Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 12-14 November 1642

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Court proceedings. Minute of the amicable settlement of a slander suit between Adriaen van der Donck, sheriff of Renselaerswyck, and Frans Allersen, cooper. Declaration of Hendrick Jansen, from Oldenburgh, a soldier stationed at Achter Col, that he had sold powder to Schepmoes. [1642];Notice, by beat of drum, to Thomas Pop and Roger Jorissen, deserters, to make their appearance and defend themselves from such charge. [1642]

Document Date
1642-11-12 to 1642-11-14
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On the 12th of November 1642

Whereas criminal charges and suit for slander between Adriaen vander Donck, officer of Renselaerswyck, and Frans Allersz, cooper, have been brought before us in which the honor of the parties is attacked; therefore, the parties having entered into an amicable and a friendly agreement, acknowledge that they know nothing of each other but what redounds to their honor and virtue. Consequently the case is dismissed.

Hendrick Jansen from Oldenborch, aged 20 years, soldier, acknowledges that he bought from the gunner 2 pounds of powder to be used at Achtert Col, where he was commanded to go, which powder he sold to Schepmoes; also 8 yards of linen out of the store of which he sold 4 yards to the wife of Jan Pietersz for fl. 3:10.

Hendric Jansen is ordered to perform his guard duty as required arid to remain in the Fort until next session of the court.

On the 14th of November 1642

Whereas Tomas Pop and Rogier Jorissen, both soldiers in the service of the Chartered West India Company, forgetting their honor and oath, have presumed to leave their respective companies without furlough or passports, all of which is directly contrary to the articles sworn to by them, is unservicable to the country and tends to lessen the military discipline and respect for the high authorities; therefore, the aforesaid soldiers are summoned to appear by the beating of the drum and called upon to justify themselves in respect to these desertions, on pain, if after having been three times summoned they do not appear, of being proceeded against by the honorable fiscal as according to military law shall be found necessary. This proclaimed by the beating of the drum.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 148.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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