Jochim Pietersen Kuyter is accused:
1. Of having compared Director Kieft to "Saul," and one Augustyn Herman to "David", who sometimes soothed his anger by playing. But one witness.
2. Of having proposed at Bronck’s house during the peace conference with the Indians to throw the Sachems into the cellar and to fire on the rest. For this there are two witnesses, to wit, Jan Damen and Secretary Tienhoven, but they are not positive that they heard him say so.
3. Of having ordinarily treated the Indians ill and threatened to nip them with a pair of red hot tongs and after he had given them a drubbing in his house causing his servants to chase them as far as La Montange's farm. Only one witness.
4. Of having in the presence of the Eight Men or some of them, when assembled as a board, threatened the director with strange things when he laid down his office. This the director declares; also Mr. Allerton on our requisition.
5. Of having tried to induce Director Kieft to mortgage the Manhatans to the English, according to his petition and deposition. This concerns the accusation of each individually and the proofs thereof.
Now follows what they jointly are accused of:
1. That they have written libelous and slanderous letters against and to the prejudice of the honorable director. Among others, one dated the 28th of October 1644, wherein they accuse the director, as is to be seen and read in the copy of the original, the substance whereof is briefly as follows:
2. They stated that on the arrival of the ship De Blaeuwe Haen the director could have put 40 men in the field and accused him of having then neglected the opportunity to defeat the Indians within a radius of twenty miles.
3- That the people no longer take any interest in the country or public affairs, but waste their time in private disputes and quarrels.
4. That the director usurps princely power over them, Montangne maintaining that the director was his Highness' lieutenant here and possessed more power than even the Company.
5. That the Eight Men when assembled were always met with foul and taunting words.
6. That the treatise about the war sent to the directors contained as many lies as lines.
7. That 2500 pounds of gunpowder were confiscated and put in the powder cellar and that not 500 pounds were used or consumed in the war.
8. That the Indians had heretofore always lived like lambs with us and our nation, but the director was seized with a reckless desire for war and by an accursed order caused the Indians to be murdered.
9. That the high station and authority of the director had hindered and prevented skipper Laurens from defending his case; and many other things, as are to be seen and read in the original.
All of which points, Director Kieft and the former officers declare and prove by counter evidence to be false and malicious lies.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 309.