On the 28th of August 1642
Cornelio vender Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Jan from Meppelen, defendant, for slander. The defendant is ordered to present proof that the plaintiff slandered him first.
Cornelio vander Hoykens, plaintiff, vs. the gunner of the Sevensterre, defendant, for having beaten his skipper. Defendant is ordered to pay a fine of 5 gl. to the fiscal.
Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, plaintiff, vs. Hans Nicola, defendant. It is ordered that the fiscal shall further investigate the matter.
Having seen the complaint of the fiscal with regard to the great loss which the honorable Company sustains on account of the spoiling of the trade with the savages by the English within our limits and usual places of trading, especially by one George Lamberton residing at the Rodeberch, notwithstanding we have expressly protested against him, we have resolved not to allow this unless he, Lamberton, pay the duties to the Company. The fiscal being hereby authorized to constrain him thereto.
Tomas Smith, plaintiff, vs. Jan Pietersz from Amsterdam, defendant. The plaintiff demands a gun which the defendant is ordered to bring to the courtyard within the Fort and thereupon they are to settle their account.
Willem Cornelisz Coster, plaintiff, vs. the skipper of the Houttyn, for leakage of wine and ruination of cloth. Eslant, Opjyk and the skipper Laurens are appointed referees to inspect the damage.
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