years old and Hendrick Dyck, also soldier, about 26 years old, who, at the request of the vice-director, Willem Beeckman, testified and declared to be the truth, first, that he, Hendrick Dyck, deponent, on Monday evening about eight or nine o'clock was sitting at a table in Fop Jansen Outhout's house in the colony of New Amstel, when he heard Elyas Routs complain that he had been struck on the chest by a stone as he crossed the street. Also, that he drew his sword and went alone to Gerrit van Sweeringe's house; however, since he, the deponent, was following him at some distance, he could hear him say something to the schout, but could not understand what he said. He saw the schout come out of the door with the apparent intention of grabbing him, but Elyas pointed his sword at the schout's chest and made him desist. Also, about half an hour later three of them, i.e., with the deceased Harmen Hendricksen van Deventer and with Dominikus Sybrants and no more, went out for a walk, leaving Elyas at Fop Jansz Outhout's house. With everyone singing they approached the house of Schout van Sweeringen. He, the deponent, heard the schout yell out his door, "What's the meaning of walking on the steet disturbing the peace?" and similar expressions. They answered, "We have a right to use the street; besides, we aren't disturbing the peace." The schout replied, "You are disturbing the peace; in fact, you struck me on the chest with your sword." Also, that he, the deponent, along with the other two answered that they were innocent and that none of them had done it. To this the schout responded, "You are lying, you did do it!" ordering them to leave at once or he would beat them black and blue. Also, that the deceased said to him, "If you want to beat us black and blue, then come outside if you're really a brave guy." Then the schout fired a shot over the lower door with some sort of firearm, saying while he shot, "That'll hit!" Whereupon Harmen Hendricksz van Deventer said, "Hold me comrade and take me home, I've been hit!" Also, that he the deponent, and Dominikus Sybrants then carried him to Fop Jansz Outhout's house and called for the colony's surgeon. It was found that he had been mortally wounded in the lower stomach with birdshot; and as a result, died on the 21st of this month. With nothing further to declare, he, the deponent, offered to confirm all of the aforesaid by a solemn oath at any time, if so requested Casper Luter declared that he had been sitting drinking all this time and that he knew nothing except that he, the deponent Hendrick Dyck, and Dominukus Sybrantsz came into Fop Jansz' house with the wounded Harmen Hendricksz van Deventer and nothing more. Done at Altena in the presence of Mr. Andries Hudde and Thomas Vorst, summoned as witnesses, who, together with the deponents and me, the notary, have signed the original of this document on the aforesaid day, month and year.

Quod attestor,Abraham van Nas,notary public.

Agrees with the original.Dated as above.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. 18-19, Delaware Papers: Dutch Period, 1648-1664 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1981).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
New Netherland|New Amstel|Deventer|Altena
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Harmen Hendricksen|Abraham van Nas|Casper Luter|Hendrick Dyck|Willem Beeckman|Hendrick Dyck|Fop Jansen Outhout|Elyas Routs|Gerrit van Sweeringe|Dominikus Sybrants|Andries Hudde|Thomas Vorst|Abraham van Nas
Document Location