Document: Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant

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Letter. William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant; dispatches sent overland to the Manhattans; state of affairs on the Delaware.

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Noble, Honorable, high Esteemed and very Prudent Lord:

My Lord, on the 12th of this month Sander Boyer and van Nas were dispatched by Mr. Alrichs to insure the safety of those letters sent by an Indian on the 9th, which inform you of our encounter with the English. Boyer and van Nas returned to New Amstel yesterday evening, relating that the Indians at Meggeckesou had advised them against continuing because the Raritans had fled for fear of those Indians from Manhattan. Therefore, Mr. Alrichs sent for me and we both agreed (all the more, since we have no assurance that the Indian has made it through) that the schout, Gerrit van Sweringen, should be dispatched overland with 9 or 10 men as soon as possible, with whom I shall send two soldiers as well.

My Lord, two days ago an Englishman came here and to New Amstel, offering to hire himself out here; and another one came who lived in New Amstel last year. They say that when Colonel Utie arrived home, he announced that 500 men were to hold themselves ready until further orders, but we can hardly believe it. It is also said that some of them would return here shortly to wait for our orders and recommendations from Manhattan.

My Lord, last Monday I sent one of our soldiers [ to Maryland ] who speaks English and who has also been there many times and who has lived at Bycker's place in Virginia, with an ancker of sack in order to find out about everything by that pretext; especially whether any preparations were being made. This same Claes de Witt, or soldier, was there as well when the colonel departed from home for this place. I expect his return tomorrow or the day after. On the 16th of this month I urgently requested of the schout, van Dyck, and the commissary that 8 or 10 men from their nation be sent to me for the protection of Fort Altena until I had relief from Manhattan. As of yet, I have received no reply of any kind.

Noble, most Esteemed Lord, I shall expect your order and relief as soon as possible. In the meantime, I shall employ extreme caution. Furthermore, I also expect means of maintenance as well as stockings, shoes, shirts, sewant and some material for clothing, since winter is coming.

My Lord, Captain Jan Jacops arrived yesterday. He learned from my wife of the sad news that you had been extremely ill but have now, through God's grace, reasonably recovered. May God Almighty grant you strength and your former health, with a long life.

I have, praise the Lord, now recovered reasonably well, having had scarlet fever for the last 7 or 8 days. I hope that I have now overcome this climate.

I also understand that you were generally displeased with my transmitted accounts. I declare that I would not have done that if the great emergency had not required it. I have not even done any building but have only promoted your plan so that other carpenter's expenses have been mostly deducted from the Swedes. During the summer I found it necessary to advance the recently sent duffels, as well as the Indian corn, bread and grain needed for the fort, and some other necessities. I respectfully request that you please send me 3 or 400 guilders because I am completely destitute.

In conclusion I commend you to God's merciful protection with wishes for a long life and prosperous administration. Remaining, after cordial greetings and thanks for all the respect and friendship accorded to my wife.

[ Marginal Notation: ] My Lord, I request that 3 or 4 small cannons be sent to me so that we may also have something to defend [ ] fort and honor.

[ Addressed: ] Noble, Honorable, most Esteemed and very Prudent Lord. My Lord Petrus Stuyvesant, Director- General of New Netherland, Curacao, etc. Residing in Fort Amsterdam on Manhattan.

Willem Beeckman


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. 18-19, Delaware Papers: Dutch Period, 1648-1664 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1981).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
Maryland|Manhattan|Delaware|New Amstel|Meggeckesou|Virginia|Fort Altena
To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Petrus Stuyvesant
From Party 1
From Party 1 Text Unlinked
William Beekman
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Sander Boyervan Nas|Jacob Alrichs|Gerrit van Sweringen|Colonel Utie|Claes de Witt|Captain Jan Jacops
Document Location